Ian Fijolek aad9eaa32f
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Update exported status metric to properly reflect alerting status of a monitor
It was using the result of the individual check and not the monitor as a whole
2020-07-14 17:09:56 -07:00

124 lines
3.5 KiB

package main
import (
var (
// LogDebug will control whether debug messsages should be logged
LogDebug = false
// ExportMetrics will track whether or not we want to export metrics to prometheus
ExportMetrics = false
// MetricsPort is the port to expose metrics on
MetricsPort = 8080
// Metrics contains all active metrics
Metrics = NewMetrics()
// PyCompat enables support for legacy Python templates
PyCompat = false
// version of minitor being run
version = "dev"
func checkMonitors(config *Config) error {
for _, monitor := range config.Monitors {
if monitor.ShouldCheck() {
success, alertNotice := monitor.Check()
hasAlert := alertNotice != nil
// Track status metrics
Metrics.SetMonitorStatus(monitor.Name, monitor.IsUp())
Metrics.CountCheck(monitor.Name, success, hasAlert)
// Should probably consider refactoring everything below here
if alertNotice != nil {
if LogDebug {
log.Printf("DEBUG: Recieved an alert notice from %s", alertNotice.MonitorName)
alertNames := monitor.GetAlertNames(alertNotice.IsUp)
if alertNames == nil {
// This should only happen for a recovery alert. AlertDown is validated not empty
"WARNING: Recieved alert, but no alert mechanisms exist. MonitorName=%s IsUp=%t",
alertNotice.MonitorName, alertNotice.IsUp,
for _, alertName := range alertNames {
if alert, ok := config.Alerts[alertName]; ok {
output, err := alert.Send(*alertNotice)
if err != nil {
"ERROR: Alert '%s' failed. result=%v: output=%s",
return fmt.Errorf(
"Unsuccessfully triggered alert '%s'. "+
"Crashing to avoid false negatives: %v",
// Count alert metrics
Metrics.CountAlert(monitor.Name, alert.Name)
} else {
// This case should never actually happen since we validate against it
log.Printf("ERROR: Unknown alert for monitor %s: %s", alertNotice.MonitorName, alertName)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown alert for monitor %s: %s", alertNotice.MonitorName, alertName)
return nil
func main() {
// Get debug flag
flag.BoolVar(&LogDebug, "debug", false, "Enables debug logs (default: false)")
flag.BoolVar(&ExportMetrics, "metrics", false, "Enables prometheus metrics exporting (default: false)")
flag.BoolVar(&PyCompat, "py-compat", false, "Enables support for legacy Python Minitor config. Will eventually be removed. (default: false)")
flag.IntVar(&MetricsPort, "metrics-port", 8080, "The port that Prometheus metrics should be exported on, if enabled. (default: 8080)")
var showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Display the version of minitor and exit")
var configPath = flag.String("config", "config.yml", "Alternate configuration path (default: config.yml)")
// Print version if flag is provided
if *showVersion {
log.Println("Minitor version:", version)
// Load configuration
config, err := LoadConfig(*configPath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error loading config: %v", err)
// Serve metrics exporter, if specified
if ExportMetrics {
log.Println("INFO: Exporting metrics to Prometheus")
go ServeMetrics()
// Start main loop
for {
err = checkMonitors(&config)
if err != nil {
sleepTime := time.Duration(config.CheckInterval) * time.Second