
132 lines
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// FitbitWeight.swift
// FitKit
// Created by Ian Fijolek on 1/14/18.
// Copyright © 2018 iamthefij. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import HealthKit
/// FitSample is a generic protocol that represents a datum from the Fitbit API
protocol FitSample {
/// The integer ID from Fitbit for the given sample
var logId: Int { get }
/// The Fitbit source device
var source: String { get }
/// The date that this sample was taken
var date: Date { get }
/// Creates a HealthKit Sample from the Fitbit object
/// - Returns: New HKSample instance that can be added to HealthKit
func makeSample() -> HKSample
/// Generates a metadata dictionary to be stored in HealthKit
/// - Returns: Map of custom metadata keys to their values
func metadata() -> [String: Any]
/// Returns the HKSampleType for the FitSample for querying or creating of
/// new instances.
/// - Returns: <#return value description#>
func getSampleType() -> HKSampleType
/// Returns a predicate that can be used to retrieve this instance from
/// HealthKit, if it has been added.
/// - Returns: A new NSPredicate that can filter results of an HKSampleQuery
func getPredicate() -> NSPredicate
// MARK: - Extension FitSample to return a metdata dictionary
extension FitSample {
/// Returns default set of metadata for a FitSample
/// - Returns: dictionary including the Fitbit source and Id
func metadata() -> [String: Any] {
return [
"Fitbit Source": self.source,
"Fitbit Id": self.logId
/// Returns predicate filtering results based on the "Fitbit Id" metadata
/// - Returns: A new NSPredicate that should return an equivalent sample
/// from HealthKit
func getPredicate() -> NSPredicate {
return HKQuery.predicateForObjects(
withMetadataKey: "Fitbit Id",
operatorType: .equalTo,
value: self.logId
/// FitbitWeight is a concrete subclass of FitSample. It represents a weigh
/// measurement retrieved from the Fitbit
class FitbitWeight: FitSample {
var weight: Double
var bmi: Double
var logId: Int
var source: String
var date: Date
/// Convenience initializer to create a FitbitWeight based on a response
/// from the api
/// - Parameter result: [String: Any?] dictionary response from the API
convenience init(withResult result: [String: Any?]) {
// TODO: Probably unsafe, but Swift...
NSLog("Trying to initialize \(result)")
let dateStringFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateStringFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let dateString = result["date"] as! String
let timeString = result["time"] as! String
let weighDate = "\(dateString) \(timeString)")!
withWeight: result["weight"] as! Double,
withBMI: result["bmi"] as! Double,
withDate: weighDate,
withLogId: result["logId"] as! Int,
withSource: result["source"] as! String
/// Initializes a FitbitWeight with specified properties
/// - Parameters:
/// - weight: Double weight value in kg
/// - bmi: Double bmi value (Might go away)
/// - date: Date that the measurement was taken
/// - logId: Int ID from Fitbit
/// - source: String source name from Fitbit
init(withWeight weight: Double, withBMI bmi: Double, withDate date: Date, withLogId logId: Int, withSource source: String) {
self.weight = weight
self.bmi = bmi = date
self.logId = logId
self.source = source
func getSampleType() -> HKSampleType {
// Forcing as we should be handling permissions
return HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyMass)!
func makeSample() -> HKSample {
let weight = HKQuantity(unit: HKUnit.gramUnit(with: .kilo), doubleValue: self.weight)
return HKQuantitySample(
// Forcing downcast since each concrete class implementation should provide compatible types
type: self.getSampleType() as! HKQuantityType,
quantity: weight,
metadata: self.metadata()