Ian Fijolek d5078b24da Refactor use of wesher to be behind a variable toggle
Occasionally I run into issues with Wesher. This makes it easier to
disable use of Wesher by setting TF_VAR_use_wesher to false.
2023-08-24 12:51:32 -07:00

35 lines
792 B

module "minitor" {
source = "./service"
name = "minitor"
image = "iamthefij/minitor-go:1.4.1"
args = ["-metrics", "-config=$${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/config.yml"]
service_port = 8080
use_wesher = var.use_wesher
prometheus = true
env = {
TZ = "America/Los_Angeles",
templates = [
data = <<EOF
{{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/minitor" -}}
MAILGUN_API_KEY={{ .mailgun_api_key }}
{{ end -}}
dest = "env"
dest_prefix = "$${NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR}/"
env = true
data = file("${path.module}/minitor-config.yml")
left_delimiter = "[["
right_delimiter = "]]"
dest = "config.yml"
mount = false