# module "nextcloud" { # source = "./nextcloud" # # depends_on = [module.databases] # } module "backups" { source = "./backups" # In parent module # depends_on = [module.databases] } module "media" { source = "./media" } resource "nomad_job" "whoami" { hcl2 { enabled = true vars = { "count" = 1, # "count" = "${2 * length(data.consul_service.nomad.service)}", } } jobspec = file("${path.module}/whoami.nomad") } resource "nomad_job" "ipdvr" { jobspec = file("${path.module}/ip-dvr.nomad") } resource "consul_config_entry" "nzbget_intents" { depends_on = [nomad_job.ipdvr] name = "nzbget" kind = "service-intentions" config_json = jsonencode({ Sources = [ { Action = "allow" Name = "sonarr" Precedence = 9 Type = "consul" }, ] }) } # module "nzbget" { # source "./levant" # # template_path = "service.nomad" # variables = { # name = "nzbget" # image = "linuxserver/nzbget" # service_port = 6789 # ingress = true # env = jsonencode({ # PGID = 100 # PUID = 1001 # TZ = "America/Los_Angeles" # }) # host_volumes = jsonencode([ # { # name = "download" # dest = "/srv/volumes/download" # read_only = false # }, # ]) # } # } # # module "sonarr" { # source = "./levant" # # template_path = "service.nomad" # variables = { # name = "sonarr" # image = "linuxserver/sonarr" # service_port = 8989 # ingress = true # env = jsonencode({ # PGID = 100 # PUID = 1001 # TZ = "America/Los_Angeles" # # }) # host_volumes = jsonencode([ # { # name = "sonarr-data" # dest = "/config" # read_only = false # }, # { # name = "tv-sonarr" # dest = "/srv/volumes/media-write/TV Shows" # read_only = false # }, # { # name = "download" # dest = "/srv/volumes/download" # read_only = false # }, # ]) # } # } # resource "nomad_job" "photoprism" { # jobspec = templatefile("services_tf.nomad", { # vars = { # name = "photoprism" # image = "photoprism/photoprism:latest" # ingress = true # service_port = 2342 # sticky_disk = true # healthcheck = "/library/login" # env = { # PHOTOPRISM_SITE_CAPTION = "AI-Powered Photos App" # PHOTOPRISM_SITE_DESCRIPTION = "Fijolek home photos" # PHOTOPRISM_SITE_TITLE = "PhotoPrism" # PHOTOPRISM_SITE_URL = "https://photoprism.thefij.rocks:2342/" # server URL in the format "http(s)://domain.name(:port)/(path)" # PHOTOPRISM_SPONSOR = "true" # # Paths # PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_PATH = "/photoprism-media/Library" # PHOTOPRISM_IMPORT_PATH = "/photoprism-media/Import" # PHOTOPRISM_STORAGE_PATH = "$${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/storage" # Storage PATH for generated files like cache and index # # Unix permissions # PHOTOPRISM_UID = 500 # PHOTOPRISM_GID = 100 # PHOTOPRISM_UMASK = 0000 # } # mysql = true # vault = true # resources = { # cpu = 100 # memory = 500 # memory_max = 1000 # } # host_volumes = [ # { # name = "photoprism-media" # dest = "/photoprism-media" # read_only = false # }, # ] # mysql_bootstrap = { # vault_key = "kv/data/photoprism" # } # templates = [ # { # data = <