#! /bin/bash set -e ################# # docker_check.sh # # Checks the most recent state exit code of a Docker container ################# container_name=$1 # Returns caintainer ID for a given container name function get_container_id { local container_name=$1 curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock 'http://localhost/containers/json?all=1' 2>/dev/null \ | jq -r ".[] | {Id, Name: .Names[]} | select(.Name == \"/${container_name}\") | .Id" } # Returns container JSON function inspect_container { local container_id=$1 curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/containers/$container_id/json 2>/dev/null } if [ -z "$container_name" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 container_name" echo "Will exit with the last status code of continer with provided name" exit 1 fi container_id=$(get_container_id $container_name) if [ -z "$container_id" ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not find container with name: $container_name" exit 1 fi exit_code=$(inspect_container $container_id | jq -r .State.ExitCode) exit $exit_code