variable "image_name" { type = string default = "" } variable "csi_version" { type = string default = "1.5.0" } variable "config_data" { type = string } job "democratic-csi-nfs-node" { datacenters = ["dc1"] # you can run node plugins as service jobs as well, but this ensures # that all nodes in the DC have a copy. type = "system" group "nodes" { task "plugin" { driver = "docker" env { CSI_NODE_ID = "${attr.unique.hostname}" } config { image = var.image_name args = [ "--csi-version=${var.csi_version}", # must match the attribute below "--csi-name=org.democratic-csi.nfs", "--driver-config-file=${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/driver-config-file.yaml", "--log-level=info", "--csi-mode=node", "--server-socket=/csi/csi.sock", ] # node plugins must run as privileged jobs because they # mount disks to the host privileged = true ipc_mode = "host" network_mode = "host" } template { destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/driver-config-file.yaml" data = var.config_data } csi_plugin { # must match --csi-name arg id = "org.democratic-csi.nfs" type = "node" mount_dir = "/csi" } resources { cpu = 250 memory = 128 } } } }