
18 lines
722 B
Executable File

#! /bin/bash
# This is used to debug and will not daemonize or restart
# To run this in production remove the `--rm` flag and replace with `-d --restart unless-stopped`
tsa_container=$(cloudron list | awk '/io.concourse.cloudron/{print $1;}')
tsa_hostname=$(cloudron exec --app $tsa_container env | grep HOSTNAME | sed s/.*=//)
tsa_port=$(cloudron exec --app $tsa_container env | grep TSA_PORT | sed s/.*=//)
sudo docker run -d \
--name concourse_worker \
--privileged \
--network cloudron \
--volumes-from $tsa_container \
concourse/concourse worker \
--tsa-host $tsa_hostname \
--tsa-port $tsa_port \
--tsa-public-key /app/data/ \
--tsa-worker-private-key /app/data/worker_key