# Alfred Yubico Auth An Alfred Workflow for auto filling authentication codes stored on your Yubikey. ## Notes This is definitely a work in progress. There are a lot of rough edges yet to be polished, but here it goes. * Requires some to be installed with a package manager * There is no way to input your key password through the UI yet. Do that with `make set-password` and then it should work fine. * Error handling is terrible right now. If things don't work, check the debug log in Alfred ## Installation Clone this repo ```bash git clone https://git.iamthefij.com/iamthefij/alfred-yubico-auth.git ``` Either install your dependencies manually or, if you have MacPorts, you can use: ```bash make install-ports ``` Otherwise you need to install `swig swig-python ykpers libu2f-host libusb` some other way. Finally up the virtualenv and install to your Alfred with ```bash make install ``` ## Credits Uses the amazing [deanishe/alfred-workflow](https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow) package