package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; import com.dougkeen.bart.BartRunnerApplication; import com.dougkeen.bart.R; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.Constants; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.Departure; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.RealTimeDepartures; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.ScheduleInformation; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.ScheduleItem; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.Station; import com.dougkeen.bart.model.StationPair; import com.dougkeen.bart.networktasks.BartApiException; import com.dougkeen.bart.networktasks.GetRealTimeDeparturesTask; import com.dougkeen.bart.networktasks.GetScheduleInformationTask; import com.googlecode.androidannotations.annotations.EService; @EService public class EtdService extends Service { private IBinder mBinder; private Map mServiceEngineMap; public EtdService() { super(); mBinder = new EtdServiceBinder(); mServiceEngineMap = new HashMap(); } public void registerListener(EtdServiceListener listener, boolean limitToFirstNonDeparted) { StationPair stationPair = getStationPairFromListener(listener); if (stationPair == null) return; if (!mServiceEngineMap.containsKey(stationPair)) { mServiceEngineMap.put(stationPair, new EtdServiceEngine(stationPair)); } mServiceEngineMap.get(stationPair).registerListener(listener, limitToFirstNonDeparted); } private StationPair getStationPairFromListener(EtdServiceListener listener) { StationPair route = listener.getStationPair(); if (route == null) {, "Somehow we got a listener that's returning a null route O_o"); } return route; } public void unregisterListener(EtdServiceListener listener) { StationPair stationPair = getStationPairFromListener(listener); if (stationPair == null) { for (EtdServiceEngine engine : mServiceEngineMap.values()) { engine.unregisterListener(listener); } } else if (mServiceEngineMap.containsKey(stationPair)) { mServiceEngineMap.get(stationPair).unregisterListener(listener); } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } public interface EtdServiceListener { void onETDChanged(final List departures); void onError(String errorMessage); void onRequestStarted(); void onRequestEnded(); StationPair getStationPair(); } public class EtdServiceBinder extends Binder { public EtdService getService() { return EtdService.this; } } private class EtdServiceEngine { private static final int UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD = 17; private final StationPair mStationPair; private boolean mIgnoreDepartureDirection = false; private boolean mPendingEtdRequest = false; private Map mListeners; private boolean mLimitToFirstNonDeparted = true; private List mLatestDepartures; private ScheduleInformation mLatestScheduleInfo; private String mLatestDepartureError; private AsyncTask mGetDeparturesTask; private AsyncTask mGetScheduleInformationTask; private Handler mRunnableQueue; private boolean mStarted = false; public EtdServiceEngine(final StationPair route) { mStationPair = route; mListeners = new HashMap(); mRunnableQueue = new Handler(); mLatestDepartures = new ArrayList(); } protected void registerListener(EtdServiceListener listener, boolean limitToFirstNonDeparted) { mListeners.put(listener, true); if (!limitToFirstNonDeparted) { mLimitToFirstNonDeparted = false; } if (!mPendingEtdRequest) { mStarted = true; fetchLatestDepartures(); } // Replay ETD or error event if (!mLatestDepartures.isEmpty()) { listener.onETDChanged(mLatestDepartures); } else if (mLatestDepartureError != null) { listener.onError(mLatestDepartureError); } } protected void unregisterListener(EtdServiceListener listener) { mListeners.remove(listener); if (mListeners.isEmpty()) { if (mGetDeparturesTask != null && mGetDeparturesTask.getStatus().equals( AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING)) { mGetDeparturesTask.cancel(true); } if (mGetScheduleInformationTask != null && mGetScheduleInformationTask.getStatus().equals( AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING)) { mGetScheduleInformationTask.cancel(true); } mStarted = false; } } private void notifyListenersOfETDChange() { for (EtdServiceListener listener : mListeners.keySet()) { listener.onETDChanged(mLatestDepartures); } } private void notifyListenersOfError(String errorMessage) { for (EtdServiceListener listener : mListeners.keySet()) { listener.onError(errorMessage); } } private void notifyListenersOfRequestStart() { for (EtdServiceListener listener : mListeners.keySet()) { listener.onRequestStarted(); } } private void notifyListenersOfRequestEnd() { for (EtdServiceListener listener : mListeners.keySet()) { listener.onRequestEnded(); } } private void fetchLatestDepartures() { if (mGetDeparturesTask != null && mGetDeparturesTask.equals(AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING)) { // Don't overlap fetches return; } if (!mStarted) return; GetRealTimeDeparturesTask task = new GetRealTimeDeparturesTask( mIgnoreDepartureDirection) { @Override public void onResult(RealTimeDepartures result) { mLatestDepartureError = null; Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Processing data from server"); processLatestDepartures(result); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Done processing data from server"); notifyListenersOfRequestEnd(); mPendingEtdRequest = false; } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { Log.w(Constants.TAG, e.getMessage(), e); if (e instanceof BartApiException) { mLatestDepartureError = e.getMessage(); } else { mLatestDepartureError = getString(R.string.could_not_connect); } notifyListenersOfError(mLatestDepartureError); // Try again in 60s scheduleDepartureFetch(60000); notifyListenersOfRequestEnd(); } }; mGetDeparturesTask = task; Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Fetching data from server"); task.execute(mStationPair); notifyListenersOfRequestStart(); } private void fetchLatestSchedule() { if (mGetScheduleInformationTask != null && mGetScheduleInformationTask.getStatus().equals( AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING)) { // Don't overlap fetches return; } GetScheduleInformationTask task = new GetScheduleInformationTask() { @Override public void onResult(ScheduleInformation result) { Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Processing data from server"); mLatestScheduleInfo = result; applyScheduleInformation(result); Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Done processing data from server"); } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { Log.w(Constants.TAG, e.getMessage(), e); notifyListenersOfError(getString(R.string.could_not_connect)); // Try again in 60s scheduleScheduleInfoFetch(60000); } }; Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Fetching data from server"); mGetScheduleInformationTask = task; task.execute(mStationPair); } protected void applyScheduleInformation(ScheduleInformation result) { int localAverageLength = mLatestScheduleInfo.getAverageTripLength(); int departuresCount = mLatestDepartures.size(); // Let's get smallest interval between departures int smallestDepartureInterval = 0; long previousDepartureTime = 0; for (int departureIndex = 0; departureIndex < departuresCount; departureIndex++) { Departure departure = mLatestDepartures.get(departureIndex); if (previousDepartureTime == 0) { previousDepartureTime = departure.getMeanEstimate(); } else if (smallestDepartureInterval == 0) { smallestDepartureInterval = (int) (departure .getMeanEstimate() - previousDepartureTime); } else { smallestDepartureInterval = Math .min(smallestDepartureInterval, (int) (departure.getMeanEstimate() - previousDepartureTime)); } } // Match scheduled departures with real time departures in adapter int lastSearchIndex = 0; int tripCount = mLatestScheduleInfo.getTrips().size(); boolean departureUpdated = false; Departure lastUnestimatedTransfer = null; int departuresWithoutEstimates = 0; for (int departureIndex = 0; departureIndex < departuresCount; departureIndex++) { Departure departure = mLatestDepartures.get(departureIndex); for (int i = lastSearchIndex; i < tripCount; i++) { ScheduleItem trip = mLatestScheduleInfo.getTrips().get(i); // Definitely not a match if they have different // destinations if (!departure.getTrainDestination().abbreviation .equals(trip.getTrainHeadStation())) { continue; } long departTimeDiff = Math.abs(trip.getDepartureTime() - departure.getMeanEstimate()); final long millisUntilTripDeparture = trip .getDepartureTime() - System.currentTimeMillis(); final int equalityTolerance = (departure.getOrigin() != null) ? NumberUtils .max(departure.getOrigin().departureEqualityTolerance, ScheduleItem.SCHEDULE_ITEM_DEPARTURE_EQUALS_TOLERANCE, smallestDepartureInterval) : ScheduleItem.SCHEDULE_ITEM_DEPARTURE_EQUALS_TOLERANCE; if (departure.getOrigin() != null && departure.getOrigin().longStationLinger && departure.hasDeparted() && millisUntilTripDeparture > 0 && millisUntilTripDeparture < equalityTolerance) { departure.setArrivalTimeOverride(trip.getArrivalTime()); lastSearchIndex = i; departureUpdated = true; if (lastUnestimatedTransfer != null) { lastUnestimatedTransfer.setArrivalTimeOverride(trip .getArrivalTime()); departuresWithoutEstimates--; } break; } else if (departTimeDiff <= (equalityTolerance + departure .getUncertaintySeconds() * 1000) && departure.getEstimatedTripTime() != trip .getTripLength() && !(departure.getOrigin().longStationLinger && departure .hasDeparted())) { departure.setEstimatedTripTime(trip.getTripLength()); lastSearchIndex = i; departureUpdated = true; if (lastUnestimatedTransfer != null) { lastUnestimatedTransfer.setArrivalTimeOverride(trip .getArrivalTime()); departuresWithoutEstimates--; } break; } } // Don't estimate for non-scheduled transfers if (!departure.getRequiresTransfer()) { if (!departure.hasEstimatedTripTime() && localAverageLength > 0) { // Use the average we just calculated if available departure.setEstimatedTripTime(localAverageLength); } else if (!departure.hasEstimatedTripTime()) { // Otherwise just assume the global average departure.setEstimatedTripTime(mStationPair .getAverageTripLength()); } } else if (departure.getRequiresTransfer() && !departure.hasAnyArrivalEstimate()) { lastUnestimatedTransfer = departure; } if (!departure.hasAnyArrivalEstimate()) { departuresWithoutEstimates++; } } if (departureUpdated) { notifyListenersOfETDChange(); } // Update global average if (mLatestScheduleInfo.getTripCountForAverage() > 0) { int newAverageSampleCount = mStationPair .getAverageTripSampleCount() + mLatestScheduleInfo.getTripCountForAverage(); int newAverage = (mStationPair.getAverageTripLength() * mStationPair.getAverageTripSampleCount() + localAverageLength * mLatestScheduleInfo.getTripCountForAverage()) / newAverageSampleCount; mStationPair.setAverageTripLength(newAverage); mStationPair.setAverageTripSampleCount(newAverageSampleCount); } /* * If we still have some departures without estimates, try again * later */ if (departuresWithoutEstimates > 0) { scheduleScheduleInfoFetch(20000); } } private void processLatestDepartures(RealTimeDepartures result) { if (result.getDepartures().isEmpty()) { result.includeTransferRoutes(); } if (result.getDepartures().isEmpty()) { result.includeDoubleTransferRoutes(); } if (result.getDepartures().isEmpty() && mStationPair.isBetweenStations(Station.MLBR, Station.SFIA)) { /* * Let's try again, ignoring direction (this sometimes comes up * when you travel between Millbrae and SFO... sometimes you * need to travel north and transfer, sometimes you can travel * south for a direct line) */ mIgnoreDepartureDirection = true; scheduleDepartureFetch(50); return; } boolean needsBetterAccuracy = false; final Departure boardedDeparture = ((BartRunnerApplication) getApplication()) .getBoardedDeparture(); /* * Keep track of first departure, since we'll request another quick * refresh if it has departed. */ Departure firstDeparture = null; final List departures = result.getDepartures(); if (mLatestDepartures.isEmpty()) { // Just copy everything to the departure list for (Departure departure : departures) { if (firstDeparture == null) { firstDeparture = departure; } mLatestDepartures.add(departure); if (departure.equals(boardedDeparture)) { boardedDeparture.mergeEstimate(departure); } if (!departure.hasDeparted() && mLimitToFirstNonDeparted) { break; } } /* * Since all the departures are new, we'll definitely need * better accuracy */ needsBetterAccuracy = true; } else { /* * Let's merge the latest departure list with the instance * departure list */ int instanceListIndex = -1; for (Departure departure : departures) { instanceListIndex++; Departure existingDeparture = null; if (instanceListIndex < mLatestDepartures.size()) { existingDeparture = mLatestDepartures .get(instanceListIndex); } /* * Looks for departures at the beginning of the adapter that * aren't in the latest list of departures */ while (existingDeparture != null && !departure.equals(existingDeparture)) { // Remove old departure mLatestDepartures.remove(existingDeparture); if (instanceListIndex < mLatestDepartures.size()) { /* * Try again with next departure (keep in mind the * next departure is now at the current index, since * we removed a member) */ existingDeparture = mLatestDepartures .get(instanceListIndex); } else { // Reached the end of the list... give up existingDeparture = null; } } /* * Merge the estimate if we found a matching departure, * otherwise add a new one to the adapter */ if (existingDeparture != null) { existingDeparture.mergeEstimate(departure); } else { mLatestDepartures.add(departure); existingDeparture = departure; } // Set first departure if (firstDeparture == null) { firstDeparture = existingDeparture; } // Check if estimate is accurate enough if (existingDeparture.getUncertaintySeconds() > UNCERTAINTY_THRESHOLD) { needsBetterAccuracy = true; } if (departure.equals(boardedDeparture)) { boardedDeparture.mergeEstimate(departure); } if (!departure.hasDeparted() && mLimitToFirstNonDeparted) { break; } } } Collections.sort(mLatestDepartures); notifyListenersOfETDChange(); requestScheduleIfNecessary(); if (firstDeparture != null) { if (needsBetterAccuracy || firstDeparture.hasDeparted()) { // Get more data in 20s scheduleDepartureFetch(20000); } else { /* * Get more 90 seconds before next train arrives, right when * next train arrives, or 3 minutes, whichever is sooner */ final int intervalUntilNextDeparture = firstDeparture .getMinSecondsLeft() * 1000; final int alternativeInterval = 3 * 60 * 1000; int interval = intervalUntilNextDeparture; if (intervalUntilNextDeparture > 95000 && intervalUntilNextDeparture < alternativeInterval) { interval = interval - 90 * 1000; } else if (intervalUntilNextDeparture > alternativeInterval) { interval = alternativeInterval; } if (interval < 0) { interval = 20000; } scheduleDepartureFetch(interval); } } } private void requestScheduleIfNecessary() { // Bail if there's nothing to match schedules to if (mLatestDepartures.isEmpty()) { return; } // Fetch if we don't have anything at all if (mLatestScheduleInfo == null) { fetchLatestSchedule(); return; } /* * Otherwise, check if the latest departure doesn't have schedule * info... if not, fetch */ Departure lastDeparture = mLatestDepartures.get(mLatestDepartures .size() - 1); if (mLatestScheduleInfo.getLatestDepartureTime() < lastDeparture .getMeanEstimate()) { fetchLatestSchedule(); return; } else if (!lastDeparture.hasAnyArrivalEstimate()) { applyScheduleInformation(mLatestScheduleInfo); } } private long mNextFetchClockTime = 0; private void scheduleDepartureFetch(int millisUntilExecute) { mPendingEtdRequest = true; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long requestedFetchTime = now + millisUntilExecute; if (mNextFetchClockTime > now && mNextFetchClockTime < requestedFetchTime) { Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Did not schedule departure fetch, since one is already scheduled"); } else { mRunnableQueue.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { fetchLatestDepartures(); } }, millisUntilExecute); mNextFetchClockTime = requestedFetchTime; Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Scheduled another departure fetch in " + millisUntilExecute / 1000 + "s"); } } private void scheduleScheduleInfoFetch(int millisUntilExecute) { mRunnableQueue.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { fetchLatestSchedule(); } }, millisUntilExecute); Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Scheduled another schedule fetch in " + millisUntilExecute / 1000 + "s"); } } }