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/* jslint node:true */
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert'),
debug = require('debug')('e2e:digitalocean'),
safe = require('safetydance'),
superagent = require('superagent'),
util = require('util');
module.exports = exports = {
setCredentials: setCredentials,
create: createDroplet,
get: getDroplet,
destroy: destroyDroplet
var DIGITALOCEAN = 'https://api.digitalocean.com/v2';
var gAuth = null;
function setCredentials(token) {
gAuth = 'Bearer ' + token;
function getSSHKeyId(keyName, callback) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof keyName, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof callback, 'function');
superagent.get(DIGITALOCEAN + '/account/keys').set('Authorization', gAuth).end(function (error, result) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (result.statusCode === 403) return callback('not authorized');
if (result.statusCode !== 200) return callback(util.format('failed with %s - %j', result.statusCode, result.text));
var sshKeys = result.body.ssh_keys || [];
var sshKeyId = null;
sshKeys.forEach(function (key) { if (key.name === keyName) sshKeyId = key.id; });
if (!sshKeyId) return callback('no ssh key found');
callback(null, sshKeyId);
function getDroplet(id, callback) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof id, 'number');
assert.strictEqual(typeof callback, 'function');
superagent.get(DIGITALOCEAN + '/droplets/' + id).set('Authorization', gAuth).end(function (error, result) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (result.statusCode === 403) return callback('not authorized');
if (result.statusCode !== 200) return callback('droplet not found');
var droplet = result.body.droplet;
if (!droplet || typeof droplet !== 'object') return callback('Missing droplet in body, this is a DO issue');
var ip = safe.query(droplet, 'networks.v4[0].ip_address');
callback(null, { name: droplet.name, id: droplet.id, ip: ip, status: droplet.status });
function createDroplet(name, image, sshKeyName, region, size, userData, callback) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof name, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof image, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof sshKeyName, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof region, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof size, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof userData, 'string');
assert.strictEqual(typeof callback, 'function');
debug('addDroplet: with name "' + name + '".');
getSSHKeyId(sshKeyName, function (error, sshKeyId) {
if (error) return callback(error);
var options = {
name: name,
size: size,
image: image,
region: region,
backups: false,
user_data: userData,
ssh_keys: [ sshKeyId ]
debug('addDroplet: Creating droplet with name:%s size: %s image: %s', options.name, options.size, options.image);
superagent.post(DIGITALOCEAN + '/droplets').set('Authorization', gAuth).send(options).end(function (error, result) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (result.statusCode === 403) return callback('not authorized');
if (result.statusCode !== 202) return callback(util.format('Failed with status %s - %j', result.statusCode, result.text));
var droplet = result.body.droplet;
if (!droplet || typeof droplet !== 'object') return callback('Missing droplet in body, this is a DO issue');
debug('addDroplet: new droplet with id %s and name %s created', droplet.id, droplet.name);
callback(null, { id: droplet.id, name: droplet.name });
function destroyDroplet(id, callback) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof id, 'number');
assert.strictEqual(typeof callback, 'function');
debug('destroyDroplet: ' + id);
superagent.del(DIGITALOCEAN + '/droplets/' + id).set('Authorization', gAuth).end(function (error, result) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (result.statusCode === 403) return callback('not authorized');
if (result.statusCode === 404) return callback(null);
if (result.statusCode !== 204) debug('destroyDroplet: unable to delete droplet. Maybe it was already deleted.');
debug('destroyDroplet: success');