import hashlib from binascii import a2b_hex from binascii import b2a_hex from ykman.descriptor import get_descriptors from ykman.driver_ccid import APDUError from ykman.driver_otp import YkpersError from ykman.oath import Credential from ykman.oath import OathController from ykman.oath import SW from ykman.util import CAPABILITY from ykman.util import derive_key from ykman.util import parse_b32_key from ykman.util import TRANSPORT import vendor # noqa NON_FEATURE_CAPABILITIES = [CAPABILITY.CCID, CAPABILITY.NFC] class DeviceNotFoundError(Exception): pass class CouldNotOpenDeviceError(Exception): pass class Controller(object): _descriptor = None _dev_info = None def get_features(self): return [ for c in CAPABILITY if c not in NON_FEATURE_CAPABILITIES] def count_devices(self): return len(list(get_descriptors())) def refresh(self): descriptors = list(get_descriptors()) if len(descriptors) != 1: self._descriptor = None raise DeviceNotFoundError() return desc = descriptors[0] if desc.fingerprint != ( self._descriptor.fingerprint if self._descriptor else None): dev = desc.open_device() if not dev: raise CouldNotOpenDeviceError() return self._descriptor = desc self._dev_info = { 'name': dev.device_name, 'version': '.'.join(str(x) for x in dev.version), 'serial': dev.serial or '', 'enabled': [ for c in CAPABILITY if c & dev.enabled], 'connections': [ for t in TRANSPORT if t & dev.capabilities], } return self._dev_info def refresh_credentials(self, timestamp, password_key=None): return [ c.to_dict() for c in self._calculate_all(timestamp, password_key)] def calculate(self, credential, timestamp, password_key): return self._calculate( Credential.from_dict( credential), timestamp, password_key).to_dict() def calculate_slot_mode(self, slot, digits, timestamp): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.OTP) code = dev.driver.calculate( slot, challenge=timestamp, totp=True, digits=int(digits), wait_for_touch=True) return Credential( self._slot_name(slot), code=code, oath_type='totp', touch=True, algo='SHA1', expiration=self._expiration(timestamp)).to_dict() def refresh_slot_credentials(self, slots, digits, timestamp): result = [] if slots[0]: cred = self._read_slot_cred(1, digits[0], timestamp) if cred: result.append(cred) if slots[1]: cred = self._read_slot_cred(2, digits[1], timestamp) if cred: result.append(cred) return [c.to_dict() for c in result] def _read_slot_cred(self, slot, digits, timestamp): try: dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.OTP) code = dev.driver.calculate( slot, challenge=timestamp, totp=True, digits=int(digits), wait_for_touch=False) return Credential( self._slot_name(slot), code=code, oath_type='totp', touch=False, algo='SHA1', expiration=self._expiration(timestamp)) except YkpersError as e: if e.errno == 11: return Credential( self._slot_name(slot), oath_type='totp', touch=True, algo='SHA1') except: pass return None def _slot_name(self, slot): return "YubiKey Slot {}".format(slot) def _expiration(self, timestamp): return ((timestamp + 30) // 30) * 30 def needs_validation(self): try: dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) return controller.locked except: return False def get_oath_id(self): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) return b2a_hex('utf-8') def derive_key(self, password): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) key = derive_key(, password) return b2a_hex(key).decode('utf-8') def validate(self, key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if key is not None: try: controller.validate(a2b_hex(key)) return True except: return False def set_password(self, new_password, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) if new_password is not None: key = derive_key(, new_password) controller.set_password(key) else: controller.clear_password() def add_credential( self, name, key, oath_type, digits, algo, touch, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) try: key = parse_b32_key(key) except Exception as e: return str(e) try: controller.put( key, name, oath_type, digits, algo=algo, require_touch=touch) except APDUError as e: # NEO doesn't return a no space error if full, # but a command aborted error. Assume it's because of # no space in this context. if e.sw == SW.NO_SPACE or e.sw == SW.COMMAND_ABORTED: return 'No space' else: raise def add_slot_credential(self, slot, key, touch): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.OTP) key = parse_b32_key(key) if len(key) > 64: # Keys longer than 64 bytes are hashed. key = hashlib.sha1(key).digest() if len(key) > 20: raise ValueError( 'YubiKey Slots cannot handle TOTP keys over 20 bytes.') key += b'\x00' * (20 - len(key)) # Keys must be padded to 20 bytes. dev.driver.program_chalresp(int(slot), key, touch) def delete_slot_credential(self, slot): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.OTP) dev.driver.zap_slot(slot) def delete_credential(self, credential, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) controller.delete(Credential.from_dict(credential)) def _calculate(self, credential, timestamp, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) cred = controller.calculate(credential, timestamp) return cred def _calculate_all(self, timestamp, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) creds = controller.calculate_all(timestamp) creds = [c for c in creds if not c.hidden] return creds def reset(self): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) controller.reset() def slot_status(self): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.OTP) return list(dev.driver.slot_status) def list_credentials(self, password_key): dev = self._descriptor.open_device(TRANSPORT.CCID) controller = OathController(dev.driver) if controller.locked and password_key is not None: controller.validate(a2b_hex(password_key)) creds = controller.list() return [c.to_dict() for c in creds]