2022-11-11 13:34:08 -08:00
job "${name}" {
region = "global"
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
group "${name}" {
network {
mode = "bridge"
%{ if service_port != null ~}
port "main" {
%{ if ingress ~}
host_network = "loopback"
%{ endif ~}
to = ${service_port}
%{ endif ~}
2023-01-11 15:40:42 -08:00
%{ if length(group_meta) > 0 ~}
meta = {
%{ for k, v in group_meta ~}
${k} = ${jsonencode(v)}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ endif ~}
2022-11-11 13:34:08 -08:00
%{ if sticky_disk ~}
ephemeral_disk {
migrate = true
sticky = true
%{ endif ~}
%{ for host_volume in host_volumes ~}
volume "${host_volume.name}" {
type = "host"
read_only = ${host_volume.read_only}
source = "${host_volume.name}"
%{ endfor ~}
%{ if service_port != null ~}
service {
name = "${replace(name, "_", "-")}"
port = "main"
%{ if anytrue([ingress, use_mysql, use_redis, use_ldap, length(upstreams) > 0]) }
connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
local_service_port = ${service_port}
%{ if use_mysql }
upstreams {
destination_name = "mysql-server"
local_bind_port = 4040
%{ endif ~}
%{ if use_redis }
upstreams {
destination_name = "redis"
local_bind_port = 6379
%{ endif ~}
%{ if use_ldap }
upstreams {
destination_name = "lldap"
local_bind_port = 3890
%{ endif ~}
%{ for upstream in upstreams ~}
upstreams {
destination_name = "${upstream.destination_name}"
local_bind_port = ${upstream.local_bind_port}
%{ endfor }
sidecar_task {
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 20
memory_max = 50
%{ endif ~}
%{ if healthcheck_path != null ~}
check {
type = "http"
path = "${healthcheck_path}"
port = "main"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "10s"
2022-11-15 09:00:37 -08:00
%{ endif ~}
%{ if metrics_port_name != null ~}
meta {
metrics_addr = "$${NOMAD_ADDR_${metrics_port_name}}"
2022-11-11 13:34:08 -08:00
%{ endif ~}
tags = [
%{ if ingress ~}
%{ if try(ingress_rule, null) != null ~}
%{ endif ~}
%{ for middleware in ingress_middlewares ~}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ endif ~}
%{ endif ~}
task "${name}" {
driver = "docker"
2023-01-11 15:40:42 -08:00
%{ if length(meta) > 0 ~}
meta = {
%{ for k, v in meta ~}
${k} = ${jsonencode(v)}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ endif ~}
2022-11-11 13:34:08 -08:00
config {
image = "${image}"
%{ if service_port != null ~}
ports = ["main"]
%{ endif ~}
%{ if length(try(args, [])) > 0 ~}
args = ${jsonencode(args)}
%{ endif ~}
%{ for template in templates ~}
%{ if template.mount && !template.env ~}
mount {
type = "bind"
target = "${template.dest}"
source = "${template.dest_prefix}/${template.dest}"
%{ endif ~}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ if use_vault ~}
vault {
policies = [
%{ endif ~}
%{ if length(env) > 0 ~}
env = {
%{ for k, v in env ~}
"${k}" = "${v}"
%{ endfor }
%{ endif ~}
%{ for volume in host_volumes ~}
volume_mount {
volume = "${volume.name}"
destination = "${volume.dest}"
read_only = ${volume.read_only}
%{ endfor ~}
%{ for template in templates ~}
template {
data = <<EOF
destination = "${coalesce(template.dest_prefix, "$${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}")}/${template.dest}"
%{ if template.left_delimiter != null }left_delimiter = "${template.left_delimiter}"%{ endif }
%{ if template.right_delimiter != null }right_delimiter = "${template.right_delimiter}"%{ endif }
%{ if template.change_mode != null }change_mode = "${template.change_mode}"%{ endif }
%{ if template.change_signal != null }change_signal = "${template.change_signal}"%{ endif }
%{ if template.env != null }env = ${template.env}%{ endif }
%{ endfor ~}
%{ if resources != null }
resources {
cpu = ${resources.cpu}
memory = ${resources.memory}
%{ if resources.memory_max != null }memory_max = ${resources.memory_max}%{ endif }
%{~ endif }
%{ if mysql_bootstrap != null }
task "${name}-bootstrap" {
driver = "docker"
lifecycle {
hook = "prestart"
sidecar = false
config {
image = "mariadb:10"
args = [
"/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-extra-file=$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/my.cnf < $${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/bootstrap.sql",
vault {
policies = [
template {
data = <<EOF
host={{ env "NOMAD_UPSTREAM_IP_mysql_server" }}
port={{ env "NOMAD_UPSTREAM_PORT_mysql_server" }}
{{ with secret "kv/data/mysql" -}}
password={{ .Data.data.root_password }}
{{ end -}}
destination = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/my.cnf"
template {
data = <<EOF
{{ with secret "${mysql_bootstrap.vault_key}" -}}
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{{ .Data.data.${mysql_bootstrap.db_name_key} }}`
CHARACTER SET = 'utf8mb4'
COLLATE = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{ .Data.data.${mysql_bootstrap.db_user_key} }}'@'%'
IDENTIFIED BY '{{ .Data.data.${mysql_bootstrap.db_pass_key} }}';
GRANT ALL ON `{{ .Data.data.${mysql_bootstrap.db_name_key} }}`.*
TO '{{ .Data.data.${mysql_bootstrap.db_user_key} }}'@'%';
{{ else -}}
{{ end -}}
destination = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/bootstrap.sql"
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 50
%{ endif }