#! /usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import argparse import platform from collections.abc import Sequence from dataclasses import dataclass from io import BytesIO from itertools import product from mimetypes import guess_type from pathlib import Path from subprocess import check_call from subprocess import check_output from tarfile import TarFile from tarfile import TarInfo from typing import Any from typing import NamedTuple from urllib.parse import urlparse from zipfile import ZipFile import requests __version__ = "2.5.2" class UnsupportedContentTypeError(ValueError): pass class InvalidRemoteError(ValueError): pass def removeprefix(s: str, pre: str) -> str: # Duplicate str.removeprefix for py<3.9 try: return s.removeprefix(pre) # type: ignore except AttributeError: # Py < 3.9 return s[len(pre) :] if s and s.startswith(pre) else s def removesuffix(s: str, suf: str) -> str: # Duplicate str.removesuffix for py<3.9 try: return s.removesuffix(suf) # type: ignore except AttributeError: # Py < 3.9 return s[: -len(suf)] if s and s.endswith(suf) else s SYSTEM_SYNONYMS: list[list[str]] = [ ["Darwin", "darwin", "MacOS", "macos", "macOS"], ["Windows", "windows", "win", "win32", "win64"], ["Linux", "linux"], ] ARCH_SYNONYMS: list[list[str]] = [ ["arm"], ["x86_64", "amd64", "AMD64"], ["arm64", "aarch64", "armv8b", "armv8l"], ["x86", "i386", "i686"], ] def get_synonyms(value: str, thesaurus: list[list[str]]) -> list[str]: """Gets synonym list for a given value.""" results = [value] for l in thesaurus: if value in l: results += l return results class MatchedValues(NamedTuple): version: str system: str arch: str @dataclass class GitRemoteInfo: """Extracts information about a repository""" hostname: str owner: str repo: str def get_releases_url(self): """Gets API url for releases based on hostname and repo info Currently only supporting Github and Gitea APIs""" if self.hostname == "github.com": return ( f"https://api.{self.hostname}/repos/{self.owner}/{self.repo}/releases" ) # Try to detect an api swagger_uri = f"https://{self.hostname}/swagger.v1.json" result = requests.get(swagger_uri) result.raise_for_status() swag = result.json() # Look for releases API gitea_releases_template = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases" if gitea_releases_template in swag["paths"]: # TODO: Might be helpful to validate fields that are referenced in responses too return "".join( ( "https://", self.hostname, swag["basePath"], gitea_releases_template.format(owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo), ) ) raise InvalidRemoteError( f"Could not find a valid API on host {self.hostname}. Only Github and Gitea APIs are supported" ) def parse_git_remote(git_url: str | None = None) -> GitRemoteInfo: """Extract Github repo info from a git remote url""" if not git_url: git_url = ( check_output(["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"]).decode("UTF-8").strip() ) # Normalize Github ssh url as a proper URL if git_url.startswith("git@github.com:"): git_ssh_parts = git_url.partition(":") if not all(git_ssh_parts): raise InvalidRemoteError( f"Could not parse URL {git_url}. Is this an ssh url?" ) git_url = f"ssh://{git_ssh_parts[0]}/{git_ssh_parts[2]}" u = urlparse(git_url) if not u.hostname: raise ValueError("Not an https url on origin") path = u.path.split("/") if len(path) < 3 or not all(path[1:3]): raise InvalidRemoteError( f"{path[1:3]} Could not parse owner and repo from URL {git_url}" ) return GitRemoteInfo(u.hostname, path[1], removesuffix(path[2], ".git")) def parse_cargo_version(p: Path) -> str: """Extracts cargo version from a Cargo.toml file""" with p.open() as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("version"): return line.partition(" = ")[2].strip()[1:-1] raise ValueError(f"No version found in {p}") def read_git_tag(fetch: bool = True) -> str | None: """Get local git tag for current repo fetch: optionally fetch tags with depth of 1 from remote""" if fetch: check_call(["git", "fetch", "--tags", "--depth", "1"]) git_tag = check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags"]).decode("UTF-8").strip() return git_tag or None def read_version(from_tags: bool = False, fetch: bool = False) -> str | None: """Read version information from file or from git""" if from_tags: return read_git_tag(fetch) matchers = { "Cargo.toml": parse_cargo_version, } for name, extractor in matchers.items(): p = Path(name) if p.exists(): return extractor(p) # TODO: Log this out to stderr # raise ValueError(f"Unknown project type. Didn't find any of {matchers.keys()}") return None def fetch_release( remote: GitRemoteInfo, version: str | None = None, pre_release=False, ) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Fetches a release object from a Github repo If a version number is provided, that version will be retrieved. Otherwise, the latest will be returned. """ result = requests.get( remote.get_releases_url(), # headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, ) result.raise_for_status() # Return the latest if requested if version is None or version == "latest": for release in result.json(): if release["prerelease"] and not pre_release: continue return release # Return matching version for release in result.json(): if release["tag_name"].endswith(version): return release raise ValueError( f"Could not find release version ending in {version}." f"{ ' Is it a pre-release?' if not pre_release else ''}" ) def match_asset( release: dict[Any, Any], format: str, version: str | None = None, system_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, arch_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[dict[Any, Any], MatchedValues]: """Accepts a release and searches for an appropriate asset attached using a provided template and some alternative mappings for version, system, and machine info Args `release`: A dict release value from the Github API `format`: is a python format string allowing for "{version}", "{system}", and "{arch}" `version`: the version to use when matching, default will be the name of the release `system_mapping`: alternative values for results returned from `platform.system()` `arch_mapping`: alternative values for results returned from `platform.machine()` Note: Some fuzziness is built into the {version} template variable. We will try to match against the version as is, prefixed with a 'v' and have 'v' stripped from the beginning. Eg. An example from an arm64 Mac: match_asset({"name": "v1.0.0", ...}, `foo-{version}-{system}-{arch}.zip`) Matches against: * "foo-v1.0.0-Darwin-arm64.zip" * "foo-1.0.0-Darwin-arm64.zip" Now, instead of Darwin, maybe you want to use `macOS`. For that you'd provide a `system_mapping`. match_asset({"name": "v1.0.0", ...}, `foo-{version}-{system}-{arch}.zip, system_mapping={"Darwin": "macOS"}) Matches against: * "foo-v1.0.0-macOS-arm64.zip" * "foo-1.0.0-macOS-arm64.zip" """ if version is None: version = release["tag_name"] # This should never really happen if version is None: if "{version}" in format: raise ValueError( "No version provided or found in release name but is in format" ) else: # This should never happen, but since version isn't used anywhere, we can make it an empty string version = "" system = platform.system() if system_mapping: systems = [system_mapping.get(system, system)] else: systems = get_synonyms(system, SYSTEM_SYNONYMS) arch = platform.machine() if arch_mapping: archs = [arch_mapping.get(arch, arch)] else: archs = get_synonyms(arch, ARCH_SYNONYMS) expected_names = { format.format( version=version_opt, system=system_opt, arch=arch_opt, ): MatchedValues(version=version_opt, system=system_opt, arch=arch_opt) for version_opt, system_opt, arch_opt in product( ( version.lstrip("v"), "v" + version if not version.startswith("v") else version, ), systems, archs, ) } for asset in release["assets"]: if asset["name"] in expected_names: return (asset, expected_names[asset["name"]]) raise ValueError( f"Could not find asset named {expected_names} on release {release['name']}" ) class PackageAdapter: """Adapts the names and extractall methods from ZipFile and TarFile classes""" def __init__(self, content_type: str, response: requests.Response): self._package: TarFile | ZipFile if content_type in ( "application/zip", "application/x-zip-compressed", ): self._package = ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content)) elif content_type == "application/x-tar": self._package = TarFile(fileobj=response.raw) elif content_type in ( "application/gzip", "application/x-tar+gzip", "application/x-tar+xz", "application/x-compressed-tar", ): self._package = TarFile.open(fileobj=BytesIO(response.content), mode="r:*") else: raise UnsupportedContentTypeError( f"Unknown or unsupported content type {content_type}" ) def get_names(self) -> list[str]: """Get list of all file names in package""" if isinstance(self._package, ZipFile): return self._package.namelist() if isinstance(self._package, TarFile): return self._package.getnames() raise ValueError( f"Unknown package type, cannot extract from {type(self._package)}" ) def extractall( self, path: Path | None, members: list[str] | None, ) -> list[str]: """Extract all or a subset of files from the package If the `file_names` list is empty, all files will be extracted""" if path is None: path = Path.cwd() if not members: self._package.extractall(path=path) return self.get_names() missing_members = set(members) - set(self.get_names()) if missing_members: raise ValueError(f"Missing members: {missing_members}") if isinstance(self._package, ZipFile): self._package.extractall(path=path, members=members) if isinstance(self._package, TarFile): self._package.extractall( path=path, members=(TarInfo(name) for name in members) ) return members def get_asset_package( asset: dict[str, Any], result: requests.Response ) -> PackageAdapter: possible_content_types = ( asset.get("content_type"), "+".join(t for t in guess_type(asset["name"]) if t is not None), ) for content_type in possible_content_types: if not content_type: continue try: return PackageAdapter(content_type, result) except UnsupportedContentTypeError: continue else: raise UnsupportedContentTypeError( "Cannot extract files from archive because we don't recognize the content type" ) def download_asset( asset: dict[Any, Any], extract_files: list[str] | None = None, destination: Path | None = None, ) -> list[Path]: """Download asset from entity passed in Extracts files from archives if provided. Any empty list will extract all files Args `asset`: asset dictionary as returned from API `extract_files`: optional list of file paths to extract. An empty list will extract all `destination`: destination directory to put the downloaded assset Returns list of Path objects containing all extracted files """ if destination is None: destination = Path.cwd() result = requests.get(asset["browser_download_url"]) if extract_files is not None: package = get_asset_package(asset, result) extract_files = package.extractall(path=destination, members=extract_files) return [destination / name for name in extract_files] file_name = destination / asset["name"] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: f.write(result.content) return [file_name] class MapAddAction(argparse.Action): def __call__( self, _: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: argparse.Namespace, values: str | Sequence[Any] | None, option_string: str | None = None, ): # Validate that required value has something if self.required and not values: raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, f"Did not provide required argument {option_string}" ) # Get and initialize the destination dest = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if dest is None: dest = {} # Parse values if values is not None: if isinstance(values, str): values = (values,) for value in values: if "=" not in value: raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, f"Value needs to be in the form `key=value` and received {value}", ) parts = value.partition("=") dest[parts[0]] = parts[2] # Set dest value setattr(namespace, self.dest, dest) def _parse_args(args: list[str] | None = None) -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "format", help="Format template to match assets. Eg. `foo-{version}-{system}-{arch}.zip`", ) parser.add_argument( "destination", metavar="DEST", nargs="?", type=Path, default=Path.cwd(), help="Destination directory. Defaults to current directory", ) parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="verbose logging") parser.add_argument( "--hostname", help="Git repository hostname", ) parser.add_argument( "--owner", help="Owner of the repo. If not provided, it will be retrieved from the git url", ) parser.add_argument( "--repo", help="Repo name. If not provided, it will be retrieved from the git url", ) parser.add_argument( "--git-url", help="Git repository URL. Overrides `git remote` detection, but not command line options for hostname, owner, and repo", ) parser.add_argument( "--version", help="Release version to download. If not provided, it will look for project metadata", ) parser.add_argument( "--prerelease", action="store_true", help="Include pre-release versions in search", ) parser.add_argument( "--version-git-tag", "-t", action="store_true", help="Get the release version from a git tag", ) parser.add_argument( "--version-git-no-fetch", action="store_true", help="Shallow fetch tags prior to checking versions", ) parser.add_argument( "--map-system", "-s", action=MapAddAction, help="Map a platform.system() value to a custom value", ) parser.add_argument( "--map-arch", "-a", action=MapAddAction, help="Map a platform.machine() value to a custom value", ) parser.add_argument( "--exec", "-c", help="Shell commands to execute after download or extraction. {} will be expanded to the downloaded asset name.", ) parser.add_argument( "--extract-files", "-e", action="append", help="A list of file names to extract from the downloaded archive", ) parser.add_argument( "--extract-all", "-x", action="store_true", help="Extract all files from the downloaded archive", ) parser.add_argument( "--url-only", action="store_true", help="Only print the URL and do not download", ) parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) # Merge in fields from args and git remote if not all((parsed_args.owner, parsed_args.repo, parsed_args.hostname)): remote_info = parse_git_remote(parsed_args.git_url) def merge_field(a, b, field): value = getattr(a, field) if value is None: setattr(a, field, getattr(b, field)) for field in ("owner", "repo", "hostname"): merge_field(parsed_args, remote_info, field) if parsed_args.version is None: parsed_args.version = read_version( parsed_args.version_git_tag, not parsed_args.version_git_no_fetch, ) if parsed_args.extract_all: parsed_args.extract_files = [] return parsed_args def download_release( remote_info: GitRemoteInfo, destination: Path, format: str, version: str | None = None, system_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, arch_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, extract_files: list[str] | None = None, pre_release=False, exec: str | None = None, ) -> list[Path]: """Convenience method for fetching, downloading, and extracting a release This is slightly different than running off the commandline, it will execute the shell script from the destination directory, not the current working directory. """ release = fetch_release( remote_info, version=version, pre_release=pre_release, ) asset, matched_values = match_asset( release, format, version=version, system_mapping=system_mapping, arch_mapping=arch_mapping, ) format_fields = dict( asset_name=asset["name"], **matched_values._asdict(), ) formatted_files = ( [file.format(**format_fields) for file in extract_files] if extract_files else None ) files = download_asset( asset, extract_files=formatted_files, destination=destination, ) if exec: check_call( exec.format(asset["name"], **format_fields), shell=True, cwd=destination ) return files def main(): args = _parse_args() # Fetch the release release = fetch_release( GitRemoteInfo(args.hostname, args.owner, args.repo), version=args.version, pre_release=args.prerelease, ) version = args.version or release["tag_name"] # Find the asset to download using mapping rules asset, matched_values = match_asset( release, args.format, version=version, system_mapping=args.map_system, arch_mapping=args.map_arch, ) if args.v: print(f"Downloading {asset['name']} from release {release['name']}") if args.url_only: print(asset["browser_download_url"]) return format_fields = dict( asset_name=asset["name"], **matched_values._asdict(), ) # Format files to extract with version info, as this is sometimes included formatted_files = ( [file.format(**format_fields) for file in args.extract_files] if args.extract_files else None ) files = download_asset( asset, extract_files=formatted_files, destination=args.destination, ) print(f"Downloaded {', '.join(str(f) for f in files)}") # Optionally execute post command if args.exec: check_call(args.exec.format(asset["name"], **format_fields), shell=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()