133 lines
3.6 KiB
133 lines
3.6 KiB
from collections import Counter
from enum import auto
from enum import Enum
from enum import StrEnum
from pathlib import Path
"A": 14,
"K": 13,
"Q": 12,
"J": 11,
"T": 10,
def card_value(card: str) -> int:
if card.isnumeric():
return int(card)
return FACE_VALUES[card]
class HandType(Enum):
HIGH_CARD = auto()
ONE_PAIR = auto()
TWO_PAIR = auto()
THREE_OF_A_KIND = auto()
FULL_HOUSE = auto()
FOUR_OF_A_KIND = auto()
FIVE_OF_A_KIND = auto()
class Hand:
def __init__(self, cards: str, bid: int, use_jokers=False):
self.cards = cards
self.bid = bid
self.hand_type: HandType = HandType.HIGH_CARD
counts = Counter(self.cards)
jokers = counts["J"]
for card, count in counts.most_common():
if count == 5 or (use_jokers and card != "J" and count + jokers >= 5):
self.hand_type = HandType.FIVE_OF_A_KIND
if count != 5:
jokers -= 5 - count
# It's always better to use the jokers to improve a hand
if use_jokers and card == "J":
if count == 4 or count + jokers >= 4:
self.hand_type = HandType.FOUR_OF_A_KIND
if count != 4:
jokers -= 4 - count
if count == 3 or count + jokers >= 3:
if self.hand_type == HandType.HIGH_CARD:
self.hand_type = HandType.THREE_OF_A_KIND
elif self.hand_type == HandType.ONE_PAIR:
self.hand_type = HandType.FULL_HOUSE
if count != 3:
jokers -= 3 - count
if count == 2 or count + jokers >= 2:
if self.hand_type == HandType.HIGH_CARD:
self.hand_type = HandType.ONE_PAIR
elif self.hand_type == HandType.ONE_PAIR:
self.hand_type = HandType.TWO_PAIR
elif self.hand_type == HandType.THREE_OF_A_KIND:
self.hand_type = HandType.FULL_HOUSE
if count != 2:
jokers -= 2 - count
def __lt__(self, other: "Hand") -> bool:
# print(f"Comparing {self} to {other}")
if self.hand_type == other.hand_type:
for s, o in zip(self.cards, other.cards):
if s != o:
return card_value(s) < card_value(o)
return self.hand_type.value < other.hand_type.value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.cards} {self.bid}: {self.hand_type}>"
def part1(input: Path) -> int:
hands: list[Hand] = []
with input.open() as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
parts = line.partition(" ")
hands.append(Hand(parts[0], int(parts[2])))
answer = 0
for i, hand in enumerate(sorted(hands)):
answer += (i + 1) * hand.bid
return answer
def part2(input: Path) -> int:
hands: list[Hand] = []
with input.open() as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
parts = line.partition(" ")
hands.append(Hand(parts[0], int(parts[2]), use_jokers=True))
answer = 0
for i, hand in enumerate(sorted(hands)):
answer += (i + 1) * hand.bid
return answer
if __name__ == "__main__":
input = Path("input.txt")
# input = Path("sub-test.txt")
# input = Path("sample.txt")
result1 = part1(input)
print("part1", result1)
result2 = part2(input)
print("part2", result2)