job "postgres-server" { datacenters = ["dc1"] type = "service" priority = 80 group "postgres-server" { count = 1 restart { attempts = 10 interval = "5m" delay = "25s" mode = "delay" } network { mode = "bridge" port "db" { static = 5432 } port "tls" {} } volume "postgres-data" { type = "host" read_only = false source = "postgres-data" } service { name = "postgres-server" provider = "nomad" port = "db" } service { name = "postgres-tls" provider = "nomad" port = "tls" } task "postgres-server" { driver = "docker" config { image = "postgres:14" ports = ["db"] } volume_mount { volume = "postgres-data" destination = "/var/lib/postgresql/data" read_only = false } env = { # Allow connections from any host "MYSQL_ROOT_HOST" = "%" } template { data = <<EOH {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/postgres-server" }} POSTGRES_USER={{ .superuser }} POSTGRES_PASSWORD={{ .superuser_pass }} {{ end }} EOH destination = "secrets/db.env" env = true } resources { cpu = 500 memory = 700 memory_max = 1200 } } task "stunnel" { driver = "docker" config { image = "iamthefij/stunnel:latest" args = ["${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/stunnel.conf"] ports = ["tls"] } resources { cpu = 100 memory = 100 } template { data = <<EOF syslog = no foreground = yes delay = yes [postgres_server] accept = {{ env "NOMAD_PORT_tls" }} connect = ciphers = PSK PSKsecrets = {{ env "NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR" }}/stunnel_psk.txt EOF destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/stunnel.conf" } template { data = <<EOF {{ range nomadVarList "secrets/postgres/allowed_psks" -}} {{ with nomadVar .Path }}{{ .psk }}{{ end }} {{ end -}} EOF destination = "${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/stunnel_psk.txt" } } } }