Clean up a bit the Restic methods

This commit is contained in:
IamTheFij 2022-02-23 22:53:18 -08:00
parent 57afeab4ca
commit 1b89470be5
3 changed files with 147 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type TaskConfig struct {
JobDir string
Env map[string]string
Logger *log.Logger
Restic *ResticCmd
Restic *Restic
// ResticConfig is all configuration to be sent to Restic.
@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ func (j Job) RunRestore() error {
return nil
func (j Job) NewRestic() *ResticCmd {
return &ResticCmd{
func (j Job) NewRestic() *Restic {
return &Restic{
Logger: GetLogger(j.Name),
Repo: j.Config.Repo,
Env: j.Config.Env,

View File

@ -9,6 +9,38 @@ import (
func maybeAddArgString(args []string, name, value string) []string {
if value != "" {
return append(args, name, value)
return args
func maybeAddArgInt(args []string, name string, value int) []string {
if value > 0 {
return append(args, name, fmt.Sprint(value))
return args
func maybeAddArgBool(args []string, name string, value bool) []string {
if value {
return append(args, name)
return args
func maybeAddArgsList(args []string, name string, value []string) []string {
for _, v := range value {
args = append(args, name, v)
return args
type CommandOptions interface {
ToArgs() []string
@ -19,115 +51,6 @@ func (NoOpts) ToArgs() []string {
return []string{}
type ResticGlobalOpts struct {
CaCertFile string `hcl:"CaCertFile,optional"`
CacheDir string `hcl:"CacheDir,optional"`
PasswordFile string `hcl:"PasswordFile,optional"`
TLSClientCertFile string `hcl:"TlsClientCertFile,optional"`
LimitDownload int `hcl:"LimitDownload,optional"`
LimitUpload int `hcl:"LimitUpload,optional"`
VerboseLevel int `hcl:"VerboseLevel,optional"`
CleanupCache bool `hcl:"CleanupCache,optional"`
NoCache bool `hcl:"NoCache,optional"`
NoLock bool `hcl:"NoLock,optional"`
// nolint:cyclop
func (glo ResticGlobalOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
if glo.CaCertFile != "" {
args = append(args, "--cacert", glo.CaCertFile)
if glo.CacheDir != "" {
args = append(args, "--cache-dir", glo.CacheDir)
if glo.PasswordFile != "" {
args = append(args, "--password-file", glo.PasswordFile)
if glo.TLSClientCertFile != "" {
args = append(args, "--tls-client-cert", glo.TLSClientCertFile)
if glo.LimitDownload > 0 {
args = append(args, "--limit-download", fmt.Sprint(glo.LimitDownload))
if glo.LimitUpload > 0 {
args = append(args, "--limit-upload", fmt.Sprint(glo.LimitUpload))
if glo.VerboseLevel > 0 {
args = append(args, "--verbose", fmt.Sprint(glo.VerboseLevel))
if glo.CleanupCache {
args = append(args, "--cleanup-cache")
if glo.NoCache {
args = append(args, "--no-cache")
if glo.NoLock {
args = append(args, "--no-lock")
return args
type ResticCmd struct {
Logger *log.Logger
Repo string
Env map[string]string
Passphrase string
GlobalOpts *ResticGlobalOpts
Cwd string
func (rcmd ResticCmd) BuildEnv() []string {
if rcmd.Env == nil {
rcmd.Env = map[string]string{}
if rcmd.Passphrase != "" {
rcmd.Env["RESTIC_PASSWORD"] = rcmd.Passphrase
envList := os.Environ()
for name, value := range rcmd.Env {
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", name, value))
return envList
func (rcmd ResticCmd) RunRestic(command string, options CommandOptions, commandArgs ...string) error {
args := []string{}
if rcmd.GlobalOpts != nil {
args = rcmd.GlobalOpts.ToArgs()
args = append(args, "--repo", rcmd.Repo, command)
args = append(args, options.ToArgs()...)
args = append(args, commandArgs...)
cmd := exec.Command("restic", args...)
cmd.Stdout = NewLogWriter(rcmd.Logger)
cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout
cmd.Env = rcmd.BuildEnv()
cmd.Dir = rcmd.Cwd
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error running restic %s: %w", command, err)
return nil
type BackupOpts struct {
Exclude []string `hcl:"Exclude,optional"`
Include []string `hcl:"Include,optional"`
@ -136,29 +59,14 @@ type BackupOpts struct {
func (bo BackupOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
for _, exclude := range bo.Exclude {
args = append(args, "--exclude", exclude)
for _, include := range bo.Include {
args = append(args, "--include", include)
for _, tag := range bo.Tags {
args = append(args, "--tag", tag)
if bo.Host != "" {
args = append(args, "--host", bo.Host)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--exclude", bo.Exclude)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--include", bo.Include)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--tag", bo.Tags)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--host", bo.Host)
func (rcmd ResticCmd) Backup(files []string, opts BackupOpts) error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("backup", opts, files...)
type RestoreOpts struct {
Exclude []string `hcl:"Exclude,optional"`
Include []string `hcl:"Include,optional"`
@ -170,41 +78,17 @@ type RestoreOpts struct {
func (ro RestoreOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
for _, exclude := range ro.Exclude {
args = append(args, "--exclude", exclude)
for _, include := range ro.Include {
args = append(args, "--include", include)
for _, host := range ro.Host {
args = append(args, "--host", host)
for _, tag := range ro.Tags {
args = append(args, "--tag", tag)
if ro.Path != "" {
args = append(args, "--path", ro.Path)
if ro.Target != "" {
args = append(args, "--target", ro.Target)
if ro.Verify {
args = append(args, "--verify")
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--exclude", ro.Exclude)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--include", ro.Include)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--host", ro.Host)
args = maybeAddArgsList(args, "--tag", ro.Tags)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--path", ro.Path)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--target", ro.Target)
args = maybeAddArgBool(args, "--verify", ro.Verify)
func (rcmd ResticCmd) Restore(snapshot string, opts RestoreOpts) error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("restore", opts, snapshot)
type TagList []string
func (t TagList) String() string {
@ -232,32 +116,13 @@ type ForgetOpts struct {
Prune bool `hcl:"Prune,optional"`
// nolint:funlen,cyclop
func (fo ForgetOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
// Add keep-*
if fo.KeepLast > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-last", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepLast))
if fo.KeepHourly > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-hourly", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepHourly))
if fo.KeepDaily > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-daily", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepDaily))
if fo.KeepWeekly > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-weekly", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepWeekly))
if fo.KeepMonthly > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-monthly", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepMonthly))
if fo.KeepYearly > 0 {
args = append(args, "--keep-yearly", fmt.Sprint(fo.KeepYearly))
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-last", fo.KeepLast)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-hourly", fo.KeepHourly)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-daily", fo.KeepDaily)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-weekly", fo.KeepWeekly)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-monthly", fo.KeepMonthly)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--keep-yearly", fo.KeepYearly)
// Add keep-within-*
@ -295,22 +160,107 @@ func (fo ForgetOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
// Add prune options
if fo.Prune {
args = append(args, "--prune")
args = maybeAddArgBool(args, "--prune", fo.Prune)
return args
func (rcmd ResticCmd) Forget(forgetOpts ForgetOpts) error {
type ResticGlobalOpts struct {
CaCertFile string `hcl:"CaCertFile,optional"`
CacheDir string `hcl:"CacheDir,optional"`
PasswordFile string `hcl:"PasswordFile,optional"`
TLSClientCertFile string `hcl:"TlsClientCertFile,optional"`
LimitDownload int `hcl:"LimitDownload,optional"`
LimitUpload int `hcl:"LimitUpload,optional"`
VerboseLevel int `hcl:"VerboseLevel,optional"`
CleanupCache bool `hcl:"CleanupCache,optional"`
NoCache bool `hcl:"NoCache,optional"`
NoLock bool `hcl:"NoLock,optional"`
func (glo ResticGlobalOpts) ToArgs() (args []string) {
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--cacert", glo.CaCertFile)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--cache-dir", glo.CacheDir)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--password-file", glo.PasswordFile)
args = maybeAddArgString(args, "--tls-client-cert", glo.TLSClientCertFile)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--limit-download", glo.LimitDownload)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--limit-upload", glo.LimitUpload)
args = maybeAddArgInt(args, "--verbose", glo.VerboseLevel)
args = maybeAddArgBool(args, "--cleanup-cache", glo.CleanupCache)
args = maybeAddArgBool(args, "--no-cache", glo.NoCache)
args = maybeAddArgBool(args, "--no-lock", glo.NoLock)
return args
type Restic struct {
Logger *log.Logger
Repo string
Env map[string]string
Passphrase string
GlobalOpts *ResticGlobalOpts
Cwd string
func (rcmd Restic) BuildEnv() []string {
if rcmd.Env == nil {
rcmd.Env = map[string]string{}
if rcmd.Passphrase != "" {
rcmd.Env["RESTIC_PASSWORD"] = rcmd.Passphrase
envList := os.Environ()
for name, value := range rcmd.Env {
envList = append(envList, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", name, value))
return envList
func (rcmd Restic) RunRestic(command string, options CommandOptions, commandArgs ...string) error {
args := []string{}
if rcmd.GlobalOpts != nil {
args = rcmd.GlobalOpts.ToArgs()
args = append(args, "--repo", rcmd.Repo, command)
args = append(args, options.ToArgs()...)
args = append(args, commandArgs...)
cmd := exec.Command("restic", args...)
cmd.Stdout = NewLogWriter(rcmd.Logger)
cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout
cmd.Env = rcmd.BuildEnv()
cmd.Dir = rcmd.Cwd
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error running restic %s: %w", command, err)
return nil
func (rcmd Restic) Backup(files []string, opts BackupOpts) error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("backup", opts, files...)
func (rcmd Restic) Restore(snapshot string, opts RestoreOpts) error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("restore", opts, snapshot)
func (rcmd Restic) Forget(forgetOpts ForgetOpts) error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("forget", forgetOpts)
func (rcmd ResticCmd) Check() error {
func (rcmd Restic) Check() error {
return rcmd.RunRestic("check", NoOpts{})
func (rcmd ResticCmd) EnsureInit() error {
func (rcmd Restic) EnsureInit() error {
if err := rcmd.RunRestic("snapshots", NoOpts{}); err != nil {
return rcmd.RunRestic("init", NoOpts{})

View File

@ -148,24 +148,24 @@ func TestBuildEnv(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
cmd main.ResticCmd
cmd main.Restic
expected []string
name: "No Env",
cmd: main.ResticCmd{}, // nolint:exhaustivestruct
cmd: main.Restic{}, // nolint:exhaustivestruct
expected: os.Environ(),
name: "SetEnv",
cmd: main.ResticCmd{ // nolint:exhaustivestruct
cmd: main.Restic{ // nolint:exhaustivestruct
Env: map[string]string{"TestKey": "Value"},
expected: append(os.Environ(), "TestKey=Value"),
name: "SetEnv",
cmd: main.ResticCmd{ // nolint:exhaustivestruct
cmd: main.Restic{ // nolint:exhaustivestruct
Passphrase: "Shhhhhhhh!!",
expected: append(os.Environ(), "RESTIC_PASSWORD=Shhhhhhhh!!"),