Ian Fijolek 57df7199f7 Update ansible to deploy nomad and consul to Pi host
This is broken because the Pi doesn't have the right version of ip-tables
2022-02-27 14:54:25 -08:00

88 lines
1.6 KiB

# Configure Consul provider
variable "consul_address" {
type = string
default = ""
provider "consul" {
address = var.consul_address
# Get Nomad client from Consul
data "consul_service" "read-nomad-cluster" {
name = "nomad-client"
# name = "nomad-clients"
locals {
nomad_node = data.consul_service.read-nomad-cluster.service[0]
nomad_node_address = "http://${local.nomad_node.node_address}:${local.nomad_node.port}"
# Configure the Consul provider
provider "nomad" {
# address = "http://services.thefij:4646"
address = local.nomad_node_address
region = "global"
# Create mysql server
resource "nomad_job" "mysql-server" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
jobspec = file("${path.module}/mysql.nomad")
# Create mysql server
resource "nomad_job" "adminer" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
jobspec = file("${path.module}/adminer.nomad")
# Create Traefik
resource "nomad_job" "traefik" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
vars = {
"consul_address" = "${var.consul_address}",
jobspec = file("${path.module}/traefik.nomad")
# Create a sample host
resource "nomad_job" "whoami" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
vars = {
"count" = "${2 * length(data.consul_service.read-nomad-cluster.service)}"
jobspec = file("${path.module}/whoami.nomad")
# Create a sample host
resource "nomad_job" "nextcloud-bootstrap" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
jobspec = file("${path.module}/nextcloud-bootstrap.nomad")
# Create a sample host
resource "nomad_job" "nextcloud" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
jobspec = file("${path.module}/nextcloud.nomad")