ARG REPO=library # Build mole for all arch FROM golang:1.12-alpine AS builder ENV MOLE_VERSION=0.4.0 RUN apk add --no-cache git curl tar RUN mkdir /app RUN curl -L${MOLE_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar zx -C /app WORKDIR /app/mole-${MOLE_VERSION} # Download dependencies so they can be cached RUN go mod download # Build static ARG GOARCH=amd64 ENV CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux RUN go build -a -ldflags '-X main.version=${MOLE_VERSION}-dockamole' -installsuffix nocgo -o /bin/mole # Build client image using target arch FROM ${REPO}/alpine # Make multiarch capable COPY --from=multiarch/qemu-user-static /usr/bin/qemu-* /usr/bin/ # Copy mole from builder COPY --from=builder /bin/mole /usr/bin/mole RUN apk --no-cache add bash openssh-client RUN mkdir /mole RUN adduser -S -h /mole mole USER mole RUN mkdir -p /mole/.ssh RUN touch /mole/.ssh/config # Make a volume to persist keys VOLUME /mole/.ssh ENV GEN_KNOWN_HOSTS=1 COPY ./ ./ CMD ./