Ian Fijolek 3c14a02770 Continue checking all monitors after sending alert
Previously this was mistakenly returning after sending an alert. Now
all alerts will be sent unless there is an exception on one of them.
2021-09-02 10:20:04 -07:00

130 lines
3.5 KiB

package main
import (
var (
// ExportMetrics will track whether or not we want to export metrics to prometheus
ExportMetrics = false
// MetricsPort is the port to expose metrics on
MetricsPort = 8080
// Metrics contains all active metrics
Metrics = NewMetrics()
// PyCompat enables support for legacy Python templates
PyCompat = false
// version of minitor being run
version = "dev"
errUnknownAlert = errors.New("unknown alert")
func sendAlerts(config *Config, monitor *Monitor, alertNotice *AlertNotice) error {
slog.Debugf("Received an alert notice from %s", alertNotice.MonitorName)
alertNames := monitor.GetAlertNames(alertNotice.IsUp)
if alertNames == nil {
// This should only happen for a recovery alert. AlertDown is validated not empty
"Received alert, but no alert mechanisms exist. MonitorName=%s IsUp=%t",
alertNotice.MonitorName, alertNotice.IsUp,
return nil
for _, alertName := range alertNames {
if alert, ok := config.Alerts[alertName]; ok {
output, err := alert.Send(*alertNotice)
if err != nil {
"Alert '%s' failed. result=%v: output=%s",
return err
// Count alert metrics
Metrics.CountAlert(monitor.Name, alert.Name)
} else {
// This case should never actually happen since we validate against it
slog.Errorf("Unknown alert for monitor %s: %s", alertNotice.MonitorName, alertName)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown alert for monitor %s: %s: %w", alertNotice.MonitorName, alertName, errUnknownAlert)
return nil
func checkMonitors(config *Config) error {
// TODO: Run this in goroutines and capture exceptions
for _, monitor := range config.Monitors {
if monitor.ShouldCheck() {
success, alertNotice := monitor.Check()
hasAlert := alertNotice != nil
// Track status metrics
Metrics.SetMonitorStatus(monitor.Name, monitor.IsUp())
Metrics.CountCheck(monitor.Name, success, monitor.LastCheckMilliseconds(), hasAlert)
if alertNotice != nil {
err := sendAlerts(config, monitor, alertNotice)
// If there was an error in sending an alert, exit early and bubble it up
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
showVersion := flag.Bool("version", false, "Display the version of minitor and exit")
configPath := flag.String("config", "config.yml", "Alternate configuration path (default: config.yml)")
flag.BoolVar(&slog.DebugLevel, "debug", false, "Enables debug logs (default: false)")
flag.BoolVar(&ExportMetrics, "metrics", false, "Enables prometheus metrics exporting (default: false)")
flag.BoolVar(&PyCompat, "py-compat", false, "Enables support for legacy Python Minitor config. Will eventually be removed. (default: false)")
flag.IntVar(&MetricsPort, "metrics-port", MetricsPort, "The port that Prometheus metrics should be exported on, if enabled. (default: 8080)")
// Print version if flag is provided
if *showVersion {
fmt.Println("Minitor version:", version)
// Load configuration
config, err := LoadConfig(*configPath)
slog.OnErrFatalf(err, "Error loading config: %v", err)
// Serve metrics exporter, if specified
if ExportMetrics {
slog.Infof("Exporting metrics to Prometheus on port %d", MetricsPort)
go ServeMetrics()
// Start main loop
for {
err = checkMonitors(&config)
slog.OnErrPanicf(err, "Error checking monitors")