`restic-scheduler` is a tool designed to allow declarative scheduling of restic backups using HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). This tool simplifies the process of managing and automating backups by defining jobs in a configuration file.
## Getting Started
### Installation
You can install `restic-scheduler` using the following command:
go install git.iamthefij.com/iamthefij/restic-scheduler@latest
You can also download the latest release from the [releases page](https://git.iamthefij.com/iamthefij/restic-scheduler/releases).
Finally, if you prefer to use Docker, you can run something like the following command:
docker run -v /path/to/config:/config -v /path/to/data:/data iamthefij/restic-scheduler -config /config/jobs.hcl
### Prerequisites
If you're not using Docker, you'll need to ensure that `restic` is installed and available in your system's PATH. You can download and install restic from [here](https://restic.net/).
## Usage
### Command Line Interface
The `restic-scheduler` command line interface provides several options for managing backup, restore, and unlock jobs. Below are some examples of how to use this tool.
#### Display Version
To display the version of `restic-scheduler`, use the `-version` flag:
restic-scheduler -version
#### Run Backup Jobs
To run backup jobs, use the `-backup` flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use `all` to run all backup jobs:
restic-scheduler -backup job1,job2
#### Run Restore Jobs
To run restore jobs, use the `-restore` flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use `all` to run all restore jobs:
restic-scheduler -restore job1,job2
#### Unlock Job Repositories
To unlock job repositories, use the `-unlock` flag followed by a comma-separated list of job names. Use `all` to unlock all job repositories:
restic-scheduler -unlock job1,job2
#### Run Jobs Once and Exit
To run specified backup and restore jobs once and exit, use the `-once` flag:
restic-scheduler -backup job1 -restore job2 -once
#### Health Check and metrics API
To bind the health check and Prometheus metrics API to a specific address, use the `-addr` flag:
restic-scheduler -addr
#### Metrics Push Gateway
To specify the URL of a Prometheus push gateway service for batch runs, use the `-push-gateway` flag:
restic-scheduler -push-gateway http://example.com
## HCL Configuration
The configuration for `restic-scheduler` is defined using HCL. Below is a description and example of how to define a backup job in the configuration file.
### Job Configuration
A job in the configuration file is defined using the `job` block. Each job must have a unique name, a schedule, and a configuration for restic. Additionally, tasks can be defined to perform specific actions before and after the backup.
#### Fields
-`name`: The name of the job.
-`schedule`: The cron schedule for the job.
-`config`: The restic configuration block.
-`repo`: The restic repository.
-`passphrase`: (Optional) The passphrase for the repository.
-`env`: (Optional) Environment variables for restic.
-`options`: (Optional) Global options for restic. See the `restic` command for details.
-`task`: (Optional) A list of tasks to run before and after the backup.
-`forget`: (Optional) Options for forgetting old snapshots.
### Example
Below is an example of a job configuration in HCL:
// Example job file
job "MyApp" {
schedule = "* * ** *"
config {
repo = "s3://..."
passphrase = "foo"
# Some alternate ways to pass the passphrase to restic
# passphrase = env("RESTIC_PASSWORD")
# passphrase = readfile("/path/to/passphrase")
env = {
"foo" = "bar",
options {
VerboseLevel = 3
# Another alternate way to pass the passphrase to restic
# PasswordFile = "/path/to/passphrase"
mysql "DumpMainDB" {
hostname = "foo"
username = "bar"
dump_to = "/data/main.sql"
sqlite "DumpSqlite" {
path = "/db/sqlite.db"
dump_to = "/data/sqlite.db.bak"
task "Create biz file" {
pre_script {
on_backup = <<EOF
echo bar >> /biz.txt
post_script {
on_backup = <<EOF
rm /biz.txt
task "Run restore shell script" {
pre_script {
on_restore = "/foo/bar.sh"
backup {
files =[
backup_opts {
Tags = ["service"]
restore_opts {
Verify = true
# Since paths are absolute, restore to root
Target = "/"
forget {
KeepLast = 3
KeepWeekly = 2
KeepMonthly = 2
KeepYearly = 2
Prune = true
restic-scheduler jobs.hcl
This will read the job definitions from `jobs.hcl` and execute the specified jobs.
For more examples, check out `./config.hcl` or some of the example integration test configs in `./test/`.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the [GitHub repository](https://git.iamthefij.com/iamthefij/restic-scheduler).
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.