/* jslint node:true */ 'use strict'; require('supererror')({ splatchError: true }); var async = require('async'), debug = require('debug')('e2e:runner'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), shell = require('./shell.js'), semver = require('semver'), mailer = require('./mailer.js'), superagent = require('superagent'), util = require('util'); // override debug.log to print only as console.log debug.log = console.log.bind(console); var gLatestETag = null; // this allows us to rerun tests by restarting this process. and also for every appstore push var gLatestBoxVersion = null; // for sending mail function start() { runTestsIfNeeded(function () { setTimeout(start, 60 * 1000); }); } function runTestsIfNeeded(callback) { debug('Getting latest box version'); getLatestBoxVersion(function (error, latestETag, latestBoxVersion) { if (error) return callback(error); if (latestETag === gLatestETag) { debug('Box version has not changed. etag %s', gLatestETag); return callback(null); } debug('Box version has changed. etag %s', latestETag); runTests(latestETag, latestBoxVersion, function (error) { debug('Finished running tests for etag %s: %s', latestETag, error); gLatestETag = latestETag; gLatestBoxVersion = latestBoxVersion; callback(error); }); }); } function getLatestBoxVersion(callback) { superagent.get(process.env.BOX_VERSIONS_URL).end(function (error, res) { if (error || res.statusCode !== 200 || !res.body) { debug('Error downloading versions file', error || res.statusCode); return callback(new Error('Error downloading versions file')); } var latestVersion = Object.keys(res.body).sort(semver.rcompare)[0]; var latestETag = res.headers['etag']; debug('%j:', res.headers); callback(null, latestETag, latestVersion); }); } function runTests(latestETag, latestBoxVersion, callback) { var topic = util.format('box version: %s etag: %s', latestBoxVersion, latestETag); debug('Running tests for %s', topic); shell.system('e2etestrunner', 'npm test', function (error, stdout, stderr) { debug('Final test result', error); mailer.sendEndToEndTestResult(topic, stdout ? stdout.toString('utf8') : '', stderr ? stderr.toString('utf8') : '', function () { }); return callback(error); }); } debug('e2etest started.'); start();