import logging import subprocess import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime from itertools import chain from subprocess import CalledProcessError from subprocess import check_output from time import sleep import yamlenv from prometheus_client import Counter from prometheus_client import Gauge from prometheus_client import start_http_server DEFAULT_METRICS_PORT = 8080 logging.basicConfig( level=logging.ERROR, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s" ) logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) def read_yaml(path): """Loads config from a YAML file with env interpolation""" with open(path, "r") as yaml: contents = return yamlenv.load(contents) def validate_monitor_settings(settings): """Validates that settings for a Monitor are valid Note: Cannot yet validate the Alerts exist from within this class. That will be done by Minitor later """ name = settings.get("name") if not name: raise InvalidMonitorException("Invalid name for monitor") if not settings.get("command"): raise InvalidMonitorException("Invalid command for monitor {}".format(name)) type_assertions = ( ("check_interval", int), ("alert_after", int), ("alert_every", int), ) for key, val_type in type_assertions: val = settings.get(key) if not isinstance(val, val_type): raise InvalidMonitorException( "Invalid type on {}: {}. Expected {} and found {}".format( name, key, val_type.__name__, type(val).__name__ ) ) non_zero = ( "check_interval", "alert_after", ) for key in non_zero: if settings.get(key) == 0: raise InvalidMonitorException( "Invalid value for {}: {}. Value cannot be 0".format(name, key) ) def maybe_decode(bstr, encoding="utf-8"): try: return bstr.decode(encoding) except TypeError: return bstr def call_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): """Similar to check_output, but instead returns output and exception""" # So we can capture complete output, redirect sderr to stdout kwargs.setdefault("stderr", subprocess.STDOUT) output, ex = None, None try: output = check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs) except CalledProcessError as e: output, ex = e.output, e output = output.rstrip(b"\n") return output, ex class InvalidAlertException(Exception): pass class InvalidMonitorException(Exception): pass class MinitorAlert(Exception): def __init__(self, message, monitor): super().__init__(message) self.monitor = monitor class Monitor(object): """Primary configuration item for Minitor""" def __init__(self, config, counter=None, logger=None): """Accepts a dictionary of configuration items to override defaults""" settings = { "alerts": ["log"], "check_interval": 30, "alert_after": 4, "alert_every": -1, } settings.update(config) validate_monitor_settings(settings) = settings["name"] self.command = settings["command"] self.alert_down = settings.get("alert_down", []) if not self.alert_down: self.alert_down = settings.get("alerts", []) self.alert_up = settings.get("alert_up", []) self.check_interval = settings.get("check_interval") self.alert_after = settings.get("alert_after") self.alert_every = settings.get("alert_every") self.alert_count = 0 self.last_check = None self.last_output = None self.last_success = None self.total_failure_count = 0 self._counter = counter if logger is None: self._logger = logging.getLogger( "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ) else: self._logger = logger.getChild( "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ) def _count_check(self, is_success=True, is_alert=False): if self._counter is not None: self._counter.labels(, status=("success" if is_success else "failure"), is_alert=is_alert, ).inc() def should_check(self): """Determines if this Monitor should run it's check command""" if not self.last_check: return True since_last_check = ( - self.last_check).total_seconds() return since_last_check >= self.check_interval def check(self): """Returns None if skipped, False if failed, and True if successful Will raise an exception if should alert """ if not self.should_check(): return None output, ex = call_output( self.command, shell=isinstance(self.command, str), ) output = maybe_decode(output) self._logger.debug(output) self.last_check = self.last_output = output is_success = None try: if ex is None: is_success = True self.success() else: is_success = False self.failure() except MinitorAlert: self._count_check(is_success=is_success, is_alert=True) raise self._count_check(is_success=is_success) return is_success def success(self): """Handles success tasks""" back_up = None if not self.is_up(): back_up = MinitorAlert( "{} check is up again!".format(, self, ) self.total_failure_count = 0 self.alert_count = 0 self.last_success = if back_up: raise back_up def failure(self): """Handles failure tasks and possibly raises MinitorAlert""" self.total_failure_count += 1 # Ensure we've hit the minimum number of failures to alert if self.total_failure_count < self.alert_after: return failure_count = self.total_failure_count - self.alert_after if self.alert_every > 0: # Otherwise, we should check against our alert_every should_alert = (failure_count % self.alert_every) == 0 elif self.alert_every == 0: # Only alert on the first failure should_alert = failure_count == 1 else: should_alert = failure_count >= (2**self.alert_count) - 1 if should_alert: self.alert_count += 1 raise MinitorAlert( "{} check has failed {} times".format(, self.total_failure_count ), self, ) def is_up(self): """Indicates if the monitor is already alerting failures""" return self.alert_count == 0 class Alert(object): def __init__(self, name, config, counter=None, logger=None): """An alert must be named and have a config dict""" = name self.command = config.get("command") if not self.command: raise InvalidAlertException("Invalid alert {}".format( self._counter = counter if logger is None: self._logger = logging.getLogger( "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ) else: self._logger = logger.getChild( "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ) def _count_alert(self, monitor): """Increments the alert counter""" if self._counter is not None: self._counter.labels(, monitor=monitor, ).inc() def _formated_command(self, **kwargs): """Formats command array or string with kwargs from Monitor""" if isinstance(self.command, str): return self.command.format(**kwargs) args = [] for arg in self.command: args.append(arg.format(**kwargs)) return args def _format_datetime(self, dt): """Formats a datetime for an alert""" if dt is None: return "Never" return dt.isoformat() def alert(self, message, monitor): """Calls the alert command for the provided monitor""" self._count_alert( output, ex = call_output( self._formated_command( alert_count=monitor.alert_count, alert_message=message, failure_count=monitor.total_failure_count, last_output=monitor.last_output, last_success=self._format_datetime(monitor.last_success),, ), shell=isinstance(self.command, str), ) self._logger.error(maybe_decode(output)) if ex is not None: raise ex class Minitor(object): monitors = None alerts = None state = None check_interval = None def __init__(self): self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._alert_counter = None self._monitor_counter = None self._monitor_status_gauge = None def _parse_args(self, args=None): """Parses command line arguments and returns them""" parser = ArgumentParser(description="Minimal monitoring") parser.add_argument( "--config", "-c", dest="config_path", default="config.yml", help="Path to the config YAML file to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--metrics", "-m", dest="metrics", action="store_true", help="Start webserver with metrics", ) parser.add_argument( "--metrics-port", "-p", dest="metrics_port", type=int, default=DEFAULT_METRICS_PORT, help="Port to use when serving metrics", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="count", help=( "Adjust log verbosity by increasing arg count. Default log", "level is ERROR. Level increases with each `v`", ), ) return parser.parse_args(args) def _setup(self, config_path): """Load all setup from YAML file at provided path""" config = read_yaml(config_path) self.check_interval = config.get("check_interval", 30) self.monitors = [ Monitor( mon, counter=self._monitor_counter, logger=self._logger, ) for mon in config.get("monitors", []) ] # Add default alert for logging self.alerts = { "log": Alert( "log", {"command": ["echo", "{alert_message}!"]}, counter=self._alert_counter, logger=self._logger, ) } self.alerts.update( { alert_name: Alert( alert_name, alert, counter=self._alert_counter, logger=self._logger, ) for alert_name, alert in config.get("alerts", {}).items() } ) def _validate_monitors(self): """Validates monitors are valid against other config values""" for monitor in self.monitors: # Validate that the interval is valid if monitor.check_interval < self.check_interval: raise InvalidMonitorException( "Monitor {} check interval is lower global value {}".format(, self.check_interval ) ) # Validate that the the alerts for the monitor exist for alert in chain(monitor.alert_down, monitor.alert_up): if alert not in self.alerts: raise InvalidMonitorException( "Monitor {} contains an unknown alert: {}".format(, alert ) ) def _init_metrics(self): self._alert_counter = Counter( "minitor_alert_total", "Number of Minitor alerts", ["alert", "monitor"], ) self._monitor_counter = Counter( "minitor_check_total", "Number of Minitor checks", ["monitor", "status", "is_alert"], ) self._monitor_status_gauge = Gauge( "minitor_monitor_up_count", "Currently responsive monitors", ["monitor"], ) def _loop(self): while True: self._check() sleep(self.check_interval) def _check(self): """The main run loop""" for monitor in self.monitors: try: result = monitor.check() if result is not None: "%s: %s",, "SUCCESS" if result else "FAILURE" ) except MinitorAlert as minitor_alert: self._logger.warning(minitor_alert) self._handle_minitor_alert(minitor_alert) # Track the status of the Monitor if self._monitor_status_gauge: self._monitor_status_gauge.labels(, ).set(int(monitor.is_up())) def _handle_minitor_alert(self, minitor_alert): """Issues all alerts for a provided monitor""" monitor = minitor_alert.monitor alerts = monitor.alert_up if monitor.is_up() else monitor.alert_down for alert in alerts: self.alerts[alert].alert(str(minitor_alert), monitor) def _set_log_level(self, verbose): """Sets the log level for the class using the provided verbose count""" if verbose == 1: self._logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif verbose == 2: self._logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif verbose >= 3: self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def run(self, args=None): """Runs Minitor in a loop""" args = self._parse_args(args) if args.verbose: self._set_log_level(args.verbose) if args.metrics: self._init_metrics() start_http_server(args.metrics_port) self._setup(args.config_path) self._validate_monitors() self._loop() def main(args=None): try: Minitor().run(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())