133 lines
4.2 KiB
133 lines
4.2 KiB
from collections.abc import Generator
from collections.abc import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import batched
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
class RangeMapContent:
dest_start: int
source_start: int
length: int
def __contains__(self, key: int) -> int:
return self.source_start <= key < self.source_start + self.length
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int:
# print(f"looking for {key} in {self.dest_start} {self.source_start}, {self.length}")
if key not in self:
return key
delta = self.source_start - self.dest_start
return key - delta
class RangeMap:
def __init__(self, *contents: RangeMapContent) -> None:
self.contents = contents
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> int:
for content in self.contents:
if key in content:
return content[key]
return key
def part1(input: Path, part2=False):
seeds: Iterable[int] = []
maps: dict[str, RangeMap] = {}
map_name: str = ""
map_contents: list[RangeMapContent] = []
with input.open() as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not seeds:
seeds = [int(s.strip()) for s in line.partition(":")[2].split()]
if part2:
windows = [
[start, start + length] for start, length in batched(seeds, n=2)
windows.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
merged_windows: list[list[int]] = []
for window in windows:
if not merged_windows:
if window[0] > merged_windows[-1][1]:
if window[1] > merged_windows[-1][1]:
merged_windows[-1][1] = window[1]
seeds = chain.from_iterable(
range(window[0], window[1]) for window in merged_windows
# seeds = set(chain(*[
# range(start, start+length)
# for start, length in batched(seeds, n=2)
# ]))
# print(f"{len(list(seeds))} seeds")
if line == "" and map_name != "":
# print(f"Creating map {map_name} with ranges {map_contents}")
maps[map_name] = RangeMap(*map_contents)
map_name = ""
if map_name == "":
map_name = line.partition(" ")[0]
items = [int(i) for i in line.split()]
dest_start = items[0]
source_start = items[1]
range_length = items[2]
map_contents.append(RangeMapContent(dest_start, source_start, range_length))
maps[map_name] = RangeMap(*map_contents)
# for name, m in maps.items():
# print(f"map {name}")
# for c in m.contents:
# print(f" {c.dest_start} {c.source_start} {c.length}")
min_location: int | None = None
for seed in seeds:
soil = maps["seed-to-soil"][seed]
fertilizer = maps["soil-to-fertilizer"][soil]
water = maps["fertilizer-to-water"][fertilizer]
light = maps["water-to-light"][water]
temperature = maps["light-to-temperature"][light]
humidity = maps["temperature-to-humidity"][temperature]
location = maps["humidity-to-location"][humidity]
if min_location is None or location < min_location:
min_location = location
f"Seed {seed} to soil {soil} to fertilizer {fertilizer} to water {water} to light {light} to temperature {temperature} to humidity {humidity} to location {location}"
return min_location
if __name__ == "__main__":
input = Path("./sample.txt")
# input = Path("./input.txt")
answer1 = part1(input)
print("part1", answer1)
answer2 = part1(input, True)
print("part2", answer2)