# Configure Consul provider variable "consul_address" { type = string default = "http://nomad0.thefij:8500" } variable "base_hostname" { type = string description = "Base hostname to serve content from" default = "dev.homelab" } provider "consul" { address = var.consul_address } # Get Nomad client from Consul data "consul_service" "read-nomad-cluster" { name = "nomad-client" } locals { nomad_node = data.consul_service.read-nomad-cluster.service[0] nomad_node_address = "http://${local.nomad_node.node_address}:${local.nomad_node.port}" } # Configure the Nomad provider provider "nomad" { address = local.nomad_node_address region = "global" } # Define services as modules module "mysql-server" { source = "./mysql" } module "redis" { source = "./redis" } module "blocky" { source = "./blocky" base_hostname = var.base_hostname depends_on = [module.mysql-server, module.redis] } module "traefik" { source = "./traefik" consul_address = var.consul_address base_hostname = var.base_hostname } module "metrics" { source = "./metrics" consul_address = var.consul_address } module "nextcloud" { source = "./nextcloud" depends_on = [module.mysql-server] } resource "nomad_job" "whoami" { hcl2 { enabled = true vars = { "count" = "${2 * length(data.consul_service.read-nomad-cluster.service)}", } } jobspec = file("${path.module}/whoami.nomad") } resource "consul_config_entry" "global_access" { name = "*" kind = "service-intentions" config_json = jsonencode({ Sources = [ { Action = "allow" Name = "traefik" Precedence = 6 Type = "consul" }, { Action = "deny" Name = "*" Precedence = 5 Type = "consul" }, ] }) }