Ian Fijolek 37db4b2db0
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing
Update error string when failing to send alert
Wrap both originating errors
2023-08-10 16:23:02 -04:00

193 lines
4.8 KiB

package main
import (
var (
errNoTemplate = errors.New("no template")
// ErrAlertFailed indicates that an alert failed to send
ErrAlertFailed = errors.New("alert failed")
// Alert is a config driven mechanism for sending a notice
type Alert struct {
Name string
Command CommandOrShell
commandTemplate []*template.Template
commandShellTemplate *template.Template
// AlertNotice captures the context for an alert to be sent
type AlertNotice struct {
AlertCount int16
FailureCount int16
IsUp bool
LastSuccess time.Time
MonitorName string
LastCheckOutput string
// IsValid returns a boolean indicating if the Alert has been correctly
// configured
func (alert Alert) IsValid() bool {
return !alert.Command.Empty()
// BuildTemplates compiles command templates for the Alert
func (alert *Alert) BuildTemplates() error {
// TODO: Remove legacy template support later after 1.0
legacy := strings.NewReplacer(
"{alert_count}", "{{.AlertCount}}",
"{alert_message}", "{{.MonitorName}} check has failed {{.FailureCount}} times",
"{failure_count}", "{{.FailureCount}}",
"{last_output}", "{{.LastCheckOutput}}",
"{last_success}", "{{.LastSuccess}}",
"{monitor_name}", "{{.MonitorName}}",
slog.Debugf("Building template for alert %s", alert.Name)
// Time format func factory
tff := func(formatString string) func(time.Time) string {
return func(t time.Time) string {
return t.Format(formatString)
// Create some functions for formatting datetimes in popular formats
timeFormatFuncs := template.FuncMap{
"ANSIC": tff(time.ANSIC),
"UnixDate": tff(time.UnixDate),
"RubyDate": tff(time.RubyDate),
"RFC822Z": tff(time.RFC822Z),
"RFC850": tff(time.RFC850),
"RFC1123": tff(time.RFC1123),
"RFC1123Z": tff(time.RFC1123Z),
"RFC3339": tff(time.RFC3339),
"RFC3339Nano": tff(time.RFC3339Nano),
"FormatTime": func(t time.Time, timeFormat string) string {
return t.Format(timeFormat)
"InTZ": func(t time.Time, tzName string) (time.Time, error) {
tz, err := time.LoadLocation(tzName)
if err != nil {
return t, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert time to specified tz: %w", err)
return t.In(tz), nil
switch {
case alert.commandTemplate == nil && alert.Command.Command != nil:
alert.commandTemplate = []*template.Template{}
for i, cmdPart := range alert.Command.Command {
if PyCompat {
cmdPart = legacy.Replace(cmdPart)
alert.commandTemplate = append(alert.commandTemplate, template.Must(
case alert.commandShellTemplate == nil && alert.Command.ShellCommand != "":
shellCmd := alert.Command.ShellCommand
if PyCompat {
shellCmd = legacy.Replace(shellCmd)
alert.commandShellTemplate = template.Must(
return fmt.Errorf("No template provided for alert %s: %w", alert.Name, errNoTemplate)
return nil
// Send will send an alert notice by executing the command template
func (alert Alert) Send(notice AlertNotice) (outputStr string, err error) {
slog.Infof("Sending alert %s for %s", alert.Name, notice.MonitorName)
var cmd *exec.Cmd
switch {
case alert.commandTemplate != nil:
command := []string{}
for _, cmdTmp := range alert.commandTemplate {
var commandBuffer bytes.Buffer
err = cmdTmp.Execute(&commandBuffer, notice)
if err != nil {
command = append(command, commandBuffer.String())
cmd = exec.Command(command[0], command[1:]...)
case alert.commandShellTemplate != nil:
var commandBuffer bytes.Buffer
err = alert.commandShellTemplate.Execute(&commandBuffer, notice)
if err != nil {
shellCommand := commandBuffer.String()
cmd = ShellCommand(shellCommand)
err = fmt.Errorf("No templates compiled for alert %s: %w", alert.Name, errNoTemplate)
// Exit if we're not ready to run the command
if cmd == nil || err != nil {
var output []byte
output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
outputStr = string(output)
slog.Debugf("Alert output for: %s\n---\n%s\n---", alert.Name, outputStr)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"Alert %s failed to send. Returned %w: %w",
return outputStr, err
// NewLogAlert creates an alert that does basic logging using echo
func NewLogAlert() *Alert {
return &Alert{
Name: "log",
Command: CommandOrShell{
Command: []string{
"{{.MonitorName}} {{if .IsUp}}has recovered{{else}}check has failed {{.FailureCount}} times{{end}}",