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2024-01-11 00:23:43 +00:00
import json
import logging
from asyncio import Future
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from collections.abc import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Never, NoReturn
from typing import cast
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import mqttapi as mqtt
from pubnub.enums import PNReconnectionPolicy
from pysnoo import ActivityState
from pysnoo import Device
from pysnoo import SessionLevel
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from pysnoo import Snoo
from pysnoo import SnooAuthSession
from pysnoo import SnooPubNub as SnooPubNubBase
from pysnoo.models import EventType
# Set global log level to debug
# HACK: Avoid error on missing EventType
EventType._missing_ = lambda value: EventType.ACTIVITY
# TODO: Catch and handle this:
# Error in Snoo PubNub Listener of Category: 3
# Exception in subscribe loop: HTTP Client Error (403): {'message': 'Forbidden', 'payload': {'channels': ['ActivityState.7460194284235017']}, 'error': True, 'service': 'Access Manager', 'status': 403}
2024-01-11 00:23:43 +00:00
# HACK: Subclass to modify original pubnub policy
class SnooPubNub(SnooPubNubBase):
"""Subclass of the original Snoo pubnub to alter the reconnect policy."""
def _setup_pnconfig(access_token, uuid):
"""Generate Setup"""
pnconfig = SnooPubNubBase._setup_pnconfig(access_token, uuid)
pnconfig.reconnect_policy = PNReconnectionPolicy.EXPONENTIAL
return pnconfig
async def await_disconnect(self):
"""Await disconnect"""
if self._listener.is_connected():
await self._listener.wait_for_disconnect()
def set_token(self, token):
return self._pubnub.set_token(token)
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def _serialize_device_info(device: Device) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"identifiers": [
"name": device.baby,
class SnooActivityEntity:
"""Represents an entity that should be updated via Activity messages."""
field: str
component: str
device_class: str | None = None
name: str | None = None
value_template: str | None = None
command_callback: Callable | None = None
def friendly_name(self) -> str:
return self.field.replace("_", " ").capitalize()
def config_topic(self) -> str:
entity_name = self.field if self.field != "state" else "snoo_state"
return f"homeassistant/{self.component}/{entity_name}/config"
def device_topic(self, device: Device) -> str:
return f"homeassistant/snoo_{device.serial_number}"
def command_topic(self, device: Device) -> str | None:
if self.component != "switch":
return None
return f"{self.device_topic(device)}/{self.field}/set"
def discovery_message(self, device: Device) -> dict[str, Any]:
payload = {
"~": self.device_topic(device),
"name": self.name or self.friendly_name,
"device_class": self.device_class,
"state_topic": "~/state",
"unique_id": f"{device.serial_number}_{self.field}",
"device": _serialize_device_info(device),
"value_template": self.value_template
or "{{ value_json." + self.field + " }}",
if self.component in {"binary_sensor", "switch"}:
# Use "True" and "False" for binary sensor payloads
# Safety classes are actually True if unsafe, so flipping these
"payload_on": "True" if self.device_class != "safety" else "False",
"payload_off": "False" if self.device_class != "safety" else "True",
if command_topic := self.command_topic(device):
"command_topic": command_topic,
return payload
async def status_switch_callback(pubnub: SnooPubNub, data: dict[str, Any]):
if data["state"] == "ON":
await pubnub.publish_start()
await pubnub.publish_goto_state(SessionLevel.ONLINE)
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async def hold_switch_callback(pubnub: SnooPubNub, data: dict[str, Any]):
last_activity_state = (await pubnub.history(1))[0]
current_state = last_activity_state.state_machine.state
if not current_state.is_active_level():
if data["state"] == "ON":
await pubnub.publish_goto_state(current_state, True)
await pubnub.publish_goto_state(current_state, False)
value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.weaning }}",
name="Active Session",
value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.is_active_session }}",
value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.state }}",
value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.state != 'ONLINE' }}",
value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.hold }}",
class Token:
def __init__(self, file_path: str) -> None:
self._path = file_path
def value(self) -> dict | None:
"""Read auth token from JSON file."""
with open(self._path) as infile:
return json.load(infile)
except FileNotFoundError:
except ValueError:
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return None
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def updater(self) -> Callable[[dict], None]:
def token_updater(token: dict):
with open(self._path, "w") as outfile:
json.dump(token, outfile)
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return token_updater
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def _device_to_pubnub(snoo: Snoo, device: Device) -> SnooPubNub:
assert snoo.auth.access_token
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pubnub = SnooPubNub(
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# TODO: Add some way of passing this config into pysnoo
# Another temp option to subclass SnooPubNub
# pubnub._pubnub.config.reconnect_policy = PNReconnectionPolicy.EXPONENTIAL
return pubnub
class SnooMQTT(mqtt.Mqtt):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
self._devices: list[Device] = []
self._pubnubs: dict[str, SnooPubNub] = {}
self._session: SnooAuthSession | None = None
self._snoo_subscription: Future | None = None
self._snoo_poll_timer_handle: str|None = None
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super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
async def initialize(self) -> None:
self._session = await self.authorize_session()
snoo = Snoo(self._session)
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# Get devices to be monitored
self._devices = await snoo.get_devices()
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if not self._devices:
raise ValueError("No Snoo devices connected to account")
# Publish discovery information
await self._publish_discovery(self._devices)
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# Listen for home assistant status to republish discovery
self._birth_listener_handle = await self.listen_event(
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await self.snoo_subscribe(snoo)
async def terminate(self) -> None:
# Stop listening to birth events
if self._birth_listener_handle:
await self.cancel_listen_event(self._birth_listener_handle)
# Stop polling for updates
if self._snoo_poll_timer_handle:
await self.cancel_timer(self._snoo_poll_timer_handle)
# Stop listening task
if self._snoo_subscription:
# Close the session
if self._session:
await self._session.close()
async def reinit(self) -> None:
"""Reinitialize the app by terminating everything and starting up again."""
await self.terminate()
await self.initialize()
async def authorize_session(self) -> SnooAuthSession:
# Get token and updator
token = Token(self._token_path)
# Create and pre-authorize session
session = SnooAuthSession(token.value() or {}, token.updater)
if not session.authorized:
new_token = await session.fetch_token(self._username, self._password)
self.log("got inital token")
return session
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async def birth_callback(self, event_name, data, *args) -> None:
"""Callback listening for hass status messages.
Should republish discovery and initial status for every device."""
self.log("Read hass status event: %s, %s", event_name, data)
await self._publish_discovery(self._devices)
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for device in self._devices:
pubnub = self._pubnubs[device.serial_number]
for activity_state in await pubnub.history(1):
async def snoo_subscribe(self, snoo: Snoo) -> None:
"""Creates AppDaemon subscription task to listen to Snoo updates."""
# Subscribe and start listening to Snoo updates
self._snoo_subscription = self.create_task(self.snoo_real_subscribe(snoo))
async def snoo_real_subscribe(self, snoo: Snoo):
"""Coroutine that subscribes to updates from Snoo.
Never returns."""
# This should only run after initialize, so this should not be None
# Subscribe to updates
for device in self._devices:
pubnub = _device_to_pubnub(snoo, device)
self._pubnubs[device.serial_number] = pubnub
if self._polling:
self.log("Scheduling updates using polling")
self._snoo_poll_timer_handle = await self._schedule_updates(device)
self.log("Scheduling updates listening")
await self._subscribe_and_listen(device, pubnub)
async def _schedule_updates(self, device: Device) -> str:
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"""Schedules from pubnub history periodic updates."""
cb = self._create_activity_callback(device)
async def poll_history(*args):
# TODO: Maybe try/except here for auth errors and then reconnect self.terminate() self.initialize()
for activity_state in await self._pubnubs[device.serial_number].history(1):
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return await self.run_every(poll_history, "now", 30)
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async def _subscribe_and_listen(self, device: Device, pubnub: SnooPubNub):
"""Subscribes to pubnub activity and listens to new events."""
cb = self._create_activity_callback(device)
# Publish first status message
for activity_state in await pubnub.history(1):
# TODO: Maybe try/except here for auth errors and then reconnect self.terminate() self.initialize()
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await pubnub.subscribe_and_await_connect()
self.log("Done subscribing and listening...")
await pubnub.await_disconnect()
self.log("Disconnected! Maybe re-initialize here")
# self.create_task(self.reinit())
async def _disconnect_listener(self):
# Wait for everything to disconnect
for pubnub in self._pubnubs.values():
await pubnub.await_disconnect()
self.log("Disconnected! Maybe re-initialize here")
# Refresh token
assert self._session and self._session.auto_refresh_url and self._session.token_updater
token = await self._session.refresh_token(self._session.auto_refresh_url)
for pubnub in self._pubnubs.values():
# self.create_task(self.reinit())
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def _create_activity_callback(self, device: Device):
"""Creates an activity callback for a given device."""
def activity_callback(activity_state: ActivityState):
return activity_callback
async def _publish_discovery(self, devices: list[Device]):
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"""Publishes discovery messages for the provided devices."""
for device in devices:
for entity in ENTITIES:
# See if we need to listen to commands
if (
entity.command_callback is not None
and entity.command_topic is not None
async def cb(self, event_name, data, *args):
assert entity.command_callback
await entity.command_callback(
self._pubnubs[device.serial_number], json.loads(data)
cb, "MQTT_MESSAGE", topic=entity.command_topic(device)
def _publish_object(self, topic, payload_object):
"""Publishes an object, serializing it's payload as JSON."""
payload = json.dumps(payload_object.to_dict())
except AttributeError:
payload = json.dumps(payload_object)
self.log("topic: %s payload: %s", topic, payload)
self.mqtt_publish(topic, payload=payload)
# App arguments
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def _username(self) -> str:
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username = self.args.get("username")
if not username:
raise ValueError("Must provide a username")
return username
def _password(self) -> str:
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password = self.args.get("password")
if not password:
raise ValueError("Must provide a password")
return password
def _token_path(self) -> str:
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return self.args.get("token_path", "snoo_token.json")
def _polling(self) -> bool:
return self.args.get("polling", False)