Ian Fijolek f5898b0283 Add workload ACL management for mysql and postgres access
Allows required jobs to access shared secrets and auto generates psks
for stunnel.

Currently supporting MySQL, Postgres, and LDAP.
2023-08-29 12:48:48 -07:00

129 lines
2.2 KiB

job "mysql-server" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
priority = 80
group "mysql-server" {
count = 1
restart {
attempts = 10
interval = "5m"
delay = "25s"
mode = "delay"
network {
mode = "bridge"
port "db" {
static = 3306
port "tls" {}
volume "mysql-data" {
type = "host"
read_only = false
source = "mysql-data"
service {
name = "mysql-server"
provider = "nomad"
port = "db"
service {
name = "mysql-tls"
provider = "nomad"
port = "tls"
task "mysql-server" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "mariadb:10"
ports = ["db"]
args = ["--innodb-buffer-pool-size=1G"]
volume_mount {
volume = "mysql-data"
destination = "/var/lib/mysql"
read_only = false
env = {
# Allow connections from any host
template {
data = <<EOH
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/mysql-server" }}
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{ .mysql_root_password }}
{{ end }}
destination = "${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/db.env"
env = true
resources {
cpu = 300
memory = 1536
task "stunnel" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "alpine:3.17"
ports = ["tls"]
args = ["/bin/sh", "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/start.sh"]
resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 100
template {
data = <<EOF
set -e
apk add stunnel
exec stunnel ${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/stunnel.conf
destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/start.sh"
template {
data = <<EOF
syslog = no
foreground = yes
delay = yes
accept = {{ env "NOMAD_PORT_tls" }}
connect =
ciphers = PSK
PSKsecrets = {{ env "NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR" }}/stunnel_psk.txt
destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/stunnel.conf"
template {
data = <<EOF
{{ range nomadVarList "secrets/mysql/allowed_psks" -}}
{{ with nomadVar .Path }}{{ .psk }}{{ end }}
{{ end -}}
destination = "${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/stunnel_psk.txt"