
42 lines
995 B

resource "nomad_job" "postgres-server" {
jobspec = file("${path.module}/postgres.nomad")
# Block until deployed as there are servics dependent on this one
detach = false
resource "nomad_acl_policy" "secrets_postgres" {
name = "secrets-postgres"
description = "Give access to Postgres secrets"
rules_hcl = <<EOH
namespace "default" {
variables {
path "secrets/postgres" {
capabilities = ["read"]
path "secrets/postgres/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
job_acl {
# job_id = resource.nomad_job.postgres-server.id
job_id = "postgres-server"
# Create self-scoped psk so that config is valid at first start
resource "random_password" "postgres_postgres_psk" {
length = 32
override_special = "!@#%&*-_="
resource "nomad_variable" "postgres_postgres_psk" {
path = "secrets/postgres/allowed_psks/postgres"
items = {
psk = "postgres:${resource.random_password.postgres_postgres_psk.result}"