--- - name: Build Consul cluster hosts: consul_instances any_errors_fatal: true become: true roles: - name: ansible-consul consul_version: "1.11.3" consul_install_remotely: true consul_install_upgrade: true consul_architecture_map: x86_64: amd64 armhfv6: arm armv7l: arm # consul_tls_enable: true consul_connect_enabled: true consul_ports_grpc: 8502 consul_client_address: "" # Enable metrics consul_config_custom: telemetry: prometheus_retention_time: "2h" tasks: - name: Start Consul systemd: state: started name: consul - name: Add values # TODO: This can be run from localhost by using an address block: - name: Install pip pip: name: python-consul - name: Add a value to Consul consul_kv: key: ansible_test value: Hello from Ansible! run_once: true - name: Build Nomad cluster hosts: nomad_instances any_errors_fatal: true become: true roles: - name: ansible-nomad nomad_version: "1.2.6" nomad_install_remotely: true nomad_install_upgrade: true nomad_allow_purge_config: true # Properly map install arch nomad_architecture_map: x86_64: amd64 armhfv6: arm armv7l: arm nomad_encrypt_enable: true # nomad_use_consul: true # Metrics nomad_telemetry: true nomad_telemetry_prometheus_metrics: true nomad_telemetry_publish_allocation_metrics: true nomad_telemetry_publish_node_metrics: true # Enable container plugins nomad_cni_enable: true nomad_cni_version: 1.0.1 nomad_docker_enable: true nomad_docker_dmsetup: false # Customize docker plugin nomad_plugins: docker: config: volumes: enabled: true selinuxlabel: "z" extra_labels: - "job_name" - "job_id" - "task_group_name" - "task_name" - "namespace" - "node_name" - "node_id" # Bind nomad nomad_bind_address: # Create networks for binding task ports nomad_host_networks: - name: nomad-bridge interface: nomad reserved_ports: "22" - name: loopback interface: lo reserved_ports: "22" tasks: - name: Start Nomad systemd: state: started name: nomad