
59 lines
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variable "base_hostname" {
type = string
description = "Base hostname to serve content from"
default = "dev.homelab"
variable "consul_address" {
type = string
description = "address of consul server for dynamic routes"
data "consul_nodes" "all-nodes" {
query_options {
datacenter = "dc1"
# Get hostname from Consul
data "consul_keys" "base_hostname" {
key {
name = "base_hostname"
path = "global/base_hostname"
# Default to hostname provided as input variable for bootstrapping
default = var.base_hostname
resource "nomad_job" "traefik" {
hcl2 {
enabled = true
vars = {
# "consul_address" = "${var.consul_address}",
"consul_address" = "http://${data.consul_nodes.all-nodes.nodes[0].address}:8500",
"base_hostname" = "${data.consul_keys.base_hostname.var.base_hostname}",
jobspec = file("${path.module}/traefik.nomad")
# locals {
# authelia_config = templatefile(
# "${path.module}/authelia.yml",
# {
# }
# )
# }
# resource "nomad_job" "authelia" {
# hcl2 {
# enabled = true
# vars = {
# config_data = "${local.authelia_config}",
# }
# }
# jobspec = file("${path.module}/authelia.nomad")
# }