/* * This tests if setting an alternate domain works */ 'use strict'; var AppStore = require('../appstore.js'), assert = require('assert'), async = require('async'), AWS = require('aws-sdk'), Cloudron = require('../cloudron.js'), common = require('../common.js'), request = require('superagent-sync'); require('colors'); process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; var BOX_VERSION = process.env.BOX_VERSION; var CUSTOM_DOMAIN = process.env.CUSTOM_DOMAIN; var ALT_LOCATION = 'altlocation'; describe('Custom domain test', function () { this.timeout(0); var appStore = new AppStore('https://api.staging.cloudron.io'); var route53 = new AWS.Route53({ accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_STAGING_ACCESS_KEY, secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_STAGING_SECRET_KEY }); var owner = common.getOwner(); var admin = common.getAdmin(); var cloudron, appId, box; it('can login to the store', function () { var accessToken = appStore.getAccessToken(owner); appStore.setCredentials(owner.password, accessToken); var adminAccessToken = appStore.getAccessToken(admin); appStore.setAdminCredentials(admin.password, adminAccessToken); }); it('can create a cloudron', function () { box = appStore.createCloudron({ domain: common.cloudronDomain(__filename), region: 'sfo1', size: '1gb', version: BOX_VERSION }); box = appStore.waitForCloudron(box.id); cloudron = new Cloudron(box); }); it('can activate the box', function () { cloudron.activate(owner); }); it('can login to the box', function () { var token = cloudron.getOauthToken(owner); cloudron.setCredentials(owner.password, token); }); var location = 'test' + (Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(); it('can install app', function () { var manifest = appStore.getManifest(common.TESTAPP_ID, common.TESTAPP_VERSION); appId = cloudron.installApp(location, manifest); }); it('can populate the addons', function () { cloudron.populateAddons(location); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(location, owner); }); it('can setup cname for altlocation', function (done) { route53.listHostedZonesByName({ DNSName: CUSTOM_DOMAIN, MaxItems: '1'}, function (error, result) { if (error) return done(error); var params = { ChangeBatch: { Changes: [{ Action: 'UPSERT', ResourceRecordSet: { Type: 'CNAME', Name: ALT_LOCATION + '.' + CUSTOM_DOMAIN + '.', ResourceRecords: [ { Value: cloudron.appFqdn(location) } ], TTL: 1 } }] }, HostedZoneId: result.HostedZones[0].Id }; route53.changeResourceRecordSets(params, function(error) { if (error) return done(error); done(); }); }); }); it('can configure app to alt location', function () { cloudron.configureApp(appId, location, ALT_LOCATION + '.' + CUSTOM_DOMAIN); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(location, owner); }); it('can reboot the cloudron', function () { cloudron.reboot(); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(location, owner); }); it('can uninstall app', function () { cloudron.uninstallApp(appId); }); it('can delete the cloudron', function () { appStore.deleteCloudron(box); }); });