import json import logging from import Callable from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any import mqttapi as mqtt from pubnub.enums import PNReconnectionPolicy from pysnoo import ActivityState from pysnoo import Device from pysnoo import Snoo from pysnoo import SnooAuthSession from pysnoo import SnooPubNub as SnooPubNubBase from pysnoo.models import EventType # HACK: Avoid error on missing EventType EventType._missing_ = lambda x: EventType.ACTIVITY # Set global log level to debug logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Use polling or listening POLLING = True # HACK: Subclass to modify original pubnub policy class SnooPubNub(SnooPubNubBase): """Subclass of the original Snoo pubnub to alter the reconnect policy.""" @staticmethod def _setup_pnconfig(access_token, uuid): """Generate Setup""" pnconfig = SnooPubNubBase._setup_pnconfig(access_token, uuid) pnconfig.reconnect_policy = PNReconnectionPolicy.EXPONENTIAL return pnconfig def _serialize_device_info(device: Device) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "identifiers": [ device.serial_number, ], "name":, } @dataclass class SnooActivityEntity: """Represents an entity that should be updated via Activity messages.""" field: str component: str device_class: str | None = None name: str | None = None value_template: str | None = None command_callback: Callable | None = None @property def friendly_name(self) -> str: return self.field.replace("_", " ").capitalize() @property def config_topic(self) -> str: entity_name = self.field if self.field != "state" else "snoo_state" return f"homeassistant/{self.component}/{entity_name}/config" def device_topic(self, device: Device) -> str: return f"homeassistant/snoo_{device.serial_number}" def command_topic(self, device: Device) -> str | None: if self.component != "switch": return None return f"{self.device_topic(device)}/{self.field}/set" def discovery_message(self, device: Device) -> dict[str, Any]: payload = { "~": self.device_topic(device), "name": or self.friendly_name, "device_class": self.device_class, "state_topic": "~/state", "unique_id": f"{device.serial_number}_{self.field}", "device": _serialize_device_info(device), "value_template": self.value_template or "{{ value_json." + self.field + " }}", } if self.component in {"binary_sensor", "switch"}: # Use "True" and "False" for binary sensor payloads payload.update( { # Safety classes are actually True if unsafe, so flipping these "payload_on": "True" if self.device_class != "safety" else "False", "payload_off": "False" if self.device_class != "safety" else "True", } ) if command_topic := self.command_topic(device): payload.update( { "command_topic": command_topic, } ) return payload async def status_switch_callback(pubnub: SnooPubNub, data: dict[str, Any]): if data["state"] == "ON": await pubnub.publish_start() else: await pubnub.publish_goto_state("ONLINE") async def hold_switch_callback(pubnub: SnooPubNub, data: dict[str, Any]): last_activity_state = (await pubnub.history(1))[0] current_state = last_activity_state.state_machine.state if not current_state.is_active_level(): return if data["state"] == "ON": await pubnub.publish_goto_state(current_state, True) else: await pubnub.publish_goto_state(current_state, False) ENTITIES = [ SnooActivityEntity( "left_safety_clip", "binary_sensor", device_class="safety", ), SnooActivityEntity( "right_safety_clip", "binary_sensor", device_class="safety", ), SnooActivityEntity( "weaning", "binary_sensor", value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.weaning }}", ), SnooActivityEntity( "is_active_session", "binary_sensor", device_class="running", name="Active Session", value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.is_active_session }}", ), SnooActivityEntity( "state", "sensor", value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.state }}", ), SnooActivityEntity( "status", "switch", value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.state != 'ONLINE' }}", command_callback=status_switch_callback, ), SnooActivityEntity( "hold", "switch", value_template="{{ value_json.state_machine.hold }}", command_callback=hold_switch_callback, ), ] def _get_token(token_file: str): """Read auth token from JSON file.""" try: with open(token_file) as infile: return json.load(infile) except FileNotFoundError: pass except ValueError: pass def _get_token_updater(token_file: str): def token_updater(token): with open(token_file, "w") as outfile: json.dump(token, outfile) return token_updater def _device_to_pubnub(snoo: Snoo, device: Device) -> SnooPubNub: pubnub = SnooPubNub( snoo.auth.access_token, device.serial_number, f"pn-pysnoo-{device.serial_number}", ) # TODO: Add some way of passing this config into pysnoo # Another temp option to subclass SnooPubNub # pubnub._pubnub.config.reconnect_policy = PNReconnectionPolicy.EXPONENTIAL return pubnub class SnooMQTT(mqtt.Mqtt): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self._snoo: Device | None = None self._devices: list[Device] = [] self._pubnubs: dict[str, SnooPubNub] = {} super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def initialize(self) -> None: token_path = self._token_path token = _get_token(token_path) token_updater = _get_token_updater(token_path) async with SnooAuthSession(token, token_updater) as auth: if not auth.authorized: new_token = await auth.fetch_token(self._username, self._password) token_updater(new_token) self.log("got inital token") self._snoo = Snoo(auth) self._devices = await self._snoo.get_devices() if not self._devices: raise ValueError("No Snoo devices connected to account") # Publish discovery information self._publish_discovery(self._devices) # Subscribe to updates for device in self._devices: pubnub = _device_to_pubnub(self._snoo, device) self._pubnubs[device.serial_number] = pubnub if POLLING: await self._schedule_updates(device, pubnub) else: await self._subscribe_and_listen(device, pubnub) # Listen for home assistant status to republish discovery self.listen_event( self.birth_callback, "MQTT_MESSAGE", topic="homeassistant/status", ) async def birth_callback(self, event_name, data, *args) -> None: """Callback listening for hass status messages. Should republish discovery and initial status for every device.""" self.log("Read hass status event: %s, %s", event_name, data) self._publish_discovery(self._devices) for device in self._devices: pubnub = self._pubnubs[device.serial_number] for activity_state in await pubnub.history(1): self._create_activity_callback(device)(activity_state) async def _schedule_updates(self, device: Device, pubnub: SnooPubNub): """Schedules from pubnub history periodic updates.""" cb = self._create_activity_callback(device) async def poll_history(*args): for activity_state in await pubnub.history(1): cb(activity_state) self.run_every(poll_history, "now", 30) async def _subscribe_and_listen(self, device: Device, pubnub: SnooPubNub): """Subscribes to pubnub activity and listens to new events.""" cb = self._create_activity_callback(device) pubnub.add_listener(cb) # Publish first status message for activity_state in await pubnub.history(1): cb(activity_state) await pubnub.subscribe_and_await_connect() def _create_activity_callback(self, device: Device): """Creates an activity callback for a given device.""" def activity_callback(activity_state: ActivityState): self._publish_object( f"homeassistant/snoo_{device.serial_number}/state", activity_state, ) return activity_callback def _publish_discovery(self, devices: list[Device]): """Publishes discovery messages for the provided devices.""" for device in devices: for entity in ENTITIES: self._publish_object( entity.config_topic, entity.discovery_message(device), ) # See if we need to listen to commands if ( entity.command_callback is not None and entity.command_topic is not None ): async def cb(self, event_name, data, *args): assert entity.command_callback await entity.command_callback( self._pubnubs[device.serial_number], json.loads(data) ) self.listen_event( cb, "MQTT_MESSAGE", topic=entity.command_topic(device) ) def _publish_object(self, topic, payload_object): """Publishes an object, serializing it's payload as JSON.""" try: payload = json.dumps(payload_object.to_dict()) except AttributeError: payload = json.dumps(payload_object) self.log("topic: %s payload: %s", topic, payload) self.mqtt_publish(topic, payload=payload) @property def _username(self): username = self.args.get("username") if not username: raise ValueError("Must provide a username") return username @property def _password(self): password = self.args.get("password") if not password: raise ValueError("Must provide a password") return password @property def _token_path(self): return self.args.get("token_path", "snoo_token.json")