Derivar 0

Add the ability to create execute jobs on long running containers

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IamTheFij 2020-08-16 14:46:35 -07:00
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8 ficheiros modificados com 1040 adições e 156 eliminações

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ARG REPO=library
FROM golang:1.12-alpine AS builder
FROM golang:1.15-alpine AS builder
# hadolint ignore=DL3018
RUN apk add --no-cache git
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ COPY ./go.mod ./go.sum /app/
RUN go mod download
COPY ./main.go /app/
COPY ./slog /app/slog
ARG ARCH=amd64

Ver ficheiro

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ run:
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -func=coverage.out
# @go tool cover -func=coverage.out | awk -v target=80.0% \
@go tool cover -func=coverage.out | awk -v target=75.0% \
'/^total:/ { print "Total coverage: " $$3 " Minimum coverage: " target; if ($$3+0.0 >= target+0.0) print "ok"; else { print "fail"; exit 1; } }'
# Installs pre-commit hooks

Ver ficheiro

@ -10,9 +10,17 @@ services:
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
image: busybox:latest
command: ["date"]
# Execute every minute
- 'dockron.schedule=* * * * *'
image: busybox:latest
command: sh -c "date > /out && tail -f /out"
# Execute every minute
- 'dockron.date.schedule=* * * * *'
- 'dockron.date.command=date >> /out'

Ver ficheiro

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ package main
import (
dockerTypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
dockerClient "github.com/docker/docker/client"
@ -20,75 +21,228 @@ var (
// schedLabel is the string label to search for cron expressions
schedLabel = "dockron.schedule"
// execLabelRegex is will capture labels for an exec job
execLabelRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`dockron\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.(schedule|command)`)
// version of dockron being run
version = "dev"
// Debug can be used to show or supress certain log messages
Debug = true
// ContainerClient provides an interface for interracting with Docker
type ContainerClient interface {
ContainerStart(context context.Context, containerID string, options dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions) error
ContainerExecCreate(ctx context.Context, container string, config dockerTypes.ExecConfig) (dockerTypes.IDResponse, error)
ContainerExecInspect(ctx context.Context, execID string) (dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect, error)
ContainerExecStart(ctx context.Context, execID string, config dockerTypes.ExecStartCheck) error
ContainerInspect(ctx context.Context, containerID string) (dockerTypes.ContainerJSON, error)
ContainerList(context context.Context, options dockerTypes.ContainerListOptions) ([]dockerTypes.Container, error)
ContainerStart(context context.Context, containerID string, options dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions) error
// ContainerCronJob is an interface of a job to run on containers
type ContainerCronJob interface {
Name() string
UniqueName() string
Schedule() string
// ContainerStartJob represents a scheduled container task
// It contains a reference to a client, the schedule to run on, and the
// ID of that container that should be started
type ContainerStartJob struct {
Client ContainerClient
ContainerID string
Context context.Context
Name string
Schedule string
client ContainerClient
context context.Context
name string
containerID string
schedule string
// Run is executed based on the ContainerStartJob Schedule and starts the
// container
func (job ContainerStartJob) Run() {
log.Println("Starting:", job.Name)
err := job.Client.ContainerStart(
slog.Info("Starting: %s", job.name)
// Check if container is already running
containerJSON, err := job.client.ContainerInspect(
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not get container details for job %s", job.name)
if containerJSON.State.Running {
slog.Warning("Container is already running. Skipping %s", job.name)
// Start job
err = job.client.ContainerStart(
if err != nil {
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not start container for job %s", job.name)
// Check results of job
for check := true; check; check = containerJSON.State.Running {
slog.Debug("Still running %s", job.name)
containerJSON, err = job.client.ContainerInspect(
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not get container details for job %s", job.name)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
slog.Debug("Done execing %s. %+v", job.name, containerJSON.State)
// Log exit code if failed
if containerJSON.State.ExitCode != 0 {
"Exec job %s existed with code %d",
// Name returns the name of the job
func (job ContainerStartJob) Name() string {
return job.name
// Schedule returns the schedule of the job
func (job ContainerStartJob) Schedule() string {
return job.schedule
// UniqueName returns a unique identifier for a container start job
func (job ContainerStartJob) UniqueName() string {
// ContainerID should be unique as a change in label will result in
// a new container as they are immutable
return job.ContainerID
return job.name + "/" + job.containerID
// ContainerExecJob is a scheduled job to be executed in a running container
type ContainerExecJob struct {
shellCommand string
// Run is executed based on the ContainerStartJob Schedule and starts the
// container
func (job ContainerExecJob) Run() {
slog.Info("Execing: %s", job.name)
containerJSON, err := job.client.ContainerInspect(
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not get container details for job %s", job.name)
if !containerJSON.State.Running {
slog.Warning("Container not running. Skipping %s", job.name)
execID, err := job.client.ContainerExecCreate(
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", strings.TrimSpace(job.shellCommand)},
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not create container exec job for %s", job.name)
err = job.client.ContainerExecStart(
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Could not start container exec job for %s", job.name)
// Wait for job results
execInfo := dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect{Running: true}
for execInfo.Running {
slog.Debug("Still execing %s", job.name)
execInfo, err = job.client.ContainerExecInspect(
slog.Debug("Exec info: %+v", execInfo)
if err != nil {
// Nothing we can do if we got an error here, so let's go
slog.WarnOnErr(err, "Could not get status for exec job %s", job.name)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
slog.Debug("Done execing %s. %+v", job.name, execInfo)
// Log exit code if failed
if execInfo.ExitCode != 0 {
slog.Error("Exec job %s existed with code %d", job.name, execInfo.ExitCode)
// QueryScheduledJobs queries Docker for all containers with a schedule and
// returns a list of ContainerStartJob records to be scheduled
func QueryScheduledJobs(client ContainerClient) (jobs []ContainerStartJob) {
if Debug {
log.Println("Scanning containers for new schedules...")
// returns a list of ContainerCronJob records to be scheduled
func QueryScheduledJobs(client ContainerClient) (jobs []ContainerCronJob) {
slog.Debug("Scanning containers for new schedules...")
containers, err := client.ContainerList(
dockerTypes.ContainerListOptions{All: true},
if err != nil {
slog.PanicOnErr(err, "Failure querying docker containers")
for _, container := range containers {
// Add start job
if val, ok := container.Labels[schedLabel]; ok {
jobName := strings.Join(container.Names, "/")
jobs = append(jobs, ContainerStartJob{
Schedule: val,
Client: client,
ContainerID: container.ID,
Context: context.Background(),
Name: jobName,
client: client,
containerID: container.ID,
context: context.Background(),
schedule: val,
name: jobName,
// Add exec jobs
execJobs := map[string]map[string]string{}
for label, value := range container.Labels {
results := execLabelRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(label)
if len(results) == 3 {
// We've got part of a new job
jobName, jobField := results[1], results[2]
if partJob, ok := execJobs[jobName]; ok {
// Partial exists, add the other value
partJob[jobField] = value
} else {
// No partial exists, add this part
execJobs[jobName] = map[string]string{
jobField: value,
for jobName, jobConfig := range execJobs {
schedule, ok := jobConfig["schedule"]
if !ok {
shellCommand, ok := jobConfig["command"]
if !ok {
jobs = append(jobs, ContainerExecJob{
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
client: client,
containerID: container.ID,
context: context.Background(),
schedule: schedule,
name: strings.Join(append(container.Names, jobName), "/"),
shellCommand: shellCommand,
@ -98,40 +252,39 @@ func QueryScheduledJobs(client ContainerClient) (jobs []ContainerStartJob) {
// ScheduleJobs accepts a Cron instance and a list of jobs to schedule.
// It then schedules the provided jobs
func ScheduleJobs(c *cron.Cron, jobs []ContainerStartJob) {
func ScheduleJobs(c *cron.Cron, jobs []ContainerCronJob) {
// Fetch existing jobs from the cron
existingJobs := map[string]cron.EntryID{}
for _, entry := range c.Entries() {
existingJobs[entry.Job.(ContainerStartJob).UniqueName()] = entry.ID
// This should be safe since ContainerCronJob is the only type of job we use
existingJobs[entry.Job.(ContainerCronJob).UniqueName()] = entry.ID
for _, job := range jobs {
if _, ok := existingJobs[job.UniqueName()]; ok {
// Job already exists, remove it from existing jobs so we don't
// unschedule it later
if Debug {
log.Printf("Job %s is already scheduled. Skipping", job.Name)
slog.Debug("Job %s is already scheduled. Skipping", job.Name())
delete(existingJobs, job.UniqueName())
// Job doesn't exist yet, schedule it
_, err := c.AddJob(job.Schedule, job)
_, err := c.AddJob(job.Schedule(), job)
if err == nil {
"Scheduled %s (%s) with schedule '%s'\n",
} else {
// TODO: Track something for a healthcheck here
"Error scheduling %s (%s) with schedule '%s'. %v\n",
"Could not schedule %s (%s) with schedule '%s'. %v\n",
@ -154,7 +307,7 @@ func main() {
var watchInterval time.Duration
flag.DurationVar(&watchInterval, "watch", defaultWatchInterval, "Interval used to poll Docker for changes")
var showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Display the version of dockron and exit")
flag.BoolVar(&Debug, "debug", false, "Show debug logs")
flag.BoolVar(&slog.DebugLevel, "debug", false, "Show debug logs")
// Print version if asked

Ver ficheiro

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package main
import (
dockerTypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
@ -10,28 +12,129 @@ import (
var (
// ContainerJSON results for a running container
runningContainerInfo = dockerTypes.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: &dockerTypes.ContainerJSONBase{
State: &dockerTypes.ContainerState{
Running: true,
// ContainerJSON results for a stopped container
stoppedContainerInfo = dockerTypes.ContainerJSON{
ContainerJSONBase: &dockerTypes.ContainerJSONBase{
State: &dockerTypes.ContainerState{
Running: false,
// FakeCall represents a faked method call
type FakeCall []interface{}
// FakeResult gives results of a fake method
type FakeResult []interface{}
// FakeDockerClient is used to test without interracting with Docker
type FakeDockerClient struct {
FakeContainers []dockerTypes.Container
FakeResults map[string][]FakeResult
FakeCalls map[string][]FakeCall
// ContainerStart pretends to start a container
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerStart(context context.Context, containerID string, options dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions) error {
return nil
// AssertFakeCalls checks expected against actual calls to fake methods
func (fakeClient FakeDockerClient) AssertFakeCalls(t *testing.T, expectedCalls map[string][]FakeCall, message string) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(fakeClient.FakeCalls, expectedCalls) {
"%s: Expected and actual calls do not match. Expected %+v Actual %+v",
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerList(context context.Context, options dockerTypes.ContainerListOptions) ([]dockerTypes.Container, error) {
return fakeClient.FakeContainers, nil
// called is a helper method to get return values and log the method call
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) called(method string, v ...interface{}) FakeResult {
if fakeClient.FakeCalls == nil {
fakeClient.FakeCalls = map[string][]FakeCall{}
// Log method call
fakeClient.FakeCalls[method] = append(fakeClient.FakeCalls[method], v)
// Get fake results
results := fakeClient.FakeResults[method][0]
// Remove fake result
fakeClient.FakeResults[method] = fakeClient.FakeResults[method][1:]
// Return fake results
return results
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerStart(context context.Context, containerID string, options dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions) (e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerStart", context, containerID, options)
if results[0] != nil {
e = results[0].(error)
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerList(context context.Context, options dockerTypes.ContainerListOptions) (c []dockerTypes.Container, e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerList", context, options)
if results[0] != nil {
c = results[0].([]dockerTypes.Container)
if results[1] != nil {
e = results[1].(error)
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerExecCreate(ctx context.Context, container string, config dockerTypes.ExecConfig) (r dockerTypes.IDResponse, e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerExecCreate", ctx, container, config)
if results[0] != nil {
r = results[0].(dockerTypes.IDResponse)
if results[1] != nil {
e = results[1].(error)
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerExecStart(ctx context.Context, execID string, config dockerTypes.ExecStartCheck) (e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerExecStart", ctx, execID, config)
if results[0] != nil {
e = results[0].(error)
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerExecInspect(ctx context.Context, execID string) (r dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect, e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerExecInspect", ctx, execID)
if results[0] != nil {
r = results[0].(dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect)
if results[1] != nil {
e = results[1].(error)
func (fakeClient *FakeDockerClient) ContainerInspect(ctx context.Context, containerID string) (r dockerTypes.ContainerJSON, e error) {
results := fakeClient.called("ContainerInspect", ctx, containerID)
if results[0] != nil {
r = results[0].(dockerTypes.ContainerJSON)
if results[1] != nil {
e = results[1].(error)
// NewFakeDockerClient creates an empty client
func NewFakeDockerClient() *FakeDockerClient {
return &FakeDockerClient{}
// NewFakeDockerClientWithContainers creates a client with the provided containers
func NewFakeDockerClientWithContainers(containers []dockerTypes.Container) *FakeDockerClient {
return &FakeDockerClient{FakeContainers: containers}
return &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{},
// ErrorUnequal checks that two values are equal and fails the test if not
@ -49,12 +152,12 @@ func TestQueryScheduledJobs(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
fakeContainers []dockerTypes.Container
expectedJobs []ContainerStartJob
expectedJobs []ContainerCronJob
name: "No containers",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "One container without schedule",
@ -64,7 +167,7 @@ func TestQueryScheduledJobs(t *testing.T) {
ID: "no_schedule_1",
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "One container with schedule",
@ -77,13 +180,13 @@ func TestQueryScheduledJobs(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
@ -102,13 +205,101 @@ func TestQueryScheduledJobs(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
name: "Incomplete exec job, schedule only",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{
Names: []string{"exec_job_1"},
ID: "exec_job_1",
Labels: map[string]string{
"dockron.test.schedule": "* * * * *",
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "Incomplete exec job, command only",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{
Names: []string{"exec_job_1"},
ID: "exec_job_1",
Labels: map[string]string{
"dockron.test.command": "date",
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "Complete exec job",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{
Names: []string{"exec_job_1"},
ID: "exec_job_1",
Labels: map[string]string{
"dockron.test.schedule": "* * * * *",
"dockron.test.command": "date",
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
name: "exec_job_1/test",
containerID: "exec_job_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
shellCommand: "date",
name: "Dual exec jobs on single container",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{
Names: []string{"exec_job_1"},
ID: "exec_job_1",
Labels: map[string]string{
"dockron.test1.schedule": "* * * * *",
"dockron.test1.command": "date",
"dockron.test2.schedule": "* * * * *",
"dockron.test2.command": "date",
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
name: "exec_job_1/test1",
containerID: "exec_job_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
shellCommand: "date",
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
name: "exec_job_1/test2",
containerID: "exec_job_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
shellCommand: "date",
@ -120,12 +311,17 @@ func TestQueryScheduledJobs(t *testing.T) {
// Load fake containers
t.Logf("Fake containers: %+v", c.fakeContainers)
client.FakeContainers = c.fakeContainers
client.FakeResults["ContainerList"] = []FakeResult{
FakeResult{c.fakeContainers, nil},
jobs := QueryScheduledJobs(client)
// Sort so we can compare each list of jobs
sort.Slice(jobs, func(i, j int) bool {
return jobs[i].UniqueName() < jobs[j].UniqueName()
t.Logf("Expected jobs: %+v, Actual jobs: %+v", c.expectedJobs, jobs)
ErrorUnequal(t, len(c.expectedJobs), len(jobs), "Job lengths don't match")
for i, job := range jobs {
ErrorUnequal(t, c.expectedJobs[i], job, "Job value does not match")
@ -142,82 +338,82 @@ func TestScheduleJobs(t *testing.T) {
// Tests must be executed sequentially!
cases := []struct {
name string
queriedJobs []ContainerStartJob
expectedJobs []ContainerStartJob
queriedJobs []ContainerCronJob
expectedJobs []ContainerCronJob
name: "No containers",
queriedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
queriedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "One container with schedule",
queriedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
queriedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "Add a second job",
queriedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
queriedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "Replace job 1",
queriedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
queriedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
schedule: "* * * * *",
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
schedule: "* * * * *",
@ -253,12 +449,12 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
fakeContainers []dockerTypes.Container
expectedJobs []ContainerStartJob
expectedJobs []ContainerCronJob
name: "No containers",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "One container without schedule",
@ -268,7 +464,7 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
ID: "no_schedule_1",
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{},
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{},
name: "One container with schedule",
@ -281,13 +477,13 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
@ -306,13 +502,13 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
@ -334,20 +530,20 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
@ -369,20 +565,53 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
expectedJobs: []ContainerStartJob{
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
Name: "has_schedule_2",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_2",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_2",
containerID: "has_schedule_2",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
Name: "has_schedule_1",
ContainerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
Schedule: "* * * * *",
Context: context.Background(),
Client: client,
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
name: "Remove second container and add exec to first",
fakeContainers: []dockerTypes.Container{
Names: []string{"has_schedule_1"},
ID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
Labels: map[string]string{
"dockron.schedule": "* * * * *",
"dockron.test.schedule": "* * * * *",
"dockron.test.command": "date",
expectedJobs: []ContainerCronJob{
name: "has_schedule_1",
containerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
name: "has_schedule_1/test",
containerID: "has_schedule_1_prime",
schedule: "* * * * *",
context: context.Background(),
client: client,
shellCommand: "date",
@ -394,7 +623,9 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
// Load fake containers
t.Logf("Fake containers: %+v", c.fakeContainers)
client.FakeContainers = c.fakeContainers
client.FakeResults["ContainerList"] = []FakeResult{
FakeResult{c.fakeContainers, nil},
// Execute loop iteration loop
jobs := QueryScheduledJobs(client)
@ -415,3 +646,342 @@ func TestDoLoop(t *testing.T) {
// Make sure the cron stops
// TestRunExecJobs does some verification on handling of exec jobs
// These tests aren't great because there are no return values to check
// but some test is better than no test! Future maybe these can be moved
// to a subpackage that offers a single function for interfacing with the
// Docker client to start or exec a container so that Dockron needn't care.
func TestRunExecJobs(t *testing.T) {
var jobContext context.Context
jobContainerID := "container_id"
jobCommand := "true"
cases := []struct {
name string
client *FakeDockerClient
expectPanic bool
expectedCalls map[string][]FakeCall
name: "Initial inspect call raises error",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("error")},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
expectPanic: true,
name: "Handle container not running",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{stoppedContainerInfo, nil},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
name: "Handle error creating exec",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("fail")},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeCall{
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", jobCommand},
expectPanic: true,
name: "Fail starting exec container",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{dockerTypes.IDResponse{ID: "id"}, nil},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeResult{
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeCall{
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", jobCommand},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, "id", dockerTypes.ExecStartCheck{}},
expectPanic: true,
name: "Successfully start an exec job fail on status",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{dockerTypes.IDResponse{ID: "id"}, nil},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeResult{
"ContainerExecInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("fail")},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeCall{
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", jobCommand},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, "id", dockerTypes.ExecStartCheck{}},
"ContainerExecInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, "id"},
name: "Successfully start an exec job and run to completion",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{dockerTypes.IDResponse{ID: "id"}, nil},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeResult{
"ContainerExecInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect{Running: true}, nil},
FakeResult{dockerTypes.ContainerExecInspect{Running: false}, nil},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerExecCreate": []FakeCall{
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", jobCommand},
"ContainerExecStart": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, "id", dockerTypes.ExecStartCheck{}},
"ContainerExecInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, "id"},
FakeCall{jobContext, "id"},
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
log.Printf("Running %s", t.Name())
// Create test job
job := ContainerExecJob{
ContainerStartJob: ContainerStartJob{
name: "test_job",
context: jobContext,
client: c.client,
containerID: jobContainerID,
shellCommand: jobCommand,
defer func() {
// Recover from panics, if there were any
if err := recover(); err != nil {
t.Log("Recovered from panic")
c.client.AssertFakeCalls(t, c.expectedCalls, "Failed")
if c.expectPanic {
t.Errorf("Expected panic but got none")
// TestRunStartJobs does some verification on handling of start jobs
// These tests aren't great because there are no return values to check
// but some test is better than no test! Future maybe these can be moved
// to a subpackage that offers a single function for interfacing with the
// Docker client to start or exec a container so that Dockron needn't care.
func TestRunStartJobs(t *testing.T) {
var jobContext context.Context
jobContainerID := "container_id"
cases := []struct {
name string
client *FakeDockerClient
expectPanic bool
expectedCalls map[string][]FakeCall
name: "Initial inspect call raises error",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("error")},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
expectPanic: true,
name: "Handle container already running",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
name: "Handle error starting container",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{stoppedContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerStart": []FakeResult{FakeResult{fmt.Errorf("fail")}},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerStart": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID, dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions{}},
name: "Succesfully start a container",
client: &FakeDockerClient{
FakeResults: map[string][]FakeResult{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeResult{
FakeResult{stoppedContainerInfo, nil},
FakeResult{runningContainerInfo, nil},
FakeResult{stoppedContainerInfo, nil},
"ContainerStart": []FakeResult{FakeResult{nil}},
expectedCalls: map[string][]FakeCall{
"ContainerInspect": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID},
"ContainerStart": []FakeCall{
FakeCall{jobContext, jobContainerID, dockerTypes.ContainerStartOptions{}},
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(c.name, func(t *testing.T) {
log.Printf("Running %s", t.Name())
// Create test job
job := ContainerStartJob{
name: "test_job",
context: jobContext,
client: c.client,
containerID: jobContainerID,
defer func() {
// Recover from panics, if there were any
c.client.AssertFakeCalls(t, c.expectedCalls, "Failed")
if c.expectPanic {
t.Errorf("Expected panic but got none")

slog/Readme.md Ficheiro normal
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# slog
A super simple go logger
I know there are many go loggers out there that offer various logging features such as file rotation, granular verbosity settings, colored and JSON output, etc.
_Slog is not one of them._
Slog lets you hide or show debug logs as well as provides a simpler way to log messages with Warning and Error prefixes for consistency.
Also provided are a few simple methods for handling returned `error` variables, logging them out and optionally panicing or fatally exiting.
## Documentation
package slog // import "github.com/iamthefij/dockron/slog"
Package slog is a super simple logger that allows a few convenience methods
for handling debug vs warning/error logs. It also adds a few conveniences
for handling errors.
var (
// DebugLevel indicates if we should log at the debug level
DebugLevel = true
func Debug(format string, v ...interface{})
Debug will log with a DEBUG prefix if DebugLevel is se
func Error(format string, v ...interface{})
Error will log with a ERROR prefix
func FatalOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{})
FatalOnErr if error provided, will log out details of an error and exi
func Info(format string, v ...interface{})
Info formats logs with an INFO prefix
func Log(format string, v ...interface{})
Log formats logs directly to the main logger
func PanicOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{})
PanicOnErr if error provided, will log out details of an error and exi
func SetFlags(flag int)
SetFlags allows changing the logger flags using flags found in `log`
func WarnOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{})
WarnOnErr if error provided, will provide a warning if an error is provided
func Warning(format string, v ...interface{})
Warning will log with a WARNING prefix

slog/add-docs-to-readme.sh Ficheiro executável
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/bash
set -e
slogdir=$(dirname "$0")
awk '/## Documentation/ {print ; exit} {print}' "$readme" > "$readme.tmp" && go doc -all slog | sed "s/^/ /;s/[ \t]*$//" >> "$readme.tmp"
mv "$readme.tmp" "$readme"

slog/slog.go Ficheiro normal
Ver ficheiro

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// Package slog is a super simple logger that allows a few convenience methods
// for handling debug vs warning/error logs. It also adds a few conveniences for
// handling errors.
package slog
import (
var (
// DebugLevel indicates if we should log at the debug level
DebugLevel = true
// Default set of flags to use
defaultFlags = log.LstdFlags | log.Lmsgprefix
// Loggers for various levels. Prefixes are padded to align logged content
loggerInfo = log.New(os.Stderr, "INFO ", defaultFlags)
loggerWarning = log.New(os.Stderr, "WARNING ", defaultFlags)
loggerError = log.New(os.Stderr, "ERROR ", defaultFlags)
loggerDebug = log.New(os.Stderr, "DEBUG ", defaultFlags)
// Convenience for calling functions for all loggers in one method
allLoggers = []*log.Logger{
// SetFlags allows changing the logger flags using flags found in `log`
func SetFlags(flag int) {
for _, logger := range allLoggers {
// Log formats logs directly to the main logger
func Log(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log.Printf(format, v...)
// Info formats logs with an INFO prefix
func Info(format string, v ...interface{}) {
loggerInfo.Printf(format, v...)
// Warning will log with a WARNING prefix
func Warning(format string, v ...interface{}) {
loggerWarning.Printf(format, v...)
// Error will log with a ERROR prefix
func Error(format string, v ...interface{}) {
loggerError.Printf(format, v...)
// Debug will log with a DEBUG prefix if DebugLevel is set
func Debug(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if !DebugLevel {
loggerDebug.Printf(format, v...)
// WarnOnErr if error provided, will provide a warning if an error is provided
func WarnOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
loggerWarning.Printf(format, v...)
// FatalOnErr if error provided, will log out details of an error and exit
func FatalOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
loggerError.Printf(format, v...)
// PanicOnErr if error provided, will log out details of an error and exit
func PanicOnErr(err error, format string, v ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
loggerError.Printf(format, v...)