2015-06-14 04:33:42 +00:00
'use strict';
var debug = require('debug')('e2e:appstore'),
request = require('superagent-sync'),
sleep = require('sleep').sleep,
exports = module.exports = AppStore;
function AppStore(origin) {
this._origin = origin;
// credentials for api calls
this._credentials = {
password: null,
accessToken: null
function verifyResponse(res, errorMessage) {
if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299) {
2015-06-16 14:43:33 +00:00
debug('Response error statusCode:%s error:%s body:%j', res.statusCode, res.error, res.body);
2015-06-14 04:33:42 +00:00
throw new Error(errorMessage);
AppStore.prototype.getAccessToken = function (user) {
var res = request.get(this._origin + '/api/v1/login').auth(user.email, user.password).end();
verifyResponse(res, 'Could not login');
return res.body.accessToken;
AppStore.prototype.setCredentials = function (password, accessToken) {
this._credentials = { password: password, accessToken: accessToken };
AppStore.prototype.createCloudron = function (box) {
var accessToken = this._credentials.accessToken;
var res = request.post(this._origin + '/api/v1/cloudrons').send(box).query({ accessToken: accessToken }).end();
verifyResponse(res, 'Could not create cloudron');
var boxId = res.body.box.id;
debug('Cloudron %s created'.green, box.name);
////////// wait for cloudron to come up
var creationTime = new Date();
process.stdout.write('Waiting for cloudron to come up.');
while (true) {
res = request.get(this._origin + '/api/v1/cloudrons/' + boxId).query({ accessToken: accessToken }).end();
verifyResponse(res, 'Could not query cloudron status');
if (res.body.box.status === 'ready') {
debug('Box created in %s minutes'.green, (new Date() - creationTime) / 60000);
return res.body.box;
AppStore.prototype.deleteCloudron = function (box) {
debug('Deleting cloudron');
var res = request.post(this._origin + '/api/v1/cloudrons/' + box.id)
.query({ accessToken: this._credentials.accessToken })
.set('X-HTTP-Method-Override', 'DELETE')
.send({ password: this._credentials.password })
verifyResponse(res, 'Could not delete cloudron');
AppStore.prototype.getManifest = function (appId, version) {
var res = request.get(this._origin + '/api/v1/apps/' + appId + '/versions/' + version).end();
verifyResponse(res, 'Could not get get app manifest');
return res.body.manifest;