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job "grafana" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
group "grafana" {
count = 1
# TODO: Add backup task or job
network {
mode = "bridge"
port "web" {
host_network = "loopback"
to = 3000
2022-03-13 17:13:19 +00:00
ephemeral_disk {
migrate = true
sticky = true
service {
2022-03-13 17:13:19 +00:00
name = "grafana"
port = "web"
connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
local_service_port = 3000
upstreams {
destination_name = "prometheus"
local_bind_port = 9090
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
upstreams {
destination_name = "loki"
local_bind_port = 3100
2022-07-29 20:02:22 +00:00
upstreams {
destination_name = "mysql-server"
local_bind_port = 6060
sidecar_task {
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 50
check {
type = "http"
path = "/"
port = "web"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "10s"
tags = [
2022-07-29 20:02:22 +00:00
task "grafana-bootstrap" {
driver = "docker"
lifecycle {
hook = "prestart"
sidecar = false
config {
image = "mysql:8"
args = [
"/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-extra-file=/task/my.cnf < /task/bootstrap.sql",
mount {
type = "bind"
source = "local/"
target = "/task/"
vault {
policies = [
template {
data = <<EOF
host={{ env "NOMAD_UPSTREAM_IP_mysql_server" }}
port={{ env "NOMAD_UPSTREAM_PORT_mysql_server" }}
{{ with secret "kv/data/mysql" }}
password={{ .Data.data.root_password }}
{{ end }}
destination = "local/my.cnf"
template {
data = <<EOF
{{ with secret "kv/data/grafana" -}}
{{ if .Data.data.db_name -}}
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{{ .Data.data.db_name }}`;
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{{ .Data.data.db_user }}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ .Data.data.db_pass }}';
GRANT ALL ON `{{ .Data.data.db_name }}`.* to '{{ .Data.data.db_user }}'@'%';
{{ else -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
destination = "local/bootstrap.sql"
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 50
task "grafana" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "grafana/grafana:7.3.6"
ports = ["web"]
mount {
type = "bind"
target = "/etc/grafana"
source = "local/config"
env = {
"GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS" = "grafana-clock-panel,grafana-piechart-panel,grafana-polystat-panel",
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
vault {
policies = [
template {
data = <<EOF
2022-07-29 20:02:22 +00:00
{{ with secret "kv/data/grafana" -}}
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD={{ .Data.data.admin_pw }}
GF_SMTP_USER={{ .Data.data.smtp_user }}
GF_SMTP_PASSWORD={{ .Data.data.smtp_password }}
GF_EXTERNAL_IMAGE_STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY={{ .Data.data.minio_access_key }}
GF_EXTERNAL_IMAGE_STORAGE_S3_SECRET_KEY={{ .Data.data.minio_secret_key }}
GRAFANA_ALERT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES={{ .Data.data.alert_email_addresses }}
2022-07-29 20:02:22 +00:00
{{ if .Data.data.db_name -}}
# Database storage
GF_DATABASE_NAME={{ .Data.data.db_name }}
GF_DATABASE_USER={{ .Data.data.db_user }}
GF_DATABASE_PASSWORD={{ .Data.data.db_pass }}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with secret "kv/data/slack" -}}
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
SLACK_BOT_URL={{ .Data.data.bot_url }}
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN={{ .Data.data.bot_token }}
SLACK_HOOK_URL={{ .Data.data.hook_url }}
2022-07-29 20:02:22 +00:00
{{ end -}}
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
env = true
destination = "secrets/conf.env"
%{ for config_file in fileset(join("/", [module_path, "grafana"]), "**") ~}
template {
data = <<EOF
${file(join("/", [module_path, "grafana", config_file]))}
change_mode = "signal"
change_signal = "SIGHUP"
destination = "local/config/${config_file}"
# Change template delimeter for dashboard files that use json and have double curly braces and square braces
2022-07-25 22:49:29 +00:00
%{ if length(regexall("dashboard", config_file)) > 0 ~}
left_delimiter = "<<<<"
right_delimiter = ">>>>"
%{ endif ~}
%{ endfor ~}
resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 200