require 'sinatra' require 'sinatra/activerecord' require 'json' require './cleartransit.rb' require './lib/nextbus.rb' get '/' do # TODO: Provide link to download the app 'Hello world! Go check out the repo: CanHazMuni-Web' end get '/working' do 'Hello world! Go check out the repo: CanHazMuni-Web' end # List all agencies get '/agency' do status 200 body(NextBus.agency_list.to_json) end # List all routes in an agency get '/agency/:agency/route' do |agency| status 200 body(NextBus.routes(agency).to_json) end # List all stops in a route get '/agency/:agency/route/:route/stop' do |agency, route| status 200 body(NextBus.route_config(agency, route).to_json) end # Get predictions for a given stop get '/agency/:agency/route/:route/stop/:stop' do |agency, route, stop| status 200 body(NextBus.prediction(agency, route, stop).to_json) end # Get predictions for nearest stop on given agency and route get '/agency/:agency/route/:route/nearest' do |agency, route| # will match /agency/sf-muni/route/F/nearest?lat=37.804016399999995&lon=-122.40376609999998 lat = to_f_nil(params[:lat]) lon = to_f_nil(params[:lon]) if params[:lat].nil? or lon.nil? or route.nil? status 404 else status 200 body(get_nearest_predictions(agency, route, lat, lon).to_json) end end # Primary feature # Usine Lat, Lon, determine nearest agency, and stops and provide predictions =begin rdoc get '/icanhaz' do # will match /icanhaz?lat=37.804016399999995&lon=-122.40376609999998&route=F%20line if params[:lat].nil? or params[:lon].nil? or params[:route].nil? status 404 else status 200 # TODO: Implement body({:thing1 => 'value'}.to_json) end end =end # Usine Lat, Lon and given agency, and user route and provide predictions get '/icanhaz/:agency' do |agency| # will match /icanhaz/sf-muni?lat=37.804016399999995&lon=-122.40376609999998&route=F%20line lat = to_f_nil(params[:lat]) lon = to_f_nil(params[:lon]) if agency.nil? or lat.nil? or lon.nil? or params[:route].nil? body("Error: Post convert agency: #{agency} lat: #{lat} lon: #{lon} route: #{params[:route]}") status 404 else status 200 # Use only the best route for now route = find_best_routes(agency, params[:route])[0] body(get_nearest_predictions(agency, route[:tag], params[:lat], params[:lon]).to_json) end end get '/icanhaz/agency/route' do # will match /icanhaz/agency/route?lat=37.804016399999995&lon=-122.40376609999998&route=F%20line lat = to_f_nil(params[:lat]) lon = to_f_nil(params[:lon]) if lat.nil? or lon.nil? or params[:route].nil? body("Error: Post convert lat: #{lat} lon: #{lon} route: #{params[:route]}") status 404 else agencies = get_contained_agencies(lat, lon) if agencies.empty? # TODO: Find better status code for something like this status 404 body("No service area found") else status 200 agency = agencies[0] user_route = params[:route]; # Get the most likely route in the agency # TODO: Match all the results returned to the RouteMatch class and insert all. # This will be super useful to provide a scroll list for the user to pick # alternate matches. The client can then mark which was actually matched. # When doing this, will probably want a unique "session" Id as well route_match = find_best_routes(agency, user_route)[0] body(route_match.to_json) end end end # Usine given agency, and user route, guess the route get '/icanhaz/:agency/route' do |agency| # will match /icanhaz/sf-muni/route?route=F%20line if agency.nil? or params[:route].nil? status 404 else status 200 user_route = params[:route]; # Get the most likely route in the agency # TODO: Match all the results returned to the RouteMatch class and insert all. # This will be super useful to provide a scroll list for the user to pick # alternate matches. The client can then mark which was actually matched. # When doing this, will probably want a unique "session" Id as well route_match = find_best_routes(agency, user_route)[0] body(route_match.to_json) end end # Usine given agency, and actual route, get the predictions get '/icanhaz/:agency/route/:route' do |agency, route| # will match /icanhaz/sf-muni/route/F?lat=37.804016399999995&lon=-122.40376609999998 # Optionally takes &match_id=123 lat = to_f_nil(params[:lat]) lon = to_f_nil(params[:lon]) if agency.nil? or route.nil? or lat.nil? or lon.nil? body("Error: Post convert lat: #{lat} lon: #{lon} route: #{params[:route]}") status 404 else status 200 # Get Id of databse tracked route match and indicate that it was accepted for predictions if not params[:match_id].nil? RouteMatch.update(params[:match_id], :accepted => true) end body(get_nearest_predictions(agency, route, lat, lon).to_json) end end get '/route_matches' do status 200 body(RouteMatch.all.to_json) end