package main_test import ( "errors" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "time" main "" ) func TestNoOpts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() args := main.NoOpts{}.ToArgs() expected := []string{} AssertEqual(t, "no opts returned some opts", expected, args) } func TestGlobalOptions(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() args := main.ResticGlobalOpts{ CaCertFile: "file", CacheDir: "directory", PasswordFile: "file", TLSClientCertFile: "file", LimitDownload: 1, LimitUpload: 1, VerboseLevel: 1, CleanupCache: true, NoCache: true, NoLock: true, Options: map[string]string{ "key": "a long value", }, }.ToArgs() expected := []string{ "--cacert", "file", "--cache-dir", "directory", "--password-file", "file", "--tls-client-cert", "file", "--limit-download", "1", "--limit-upload", "1", "--verbose", "1", "--cleanup-cache", "--no-cache", "--no-lock", "--option", "key='a long value'", } AssertEqual(t, "args didn't match", expected, args) } func TestBackupOpts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() args := main.BackupOpts{ Exclude: []string{"file1", "file2"}, Include: []string{"directory"}, Tags: []string{"thing"}, Host: "steve", }.ToArgs() expected := []string{ "--exclude", "file1", "--exclude", "file2", "--include", "directory", "--tag", "thing", "--host", "steve", } AssertEqual(t, "args didn't match", expected, args) } func TestRestoreOpts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() args := main.RestoreOpts{ Exclude: []string{"file1", "file2"}, Include: []string{"directory"}, Host: []string{"steve"}, Tags: []string{"thing"}, Path: "directory", Target: "directory", Verify: true, }.ToArgs() expected := []string{ "--exclude", "file1", "--exclude", "file2", "--include", "directory", "--host", "steve", "--tag", "thing", "--path", "directory", "--target", "directory", "--verify", } AssertEqual(t, "args didn't match", expected, args) } func TestForgetOpts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() args := main.ForgetOpts{ KeepLast: 1, KeepHourly: 1, KeepDaily: 1, KeepWeekly: 1, KeepMonthly: 1, KeepYearly: 1, KeepWithin: 1 * time.Second, KeepWithinHourly: 1 * time.Second, KeepWithinDaily: 1 * time.Second, KeepWithinWeekly: 1 * time.Second, KeepWithinMonthly: 1 * time.Second, KeepWithinYearly: 1 * time.Second, Tags: []main.TagList{ {"thing1", "thing2"}, {"otherthing"}, }, KeepTags: []main.TagList{{"thing"}}, Prune: true, }.ToArgs() expected := []string{ "--keep-last", "1", "--keep-hourly", "1", "--keep-daily", "1", "--keep-weekly", "1", "--keep-monthly", "1", "--keep-yearly", "1", "--keep-within", "1s", "--keep-within-hourly", "1s", "--keep-within-daily", "1s", "--keep-within-weekly", "1s", "--keep-within-monthly", "1s", "--keep-within-yearly", "1s", "--tag", "thing1,thing2", "--tag", "otherthing", "--keep-tag", "thing", "--prune", } AssertEqual(t, "args didn't match", expected, args) } func TestBuildEnv(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cases := []struct { name string cmd main.Restic expected []string }{ { name: "No Env", cmd: main.Restic{}, //nolint:exhaustivestruct expected: os.Environ(), }, { name: "SetEnv", cmd: main.Restic{ //nolint:exhaustivestruct Env: map[string]string{"TestKey": "Value"}, }, expected: append(os.Environ(), "TestKey=Value"), }, { name: "SetEnv", cmd: main.Restic{ //nolint:exhaustivestruct Passphrase: "Shhhhhhhh!!", }, expected: append(os.Environ(), "RESTIC_PASSWORD=Shhhhhhhh!!"), }, } for _, c := range cases { c := c t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() AssertEqual(t, "args didn't match", c.expected, c.cmd.BuildEnv()) }) } } func TestResticInterface(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skip integration test when running short tests") } dataDir := t.TempDir() repoDir := t.TempDir() cacheDir := t.TempDir() restoreTarget := t.TempDir() dataFile := filepath.Join(dataDir, "test.txt") restoredDataFile := filepath.Join(restoreTarget, dataFile) restic := main.Restic{ Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, t.Name()+":", log.Lmsgprefix), Repo: repoDir, Env: map[string]string{}, Passphrase: "Correct.Horse.Battery.Staple", //nolint:exhaustivestruct GlobalOpts: &main.ResticGlobalOpts{ CacheDir: cacheDir, Options: map[string]string{ "": "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY", }, }, Cwd: dataDir, } // Write test file to the data dir err := os.WriteFile(dataFile, []byte("testing"), 0644) AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error writing to test file", nil, err) // Make sure no existing repo is found _, err = restic.ReadSnapshots() if err == nil || !errors.Is(err, main.ErrRepoNotFound) { AssertEqualFail(t, "didn't get expected error for backup", main.ErrRepoNotFound.Error(), err.Error()) } // Try to backup when repo is not initialized err = restic.Backup([]string{dataDir}, main.BackupOpts{}) //nolint:exhaustivestruct if !errors.Is(err, main.ErrRepoNotFound) { AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error creating making backup", nil, err) } // Init repo err = restic.EnsureInit() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error initializing repo", nil, err) // Verify it can be reinitialized with no issues err = restic.EnsureInit() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reinitializing repo", nil, err) // Backup for real this time err = restic.Backup([]string{dataDir}, main.BackupOpts{Tags: []string{"test"}}) //nolint:exhaustivestruct AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error creating making backup", nil, err) // Check snapshots expectedHostname, _ := os.Hostname() snapshots, err := restic.ReadSnapshots() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reading snapshots", nil, err) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected number of snapshots", 1, len(snapshots)) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected snapshot value: hostname", expectedHostname, snapshots[0].Hostname) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected snapshot value: paths", []string{dataDir}, snapshots[0].Paths) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected snapshot value: tags", []string{"test"}, snapshots[0].Tags) // Backup again err = restic.Backup([]string{dataDir}, main.BackupOpts{}) //nolint:exhaustivestruct AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error creating making second backup", nil, err) // Check for second backup snapshots, err = restic.ReadSnapshots() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reading second snapshots", nil, err) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected number of snapshots", 2, len(snapshots)) // Forget one backup err = restic.Forget(main.ForgetOpts{KeepLast: 1, Prune: true}) //nolint:exhaustivestruct AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error forgetting snapshot", nil, err) // Check forgotten snapshot snapshots, err = restic.ReadSnapshots() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reading post forget snapshots", nil, err) AssertEqual(t, "unexpected number of snapshots", 1, len(snapshots)) // Check restic repo err = restic.Check() AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error checking repo", nil, err) // Change the data file err = os.WriteFile(dataFile, []byte("unexpected"), 0644) AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error writing to test file", nil, err) // Check that data wrote value, err := os.ReadFile(dataFile) AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reading from test file", nil, err) AssertEqualFail(t, "incorrect value in test file (we expect the unexpected!)", "unexpected", string(value)) // Restore files err = restic.Restore("latest", main.RestoreOpts{Target: restoreTarget}) //nolint:exhaustivestruct AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error restoring latest snapshot", nil, err) // Check restored values value, err = os.ReadFile(restoredDataFile) AssertEqualFail(t, "unexpected error reading from test file", nil, err) AssertEqualFail(t, "incorrect value in test file", "testing", string(value)) }