from __future__ import annotations import unittest from itertools import chain from itertools import product from tarfile import TarFile from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import NamedTuple from unittest.mock import MagicMock from unittest.mock import mock_open from unittest.mock import patch from zipfile import ZipFile import requests import release_gitter class TestExpression(NamedTuple): t: unittest.TestCase args: list[Any] kwargs: dict[str, Any] expected: Any exception: type[Exception] | None = None msg: str | None = None def run(self, f: Callable): with self.t.subTest(msg=self.msg, f=f, args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs): try: result = f(*self.args, **self.kwargs) self.t.assertIsNone( self.exception, f"Expected an exception of type {self.exception}, but found none", ) self.t.assertEqual(self.expected, result) return result except Exception as e: if self.exception and isinstance(e, self.exception): return e raise class TestGeneral(unittest.TestCase): def test_removesuffix(self): for test_case in ( TestExpression(self, ["repo.git", ".git"], {}, "repo"), TestExpression(self, ["repo", ".git"], {}, "repo"), ): class TestRemoteInfo(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_remote_info(self): for test_case in ( TestExpression( self, [""], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, [""], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, ["ssh://"], {}, release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo"), None, ), TestExpression( self, [""], {}, None, release_gitter.InvalidRemoteError, ), ): def test_generate_release_url(self): for subtest in ( TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, "", None, ), TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, "", None, ), TestExpression( self, [release_gitter.GitRemoteInfo("", "owner", "repo")], {}, None, release_gitter.InvalidRemoteError, ), ): mock_response = MagicMock(spec=requests.Response) mock_response.json = MagicMock() if subtest.args[0].hostname == "": mock_response.json.return_value = { "paths": {"/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases": {}}, "basePath": "/api/v1", } with patch("requests.get", return_value=mock_response): class TestVersionInfo(unittest.TestCase): def test_no_cargo_file(self): with patch("pathlib.Path.exists", return_value=False): version = release_gitter.read_version() self.assertIsNone(version) @patch("pathlib.Path.exists", return_value=True) @patch( "", mock_open(read_data="\n".join(["[package]", 'version = "1.0.0"'])), ) def test_cargo_file_has_version(self, *_): version = release_gitter.read_version() self.assertEqual(version, "1.0.0") @patch("pathlib.Path.exists", return_value=True) @patch( "", mock_open(read_data="\n".join(["[package]"])), ) def test_cargo_file_missing_version(self, *_): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): release_gitter.read_version() @patch("release_gitter.ZipFile", autospec=True) @patch("release_gitter.BytesIO", autospec=True) class TestContentTypeDetection(unittest.TestCase): def test_asset_encoding_priority(self, *_): package = release_gitter.get_asset_package( { "content_type": "application/x-tar", "name": "", }, MagicMock(spec=["raw", "content"]), ) # Tar should take priority over the file name zip extension self.assertIsInstance(package._package, TarFile) def test_fallback_to_supported_encoding(self, *_): package = release_gitter.get_asset_package( { "content_type": "application/octetstream", "name": "", }, MagicMock(spec=["raw", "content"]), ) # Should fall back to zip extension self.assertIsInstance(package._package, ZipFile) def test_missing_only_name_content_type(self, *_): package = release_gitter.get_asset_package( { "name": "", }, MagicMock(spec=["raw", "content"]), ) # Should fall back to zip extension self.assertIsInstance(package._package, ZipFile) def test_no_content_types(self, *_): with self.assertRaises(release_gitter.UnsupportedContentTypeError): release_gitter.get_asset_package( { "name": "test", }, MagicMock(spec=["raw", "content"]), ) def test_no_supported_content_types(self, *_): with self.assertRaises(release_gitter.UnsupportedContentTypeError): release_gitter.get_asset_package( { "content_type": "application/octetstream", "name": "test", }, MagicMock(spec=["raw", "content"]), ) class TestMatchAsset(unittest.TestCase): def test_match_asset_versions(self, *_): # Input variations: # Case 1: Version provided with prefix # Case 2: Version provided without prefix # Case 3: No version provided, tag exists in release # These should be impossible # Case 4: No version provided, tag doesn't exist in release but not in template # Case 5: No version provided, tag doesn't exist in release and is in template # Release variations: # Case 1: tag_name with version prefix # Case 2: tag_name without version prefix # File variations: # Case 1: file name with version prefix # Case 2: file name without version prefix def new_expression(version: str | None, tag_name: str, file_name: str): release = {"tag_name": tag_name, "assets": [{"name": file_name}]} expected = {"name": file_name} return TestExpression( self, [release, "file-{version}.zip", version], {}, expected ) happy_cases = [ new_expression(version, tag_name, file_name) for version, tag_name, file_name in product( ("v1.0.0", "1.0.0", None), ("v1.0.0", "1.0.0"), ("", ""), ) ] for test_case in happy_cases: def test_match_asset_systems(self, *_): # Input variations: # Case 1: System mapping provided # Case 2: No system mapping provided # Test: We want to show that default matching will work out of the box with some values for the current machine # Test: We want to show that non-standard mappings will always work if provided manually def run_with_context(actual_system: str, *args, **kwargs): with patch("platform.system", return_value=actual_system): return release_gitter.match_asset(*args, **kwargs) def new_expression( actual_system: str, system_mapping: dict[str, str] | None, file_name: str, expected: dict[str, str], exception: type[Exception] | None = None, msg: str | None = None, ): release = { "name": "v1.0.0", "tag_name": "v1.0.0", "assets": [{"name": file_name}], } return TestExpression( self, [actual_system, release, "file-{system}.zip"], {"system_mapping": system_mapping}, expected, exception, msg, ) test_cases = chain( [ new_expression( "Earth", None, "", {"name": ""}, msg="Current system always included as an exact match synonym", ), new_expression( "Linux", {"Linux": "jumanji"}, "", {"name": ""}, msg="Non-standard system mapping works", ), new_expression( "Linux", {}, "", {}, ValueError, msg="No matching system", ), ], # Test default mappings ( new_expression( actual_system, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default Linux mappings", ) for actual_system, file_name in product( ("Linux", "linux"), ("", ""), ) ), ( new_expression( actual_system, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default macOS mappings", ) for actual_system, file_name in product( ("Darwin", "darwin", "MacOS", "macos", "macOS"), ( "", "", "", "", ), ) ), ( new_expression( actual_system, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default Windows mappings", ) for actual_system, file_name in product( ("Windows", "windows", "win", "win32", "win64"), ( "", "", "", "", "", ), ) ), ) for test_case in test_cases: def test_match_asset_archs(self, *_): # Input variations: # Case 1: Arch mapping provided # Case 2: No arch mapping provided # Test: We want to show that default matching will work out of the box with some values for the current machine # Test: We want to show that non-standard mappings will always work if provided manually def run_with_context(actual_arch: str, *args, **kwargs): with patch("platform.machine", return_value=actual_arch): return release_gitter.match_asset(*args, **kwargs) def new_expression( actual_arch: str, arch_mapping: dict[str, str] | None, file_name: str, expected: dict[str, str], exception: type[Exception] | None = None, msg: str | None = None, ): release = { "name": "v1.0.0", "tag_name": "v1.0.0", "assets": [{"name": file_name}], } return TestExpression( self, [actual_arch, release, "file-{arch}.zip"], {"arch_mapping": arch_mapping}, expected, exception, msg, ) test_cases = chain( [ new_expression( "Earth", None, "", {"name": ""}, msg="Current arch always included as an exact match synonym", ), new_expression( "x86_64", {"x86_64": "jumanji"}, "", {"name": ""}, msg="Non-standard arch mapping works", ), new_expression( "x86_64", {}, "", {}, ValueError, msg="No matching arch", ), ], # Test default mappings ( new_expression( actual_arch, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default arm mappings", ) for actual_arch, file_name in product( ("arm",), ("",), ) ), ( new_expression( actual_arch, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default amd64 mappings", ) for actual_arch, file_name in product( ("amd64", "x86_64", "AMD64"), ("", ""), ) ), ( new_expression( actual_arch, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default arm64 mappings", ) for actual_arch, file_name in product( ("arm64", "aarch64", "armv8b", "armv8l"), ( "", "", "", "", ), ) ), ( new_expression( actual_arch, None, file_name, {"name": file_name}, msg="Default x86 mappings", ) for actual_arch, file_name in product( ("x86", "i386", "i686"), ("", "", ""), ) ), ) for test_case in test_cases: if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()