check_interval: 30 monitors: - name: My Website command: [ 'curl', '-s', '-o', '/dev/null', 'https://minitor.mon' ] alert_down: [ log, mailgun_down, sms_down ] alert_up: [ log, email_up ] check_interval: 30 # Must be at minimum the global `check_interval` alert_after: 3 alert_every: -1 # Defaults to -1 for exponential backoff. 0 to disable repeating alerts: email_up: command: [ sendmail, "me@minitor.mon", "Recovered: {monitor_name}", "We're back!" ] mailgun_down: command: > curl -s -X POST -F subject="Alert! {monitor_name} failed" -F from="Minitor " -F to=me@minitor.mon -F text="Our monitor failed" -u "api:${MAILGUN_API_KEY}" sms_down: command: > curl -s -X POST -F "Body=Failure! {monitor_name} has failed" -F "From=${AVAILABLE_NUMBER}" -F "To=${MY_PHONE}" "${ACCOUNT_SID}/Messages" -u "${ACCOUNT_SID}:${AUTH_TOKEN}"