/* * * This tests a flow for cloudron owner creating a selfhosted cloudron on digitalocean * Owner creates a cloudron, activates it, installs and app and deletes the cloudron eventually * We use a us-east-1 (US standard) backup bucket here * */ 'use strict'; var AppStore = require('../appstore.js'), assert = require('assert'), async = require('async'), child_process = require('child_process'), Cloudron = require('../cloudron.js'), common = require('../common.js'), mailer = require('../mailer.js'), semver = require('semver'), sleep = require('../shell.js').sleep, superagent = require('superagent'), request = require('superagent-sync'), util = require('util'); require('colors'); process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; const BOX_VERSION = process.env.BOX_VERSION; const DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN = process.env.DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN; const SSH_KEY = 'id_rsa_e2e_selfhost'; const DO_TYPE = '1gb'; const DO_REGION = 'nyc3'; const DO_TOKEN = process.env.DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN_STAGING; const EC2_REGION = 'us-east-1'; const BACKUP_KEY = 'somesecret'; const BACKUP_BUCKET = 'selfhost-test-' + EC2_REGION; const AWS_ACCESS_KEY = process.env.AWS_STAGING_ACCESS_KEY; const AWS_ACCESS_SECRET = process.env.AWS_STAGING_SECRET_KEY; function machine(args, options) { // https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/9265 options = options || { }; args = util.isArray(args) ? args : args.match(/[^\s"]+|"([^"]+)"/g); args = args.map(function (e) { return e[0] === '"' ? e.slice(1, -1) : e; }); // remove the quotes console.log('cloudron machine ' + args.join(' ')); try { var cp = child_process.spawnSync('cloudron', ['machine'].concat(args), { stdio: [ options.stdin || 'pipe', options.stdout || 'pipe', 'pipe' ], encoding: options.encoding || 'utf8' }); return cp; } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw e; } } describe('Selfhost DigitalOcean Cloudron creation', function () { this.timeout(0); var appStore = new AppStore(); var owner = common.getOwner(); var cloudron, appId, backupInfo, instanceId, restoreInstanceId, migrateInstanceId; var fromVersion, toVersion, nextVersion; it('can query versions', function () { var res = request.get(process.env.BOX_VERSIONS_URL).end(); common.verifyResponse2xx(res); var boxVersions = Object.keys(common.stripUnreachable(res.body)).sort(semver.rcompare); fromVersion = boxVersions[2]; // we released a new version in before.js toVersion = boxVersions[1]; assert.strictEqual(toVersion, BOX_VERSION); nextVersion = boxVersions[0]; console.log('Will test update from %s to %s and then %s', fromVersion.yellow, toVersion.yellow, nextVersion.yellow); }); it('can create a cloudron', function () { var params = [ '--fqdn ' + DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, '--type ' + DO_TYPE, '--token ' + DO_TOKEN, '--region ' + DO_REGION, '--aws-region ' + EC2_REGION, '--ssh-key ' + SSH_KEY, '--access-key-id ' + AWS_ACCESS_KEY, '--secret-access-key ' + AWS_ACCESS_SECRET, '--backup-key ' + BACKUP_KEY, '--backup-bucket ' + BACKUP_BUCKET, '--release ' + toVersion ]; var out = machine('create digitalocean ' + params.join(' ')); console.log(out.stdout, out.stderr); if (out.stdout.indexOf('You can now setup your Cloudron at') === -1) { assert(false, 'Creation failed'); } // Wohooo strings! instanceId = out.stdout.split('\n').filter(function (l) { return l.indexOf(' ID: ') !== -1; })[0].split(':')[1].trim(); console.log('New instance created with ID', instanceId); cloudron = new Cloudron({ domain: DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, setupToken: null, version: toVersion, ip: null }); }); it('can activate the box', function () { cloudron.activate(owner); }); it('can login to the box', function () { var token = cloudron.getOauthToken(owner); cloudron.setCredentials(owner.password, token); }); it('can take a breather', function () { // do can be really slow to come up. the addon containers take their own sweet time (they are "async" with the box startup) // we end up sending email even before the mail container is ready sleep(30); }); it('can enable email', function () { cloudron.setEmailEnabled(true); }); it('send mail to cloudron user', function (done) { mailer.sendMailToCloudronUser(owner.username + '@' + DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, done); }); it('did receive mail', function (done) { cloudron.checkMail(owner, done); }); var location = 'test' + (Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(); it('can install app', function () { var manifest = appStore.getManifest(common.TESTAPP_ID, common.TESTAPP_VERSION); appId = cloudron.installApp(location, manifest); }); it('can populate the addons', function () { cloudron.populateAddons(cloudron.appFqdn(location)); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(cloudron.appFqdn(location), owner); }); it('can update the box', function () { cloudron.checkForUpdates(); var params = [ DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, '--yes', '--ssh-key ' + SSH_KEY, '--username ' + owner.username, '--password ' + owner.password ]; var out = machine('update ' + params.join(' ')); console.log(out.stdout, out.stderr); if (out.stdout.indexOf('You can now use your Cloudron at') === -1) { assert(false, 'Update failed'); } }); it('wait for app to be ready', function () { cloudron.waitForApp(appId); }); it('can configure app', function () { location = location + 'x'; cloudron.configureApp(appId, location); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(cloudron.appFqdn(location), owner); }); it('can reboot the cloudron', function () { cloudron.reboot(); }); it('runs the app', function () { cloudron.waitForApp(appId); }); it('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(cloudron.appFqdn(location), owner); }); it('can check mail', function (done) { cloudron.checkMail(owner, done); }); it('can backup the box', function () { backupInfo = cloudron.backup(); assert.strictEqual(backupInfo.dependsOn.length, 1); }); it('can restore the box', function () { var params = [ '--fqdn ' + DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, // THOSE SHOULD BE STASHED IN THE CONFIG // '--type ' + DO_TYPE, // '--token ' + DO_TOKEN, // '--region ' + DO_REGION, // '--aws-region ' + EC2_REGION, // '--ssh-key ' + SSH_KEY, // '--access-key-id ' + AWS_ACCESS_KEY, // '--secret-access-key ' + AWS_ACCESS_SECRET, // '--backup-key ' + BACKUP_KEY, // '--backup-bucket ' + BACKUP_BUCKET, '--backup ' + backupInfo.id, ]; var out = machine('restore digitalocean ' + params.join(' ')); console.log(out.stdout, out.stderr); if (out.stdout.indexOf('You can now use your Cloudron at') === -1) { assert(false, 'Restore failed'); } restoreInstanceId = out.stdout.split('\n').filter(function (l) { return l.indexOf(' ID: ') !== -1; })[0].split(':')[1].trim(); console.log('New instance created with ID', restoreInstanceId); }); it('runs the app', function () { cloudron.waitForApp(appId); }); // Only works so far with upgrades, as the app needs to be restarted for the test to suceed xit('can check the addons', function () { cloudron.checkAddons(cloudron.appFqdn(location), owner); }); it('can migrate cloudron', function () { var params = [ '--fqdn ' + DO_SELFHOST_DOMAIN, // THOSE SHOULD BE STASHED IN THE CONFIG // '--token ' + DO_TOKEN, // '--ssh-key ' + SSH_KEY ]; var out = machine('migrate digitalocean ' + params.join(' ')); console.log(out.stdout, out.stderr); if (out.stdout.indexOf('You can now use your Cloudron at') === -1) { assert(false, 'Migrate failed'); } migrateInstanceId = out.stdout.split('\n').filter(function (l) { return l.indexOf(' ID: ') !== -1; })[0].split(':')[1].trim(); console.log('New instance created with ID', restoreInstanceId); }); it('runs the app', function () { cloudron.waitForApp(appId); }); it('can uninstall app', function () { cloudron.uninstallApp(appId); }); it('can delete the cloudron', function (done) { console.log('Cleanup DO instances', instanceId, restoreInstanceId, migrateInstanceId); // we ignore errors here function deleteDroplet(id, callback) { if (!id) return callback(); superagent.del('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/droplets/' + id).set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + DO_TOKEN).end(function (error, result) { if (error) console.error(error.message); if (result.statusCode !== 204) console.error('Failed to cleanup old droplet. %s %j', result.statusCode, result.body); callback(); }); } async.each([ instanceId, restoreInstanceId, migrateInstanceId ], deleteDroplet, done); }); });