#!/bin/bash ###################################### ## This script is run on the server ## ###################################### set -eux -o pipefail readonly APP_DIR="/home/ubuntu/app" readonly CERTS_DIR="/home/ubuntu/certs" readonly APP_REPO_DIR="/home/ubuntu/app.git" readonly INIT_MASTER_DIR="/tmp/repoMasterSetup" readonly ECOSYSTEM="/home/ubuntu/ecosystem.json" readonly SERVER_NAME="<%= serverName %>" readonly ENV="<%= env %>" swap_file="/swap" [[ -f "${swap_file}" ]] && sudo swapoff "${swap_file}" if [[ "${ENV}" == "dev" ]]; then sudo fallocate -l 2048m "${swap_file}" # t1.micro has 1GB RAM elif [[ "${ENV}" == "staging" ]]; then sudo fallocate -l 2048m "${swap_file}" # t1.micro has 1GB RAM else sudo fallocate -l 2048m "${swap_file}" # t1.micro has 1GB RAM fi sudo chmod 600 "${swap_file}" sudo mkswap "${swap_file}" sudo swapon "${swap_file}" if ! grep "${swap_file}" /etc/fstab; then sudo bash -c "echo '${swap_file} none swap sw 0 0' >> /etc/fstab" fi # install git sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git # install node v0.12 https://github.com/nodesource/distributions sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties python g++ make curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | sudo bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs # copy over ssh keys sudo mv "/tmp/id_rsa" "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" sudo mv "/tmp/id_rsa.pub" "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" echo -e "Host *.cloudron.me\n StrictHostKeyChecking no" > ${HOME}/.ssh/config # install tmpreaper (runs everyday and clean tmp) sudo apt-get install -y tmpreaper sudo sed -e 's/SHOWWARNING=true/# SHOWWARNING=true/' -i /etc/tmpreaper.conf # install pm2 sudo npm install -g pm2 pm2-run forever sudo rm -rf ~/.npm # .npm will get owned by root after "sudo npm install -g" # create deploy directories mkdir -p "${APP_DIR}" # prepare git repo in case there is not yet one if [[ ! -d "${APP_REPO_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${APP_REPO_DIR}" cd "${APP_REPO_DIR}" git init --bare # create stub master branch mkdir -p "${INIT_MASTER_DIR}" && cd "${INIT_MASTER_DIR}" git init touch stub git add stub git commit -m "stub" git push ${APP_REPO_DIR} master --force cd && rm -rf "${INIT_MASTER_DIR}" else echo "Git repo already exists at ${APP_REPO_DIR}" fi # install post-receive hook cat > "${APP_REPO_DIR}/hooks/post-receive" < --cmd "npm prune && npm install --production" pm2 startOrRestart ${ECOSYSTEM} --env <%= env %> # save the new status for restart pm2 save EOF chmod +x "${APP_REPO_DIR}/hooks/post-receive" # create empty ecosystem.json touch "${ECOSYSTEM}" # run pm2 as current user ubuntu to avoid pm2 running as root below pm2 status # ensure we run the latest version, this might not be the case if this script is ran against a already prepared server pm2 updatePM2 # setup the init scripts sudo pm2 startup -u ubuntu