import unittest from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from unittest.mock import MagicMock from unittest.mock import patch import requests import release_gitter class TestExpression(NamedTuple): t: unittest.TestCase args: list[Any] kwargs: dict[str, Any] expected: Any exception: Optional[type[Exception]] def run(self, f: Callable): with self.t.subTest(f=f, args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs): try: result = f(*self.args, **self.kwargs) self.t.assertIsNone( self.exception, f"Expected an exception of type {self.exception}, but found none", ) self.t.assertEqual(self.expected, result) return result except Exception as e: if self.exception and isinstance(e, self.exception): return e raise class TestRemoteInfo(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_remote_info(self): for test_case in ( TestExpression( self, [""], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, [""], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, ["ssh://"], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, [""], {}, None, release_gitter.InvalidRemoteError, ), ): def test_generate_release_url(self): for subtest in ( TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, "", None, ), TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, "", None, ), TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, None, release_gitter.InvalidRemoteError, ), ): mock_response = MagicMock(spec=requests.Response) mock_response.json = MagicMock() if subtest.args[0].hostname == "": mock_response.json.return_value = { "paths": {"/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases": {}}, "basePath": "/api/v1", } with patch("requests.get", return_value=mock_response): if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()