# Gonfigurator Runs `gomplate` to generate config files from a template folder in a way that allows them to be edited. On start, this container will look at all files in your `/templates` directory and template them and write them to the `/config` directory. Because some containers may need to modify these files and you may not want those changes blown away, this container will check it see if the template file is newer than the file residing in the `/config` path. If it is not, then the file will be skipped. ## Usage ```yaml version: '3.8' services: main: image: ... volumes: - config:/config config: image: iamthefij/gonfigurator volumes: - config:/config - ./templates volumes: config: ``` You may override the `/templates` dir and the output `/config` with `$INPUT_DIR` and `$OUTPUT_DIR`, respectively. ## Alternatives ### Docker Config / Secrets Files are read only and cannot be edited by application ### Using gomplate only All files will be overrwriten whenver the container starts Eg. ```yaml config: image: hairyhenderson/gomplate command: [ "--datasource", "secrets=/data/secrets.yml", "--input-dir", "/templates", "--output-dir", "/config" ] ```