#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'), common = require('./common.js'), debug = require('debug')('e2e:cloudron'), dns = require('dns'), Imap = require('imap'), querystring = require('querystring'), once = require('once'), request = require('superagent-sync'), sleep = require('sleep').sleep, tls = require('tls'), url = require('url'), util = require('util'); exports = module.exports = Cloudron; process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; function Cloudron(box) { this._box = box; this._isCustomDomain = box.domain === process.env.CUSTOM_DOMAIN; this._adminFqdn = this._isCustomDomain ? 'my.' + box.domain : 'my-' + box.domain; this._origin = this._isCustomDomain ? 'https://my.' + box.domain : 'https://my-' + box.domain; this._credentials = { password: null, accessToken: null }; } Cloudron.prototype.adminFqdn = function () { return 'my' + (this._isCustomDomain ? '.' : '-') + this._box.domain; }; Cloudron.prototype.appFqdn = function (location) { return location + (this._isCustomDomain ? '.' : '-') + this._box.domain; }; // get oauth token for logged in as certain user { username, password, email } Cloudron.prototype.getOauthToken = function (user) { var username = user.username; var password = user.password; ////////// try to authorize without a session var res = request.get(this._origin + '/api/v1/oauth/dialog/authorize').query({ redirect_uri: 'https://self', client_id: 'cid-webadmin', response_type: 'token', scope: 'root,profile,apps,roleAdmin' }).end(); var sessionCookies = res.headers['set-cookie']; // always an array ///////// should get redirected to login form with a script tag (to workaround chrome issue with redirects+cookies) var redirectUrl = res.text.match(/window.location.href = "(.*)"/); if (!redirectUrl) { debug('Could not determine redirected url', res.text, res.headers); assert(false); } var urlp = url.parse(redirectUrl[1]); ////////// get the login form (api/v1/session/login) res = request.get(this._origin + urlp.pathname).set('cookie', sessionCookies[0]).query(urlp.query).end(); var csrfs = res.text.match(/name="_csrf" value="(.*)"/); if (!csrfs) { debug('Could not determine csrf', res.text, res.headers); assert(false); } var csrf = csrfs[1]; sessionCookies = res.headers['set-cookie']; // always an array assert.notStrictEqual(sessionCookies.length, 0); ////////// submit the login form with credentials res = request.post(this._origin + urlp.pathname).set('cookie', sessionCookies[0]).send({ _csrf: csrf, username: username, password: password }).redirects(0).end(); if (res.statusCode !== 302) { debug('Failed to submit the login for.', res.statusCode, res.text); assert(false); } sessionCookies = res.headers['set-cookie']; // always an array assert.notStrictEqual(sessionCookies.length, 0); ////////// authorize now with cookies res = request.get(this._origin + '/api/v1/oauth/dialog/authorize').set('cookie', sessionCookies[0]).query({ redirect_uri: 'https://self', client_id: 'cid-webadmin', response_type: 'token', scope: 'root,profile,apps,roleAdmin' }).redirects(0).end(); common.verifyResponse(res, 'Unable to authorize'); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 302); sessionCookies = res.headers['set-cookie']; // always an array assert.notStrictEqual(sessionCookies.length, 0); ////////// success will get redirect to callback?redirectURI=xx#access_token=yy&token_type=Bearer' (content is a