/* * This test cleans up all t-* cloudrons from previous run. */ 'use strict'; var AppStore = require('../appstore.js'), common = require('../common.js'), execSync = require('child_process').execSync; require('colors'); process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; describe('Cleanup old cloudrons', function () { this.timeout(0); var appStore = new AppStore('https://api.staging.cloudron.io'); var owner = common.getOwner(); var admin = common.getAdmin(); var cloudrons; it('can login to the store', function () { var accessToken = appStore.getAccessToken(owner); appStore.setCredentials(owner.password, accessToken); var adminAccessToken = appStore.getAccessToken(admin); appStore.setAdminCredentials(admin.password, adminAccessToken); }); it('can list cloudrons', function () { cloudrons = appStore.getCloudrons(); }); it('admin can delete the cloudrons', function () { for (var i = 0; i < cloudrons.length; i++) { appStore.deleteCloudron(cloudrons[i]); } }); }); describe('Fake release', function () { this.timeout(0); it('can release a fake version to staging', function () { execSync(__dirname + '/../../release/release rerelease --env staging', { stdio: [ null, process.stdout, process.stderr ] }); }); });