require 'sinatra' #require 'sinatra/activerecord' require 'json' require 'geocoder' require 'algorithms' require 'levenshtein' require './environments.rb' require './models/active.rb' require './lib/nextbus.rb' require './lib/utils.rb' # Uses bounds of the user and returns any agencies they are in the bounds of def get_contained_agencies(lat, lon) agencies = [] AgencyBound.all.each do |bound| if lat.between?(bound.lat_min, bound.lat_max) and lon.between?(bound.lon_min, bound.lon_max) agencies.push( end end return agencies end # Takes user input and agency and tries to find the most likely intended route def find_best_routes(agency, user_route) # Remove Line from end of user_route user_route = user_route.downcase user_route_words = user_route.split if user_route_words.last == 'line' user_route_words.pop end user_route = user_route_words.join(' ') # TODO: Remove before Prod routes = NextBus.routes(agency).parsed_response #routes = { # 'route' => [ # { # 'title' => 'F - Market Warves', # 'tag' => 'F' # }, # { # 'title' => 'P - ', # 'tag' => 'F' # } # ] #} probable_routes = routes['route'].each do |route| dist = min_val(Levenshtein.distance(user_route, route['title'].downcase), Levenshtein.distance(user_route, route['tag'].downcase)) route_match = user_route: user_route, match_route: route['tag'], match_title: route['title'], agency: agency, # TODO: Depending on App implementation, default to false and set true or oposite accepted: false, distance: dist ) probable_routes.push(dist, route_match) end routes = [] while not probable_routes.empty? and routes.length < 10 routes.push(probable_routes.pop) end return routes end # Takes an agency, route, and lat-lon and returns nearest predictions def get_nearest_predictions(agency, route, lat, lon) current_location = [lat, lon] print current_location route_config = NextBus.route_config(agency, route).parsed_response min_stops = route_config['route']['stop'].each do |stop| dist = Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between(current_location, [stop['lat'], stop['lon']]) min_stops.push(dist, stop) end #stop_directions = build_direction_map(route_config) stops = [], route_stops = [] while not min_stops.empty? and stops.length < 5 stop = min_stops.pop # Build array out of the 5 closest stops stops.push(stop) # Push route stops for fetching predictions route_stops.push({:route => route, :stop => stop['tag']}) end min_stops.clear prediction_multiple = NextBus.prediction_multiple(agency, route_stops).parsed_response # TODO: Possibly adjust sort order here if these appear to be wrong return prediction_multiple end def build_direction_map(route_config) # TODO: DEPRECIATE stop_directions = {} route_config['route']['direction'].each do |direction| direction['stop'].each do |stop| unless stop_directions[stop['tag']] stop_directions[stop['tag']] = [] end stop_directions[stop['tag']].push(direction['name']) end end return stop_directions end