Deploy authelia
Backed by lldap and mysql and deployed on whoami for now as a forward proxy example Would be good to add oidc for Nomad as well as make policies configurable via Nomad variables.
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,6 +144,48 @@
"is_secret": false
"core/authelia.yml": [
"type": "Secret Keyword",
"filename": "core/authelia.yml",
"hashed_secret": "7cb6efb98ba5972a9b5090dc2e517fe14d12cb04",
"is_verified": false,
"line_number": 55,
"is_secret": false
"type": "Secret Keyword",
"filename": "core/authelia.yml",
"hashed_secret": "a32b08d97b1615dc27f58b6b17f67624c04e2c4f",
"is_verified": false,
"line_number": 182,
"is_secret": false
"type": "Secret Keyword",
"filename": "core/authelia.yml",
"hashed_secret": "d16a67474cca598880e37d64557f1264586386bd",
"is_verified": false,
"line_number": 248,
"is_secret": false
"type": "Secret Keyword",
"filename": "core/authelia.yml",
"hashed_secret": "7e1f5e63ab2c1f926e5fb81cc004dc24af411376",
"is_verified": false,
"line_number": 249,
"is_secret": false
"type": "Secret Keyword",
"filename": "core/authelia.yml",
"hashed_secret": "0bb90d739912b79b54b811fec298da9f59008a26",
"is_verified": false,
"line_number": 304,
"is_secret": false
"core/metrics/grafana/grafana.ini": [
"type": "Basic Auth Credentials",
@ -195,5 +237,5 @@
"generated_at": "2023-03-24T18:23:24Z"
"generated_at": "2023-07-07T00:58:58Z"
@ -1,25 +1,6 @@
# This file is maintained automatically by "terraform init".
# Manual edits may be lost in future updates.
provider "" {
version = "2.3.1"
hashes = [
provider "" {
version = "1.4.19"
hashes = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
theme: auto
# jwt_secret: < in file >
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}
default_redirection_url: https://authelia.{{ .base_hostname }}/
{{ end }}
## Set the default 2FA method for new users and for when a user has a preferred method configured that has been
## disabled. This setting must be a method that is enabled.
## Options are totp, webauthn, mobile_push.
default_2fa_method: ""
port: 9091
disable_healthcheck: false
## Level of verbosity for logs: info, debug, trace.
level: debug
## Format the logs are written as: json, text.
format: json
enabled: false
# address: '{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_metrics" }}'
disable: false
issuer: {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .base_hostname }}{{ end }}
digits: 6
## The TOTP algorithm to use.
## It is CRITICAL you read the documentation before changing this option:
algorithm: sha1
disable: false
timeout: 60s
display_name: {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .base_hostname }}{{ end }}
user_verification: preferred
disable: true
# hostname:
# integration_key:
# secret_key:
# enable_self_enrollment: false
disable_reset_password: false
## Password Reset Options.
## External reset password url that redirects the user to an external reset portal. This disables the internal reset
## functionality.
# TODO: not sure if this is needed, probably not?
custom_url: ""
refresh_interval: 5m
implementation: custom
# stunnel url
url: ldap://
timeout: 5s
# TODO: Maybe use stunnel for this
start_tls: false
base_dn: {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .ldap_base_dn }}{{ end }}
additional_users_dn: ou=people
additional_groups_dn: ou=groups
username_attribute: uid
group_name_attribute: cn
mail_attribute: mail
display_name_attribute: displayName
# To allow sign in both with username and email, one can use a filter like
# (&(|({username_attribute}={input})({mail_attribute}={input}))(objectClass=person))
users_filter: "(&({username_attribute}={input})(objectClass=person))"
# Only supported filter by lldap right now
groups_filter: (member={dn})
## The username and password of the admin user.
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/authelia" }}
user: uid={{ .lldap_admin_user }},ou=people,{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .ldap_base_dn }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
# password set using secrets file
# password: <secret>
enabled: false
min_length: 8
max_length: 0
require_uppercase: true
require_lowercase: true
require_number: true
require_special: true
enabled: false
min_score: 3
## Access Control Configuration
## Access control is a list of rules defining the authorizations applied for one resource to users or group of users.
## If 'access_control' is not defined, ACL rules are disabled and the 'bypass' rule is applied, i.e., access is allowed
## to anyone. Otherwise restrictions follow the rules defined.
## Note: One can use the wildcard * to match any subdomain.
## It must stand at the beginning of the pattern. (example: *
## Note: You must put patterns containing wildcards between simple quotes for the YAML to be syntactically correct.
## Definition: A 'rule' is an object with the following keys: 'domain', 'subject', 'policy' and 'resources'.
## - 'domain' defines which domain or set of domains the rule applies to.
## - 'subject' defines the subject to apply authorizations to. This parameter is optional and matching any user if not
## provided. If provided, the parameter represents either a user or a group. It should be of the form
## 'user:<username>' or 'group:<groupname>'.
## - 'policy' is the policy to apply to resources. It must be either 'bypass', 'one_factor', 'two_factor' or 'deny'.
## - 'resources' is a list of regular expressions that matches a set of resources to apply the policy to. This parameter
## is optional and matches any resource if not provided.
## Note: the order of the rules is important. The first policy matching (domain, resource, subject) applies.
## Default policy can either be 'bypass', 'one_factor', 'two_factor' or 'deny'. It is the policy applied to any
## resource if there is no policy to be applied to the user.
default_policy: deny
- name: internal
- name: VPN
## Rules applied to everyone
- domain: '*.{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .base_hostname }}{{ end }}'
policy: one_factor
- domain:
# TODO: Drive these from Nomad variables
- 'secure.{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .base_hostname }}{{ end }}'
policy: two_factor
## The name of the session cookie.
name: authelia_session
domain: {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}{{ .base_hostname }}{{ end }}
# Stored in a secrets file
# secret: <in file>
expiration: 1h
inactivity: 5m
remember_me_duration: 1M
# TODO: use redis when I figure out authentication and database indexes
# redis:
# host:
# port:
# # username: authelia
# # password: authelia
# database_index: 0
# maximum_active_connections: 8
# minimum_idle_connections: 0
max_retries: 3
find_time: 2m
ban_time: 5m
## Storage Provider Configuration
## The available providers are: `local`, `mysql`, `postgres`. You must use one and only one of these providers.
# encryption_key: <in file>
## MySQL / MariaDB (Storage Provider)
port: 3306
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/authelia" }}
database: {{ .db_name }}
username: {{ .db_user }}
# password: <in_file>
{{- end }}
timeout: 5s
## Notification Provider
## Notifications are sent to users when they require a password reset, a Webauthn registration or a TOTP registration.
## The available providers are: filesystem, smtp. You must use only one of these providers.
## You can disable the notifier startup check by setting this to true.
disable_startup_check: false
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs" }}
host: {{ .smtp_server }}
port: {{ .smtp_port }}
username: {{ .smtp_user }}
# password: <in file>
{{- end }}
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/authelia" }}
sender: "{{ .email_sender }}"
## Subject configuration of the emails sent. {title} is replaced by the text from the notifier.
subject: "[Authelia] {title}"
## This address is used during the startup check to verify the email configuration is correct.
## It's not important what it is except if your email server only allows local delivery.
{{- end }}
# identity_providers:
## OpenID Connect (Identity Provider)
## It's recommended you read the documentation before configuration of this section:
# oidc:
## The hmac_secret is used to sign OAuth2 tokens (authorization code, access tokens and refresh tokens).
## HMAC Secret can also be set using a secret:
# hmac_secret: this_is_a_secret_abc123abc123abc
## The issuer_private_key is used to sign the JWT forged by OpenID Connect.
## Issuer Private Key can also be set using a secret:
# issuer_private_key: |
# --- KEY END
## The lifespans configure the expiration for these token types.
# access_token_lifespan: 1h
# authorize_code_lifespan: 1m
# id_token_lifespan: 1h
# refresh_token_lifespan: 90m
## Enables additional debug messages.
# enable_client_debug_messages: false
## SECURITY NOTICE: It's not recommended changing this option, and highly discouraged to have it below 8 for
## security reasons.
# minimum_parameter_entropy: 8
## SECURITY NOTICE: It's not recommended changing this option, and highly discouraged to have it set to 'never'
## for security reasons.
# enforce_pkce: public_clients_only
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings.
# cors:
## List of endpoints in addition to the metadata endpoints to permit cross-origin requests on.
# endpoints:
# - authorization
# - token
# - revocation
# - introspection
# - userinfo
## List of allowed origins.
## Any origin with https is permitted unless this option is configured or the
## allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris option is enabled.
# allowed_origins:
# -
## Automatically adds the origin portion of all redirect URI's on all clients to the list of allowed_origins,
## provided they have the scheme http or https and do not have the hostname of localhost.
# allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris: false
## Clients is a list of known clients and their configuration.
# clients:
# -
## The ID is the OpenID Connect ClientID which is used to link an application to a configuration.
# id: myapp
## The description to show to users when they end up on the consent screen. Defaults to the ID above.
# description: My Application
## The client secret is a shared secret between Authelia and the consumer of this client.
# secret: this_is_a_secret
## Sector Identifiers are occasionally used to generate pairwise subject identifiers. In most cases this is not
## necessary. Read the documentation for more information.
## The subject identifier must be the host component of a URL, which is a domain name with an optional port.
# sector_identifier:
## Sets the client to public. This should typically not be set, please see the documentation for usage.
# public: false
## The policy to require for this client; one_factor or two_factor.
# authorization_policy: two_factor
## By default users cannot remember pre-configured consents. Setting this value to a period of time using a
## duration notation will enable users to remember consent for this client. The time configured is the amount
## of time the pre-configured consent is valid for granting new authorizations to the user.
# pre_configured_consent_duration:
## Audience this client is allowed to request.
# audience: []
## Scopes this client is allowed to request.
# scopes:
# - openid
# - groups
# - email
# - profile
## Redirect URI's specifies a list of valid case-sensitive callbacks for this client.
# redirect_uris:
# -
## Grant Types configures which grants this client can obtain.
## It's not recommended to define this unless you know what you're doing.
# grant_types:
# - refresh_token
# - authorization_code
## Response Types configures which responses this client can be sent.
## It's not recommended to define this unless you know what you're doing.
# response_types:
# - code
## Response Modes configures which response modes this client supports.
# response_modes:
# - form_post
# - query
# - fragment
## The algorithm used to sign userinfo endpoint responses for this client, either none or RS256.
# userinfo_signing_algorithm: none
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
job "lldap" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
priority = 80
group "lldap" {
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ job "lldap" {
env = {
"LLDAP_VERBOSE" = "true"
@ -53,3 +53,83 @@ resource "nomad_job" "ddclient" {
resource "nomad_job" "lldap" {
jobspec = file("${path.module}/lldap.nomad")
module "authelia" {
source = "../services/service"
name = "authelia"
priority = 70
image = "authelia/authelia:latest"
args = ["--config", "$${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/authelia.yml"]
ingress = true
service_port = 9091
# metrics_port = 9959
env = {
use_mysql = true
use_ldap = true
mysql_bootstrap = {
enabled = true
service_tags = [
# Configure traefik to add this middleware
templates = [
data = file("${path.module}/authelia.yml")
dest = "authelia.yml"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs/authelia\" }}{{ .lldap_admin_password }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "ldap_password.txt"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs/authelia\" }}{{ .jwt_secret }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "jwt_secret.txt"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs/authelia\" }}{{ .session_secret }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "session_secret.txt"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs/authelia\" }}{{ .storage_encryption_key }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "storage_encryption_key.txt"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs/authelia\" }}{{ .db_pass }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "mysql_password.txt"
mount = false
data = "{{ with nomadVar \"nomad/jobs\" }}{{ .smtp_password }}{{ end }}"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}"
dest = "smtp_password.txt"
mount = false
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
job "redis" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
priority = 60
priority = 80
group "cache" {
count = 1
@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ resource "nomad_job" "service" {
docker_devices = var.docker_devices
service_port = var.service_port
ports = var.ports
sticky_disk = var.sticky_disk
resources = var.resources
service_tags = var.service_tags
ingress = var.ingress
ingress_rule = var.ingress_rule
@ -13,7 +13,14 @@ job "${name}" {
host_network = "wesher"
to = ${service_port}
%{ endif }
%{ endif ~}
%{ for port in ports ~}
port "${}" {
%{ if port.host_network != null }host_network = "${port.host_network}"%{ endif ~}
%{ if != null }to = ${}%{ endif ~}
%{ if port.static != null }static = ${port.static}%{ endif ~}
%{ endfor }
%{ for constraint in constraints ~}
@ -62,8 +69,11 @@ job "${name}" {
%{ endif ~}
%{ for middleware in ingress_middlewares ~}
%{~ endfor }
%{~ endif }
%{ endfor ~}
%{ endif ~}
%{ for tag in service_tags ~}
%{ endfor ~}
@ -95,6 +95,23 @@ variable "ingress_middlewares" {
description = "Traefik middlewares that should be used"
variable "service_tags" {
type = list(string)
default = []
description = "Additional tags to be added to the service."
variable "ports" {
type = list(object({
name = string
host_network = optional(string)
to = optional(number)
static = optional(number)
default = []
description = "Additional ports (not service_port) to be bound."
variable "templates" {
type = list(object({
data = string
@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ job "whoami" {
tags = [
# "traefik.http.routers.whoami.middlewares=basic-auth@file",
# "traefik.http.routers.whoami.middlewares=authelia-basic@consulcatalog",
# "traefik.http.routers.whoami.middlewares=authelia@file",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user