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# Authelia configuration #
# The port to listen on
port: 3000
# Log level
# Level of verbosity for logs
logs_level: debug
# Default redirection URL
# If user tries to authenticate without any referer, Authelia
# does not know where to redirect the user to at the end of the
# authentication process.
# This parameter allows you to specify the default redirection
# URL Authelia will use in such a case.
# Note: this parameter is optional. If not provided, user won't
# be redirected upon successful authentication.
default_redirection_url: ##DEFAULT_REDIRECT_URL
# TOTP Issuer Name
# This will be the issuer name displayed in Google Authenticator
# See: for more info on issuer names
issuer: ##APP_DOMAIN
# The authentication backend to use for verifying user passwords
# and retrieve information such as email address and groups
# users belong to.
# There are two supported backends: `ldap` and `file`.
# LDAP backend configuration.
# This backend allows Authelia to be scaled to more
# than one instance and therefore is recommended for
# production.
# The url of the ldap server
url: ##LDAP_URL
# The base dn for every entries
base_dn: dc=cloudron
# An additional dn to define the scope to all users
# additional_users_dn: ##LDAP_USERS_BASE_DN
additional_users_dn: ou=users
# The users filter used to find the user DN
# {0} is a matcher replaced by username.
# 'cn={0}' by default.
users_filter: (&(objectclass=user)(|(username={0})(mail={0})))
# An additional dn to define the scope of groups
# additional_groups_dn: ##LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN
additional_groups_dn: ou=groups
# The groups filter used for retrieving groups of a given user.
# {0} is a matcher replaced by username.
# {dn} is a matcher replaced by user DN.
# {uid} is a matcher replaced by user uid.
# 'member={dn}' by default.
groups_filter: (&(memberuid={uid})(objectclass=group))
# The attribute holding the name of the group
group_name_attribute: cn
# The attribute holding the mail address of the user
mail_attribute: mail
# The username and password of the admin user.
user: ##LDAP_BIND_DN
# Access Control must be customized in /app/data/config.yml
# access_control:
# Configuration of session cookies
# The session cookies identify the user once logged in.
# The name of the session cookie. (default: authelia_session).
name: authelia_session
# The secret to encrypt the session cookie.
# The time in ms before the cookie expires and session is reset.
expiration: 3600000 # 1 hour
# The inactivity time in ms before the session is reset.
inactivity: 300000 # 5 minutes
# The domain to protect.
# Note: the authenticator must also be in that domain. If empty, the cookie
# is restricted to the subdomain of the issuer.
domain: ##APP_DOMAIN
# The redis connection details
host: ##REDIS_HOST
port: ##REDIS_PORT
password: ##REDIS_PASSWORD
# Configuration of the authentication regulation mechanism.
# This mechanism prevents attackers from brute forcing the first factor.
# It bans the user if too many attempts are done in a short period of
# time.
# The number of failed login attempts before user is banned.
# Set it to 0 to disable regulation.
max_retries: 3
# The time range during which the user can attempt login before being banned.
# The user is banned if the authenticaction failed `max_retries` times in a `find_time` seconds window.
find_time: 120
# The length of time before a banned user can login again.
ban_time: 300
# Configuration of the storage backend used to store data and secrets.
# You must use only an available configuration: local, mongo
# Settings to connect to mongo server
# Configuration of the notification system.
# Notifications are sent to users when they require a password reset, a u2f
# registration or a TOTP registration.
# Use only an available configuration: filesystem, gmail
# Use a SMTP server for sending notifications
secure: false
sender: ##MAIL_FROM