Login session refused by server Logging in... Login failed. Tiny Tiny RSS Please configure the application first. Ready to login. Log in Log out Login Debugging Password http://example.domain/tt-rss/ Authentication Interface Theme Changes color theme of the application Tiny Tiny RSS URL Login automatically Dark Preferences Light Connection Selected articles HTTP Authentication Logged in. No unread feeds No unread articles Loading, please wait... Show unread feeds Show all feeds Refresh feeds Close article Share article Mark read Sort feeds by unread count Load more Show all articles Show unread articles Accept any SSL certificate Browse feeds Browse articles Log sent and received data (Un)Star (Un)Publish Select articles Select articles Everything Unread Deselect all (Un)Star (Un)Publish (Un)Read Deselect all (Un)Star (Un)Publish (Un)Read Set unread Mark above read Optional. Fill this if your tt-rss installation is protected by HTTP Basic authentication Your tt-rss login. Not needed for single user mode Enable ads Showing ads to you supports the project URL of your tt-rss installation directory, e.g. http://site.com/tt-rss/ Download and display feed icons Enable feed categories Close category No feeds to display No headlines to display Browse categories like feeds Use category context menu to override this setting Mark read No error Error: Unknown error (see log) Error: 401 unauthorized Error: 403 forbidden Error: 404 not found Error: 500 server error Error: other HTTP error (see log) Error: SSL certificate rejected Error: JSON parse failed Error: I/O failure (server down?) Error: unknown error (see log) Error: API disabled for this user Error: unknown API error (see log) Error: incorrect API usage Error: username or password incorrect Error: invalid API URL Displays full article text inline, instead of a separate panel Combined mode Go offline Go online Preparing offline mode... Failed to prepare offline mode (see log) No feeds to display No articles to display Login failed, but you have stored offline data. Would you like to go offline? Offline mode is ready Go offline Cancel Synchronizing offline data... Download unread articles and go offline? Downloading articles (%1$d)... Starting download... Downloading feeds... Sending data to server... Preparing offline mode Synchronizing offline data Finished synchronizing your offline data Offline mode Cache images Download images to sdcard. This might significantly increase time it takes to go offline.