2015-12-06 00:05:04 +03:00

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* Copyright (C) 2013 Tomáš Procházka
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
* Special version of ImageView which allow enlarge width of image if android:adjustViewBounds is true.
* <p>It simulate HTML behaviour &lt;img src="" widh="100" /&gt;</p>
* <p><a href="">Stackoverflow question link</a></p>
* <p>It also allow set related view which will be used as reference for size measure.</p>
* @author Tomáš Procházka &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
* @version $Revision: 0$ ($Date: 6.6.2011 18:16:52$)
public class EnlargingImageView extends ForegroundImageView {
private int mDrawableWidth;
private int mDrawableHeight;
private boolean mAdjustViewBoundsL;
private int mMaxWidthL = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int mMaxHeightL = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private View relatedView;
public EnlargingImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
// hack for acces some private field of parent :-(
Field f;
try {
f = android.widget.ImageView.class.getDeclaredField("mAdjustViewBounds");
setAdjustViewBounds((Boolean) f.get(this));
f = android.widget.ImageView.class.getDeclaredField("mMaxWidth");
setMaxWidth((Integer) f.get(this));
f = android.widget.ImageView.class.getDeclaredField("mMaxHeight");
setMaxHeight((Integer) f.get(this));
} catch (Exception e) {
public EnlargingImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0);
public EnlargingImageView(Context context) {
public void setAdjustViewBounds(boolean adjustViewBounds) {
mAdjustViewBoundsL = adjustViewBounds;
public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) {
mMaxWidthL = maxWidth;
public void setMaxHeight(int maxHeight) {
mMaxHeightL = maxHeight;
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (getDrawable() == null) {
setMeasuredDimension(0, 0);
mDrawableWidth = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
mDrawableHeight = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
// Desired aspect ratio of the view's contents (not including padding)
float desiredAspect = 0.0f;
// We are allowed to change the view's width
boolean resizeWidth = false;
// We are allowed to change the view's height
boolean resizeHeight = false;
if (mDrawableWidth > 0) {
w = mDrawableWidth;
h = mDrawableHeight;
if (w <= 0) w = 1;
if (h <= 0) h = 1;
// We are supposed to adjust view bounds to match the aspect
// ratio of our drawable. See if that is possible.
if (mAdjustViewBoundsL) {
int widthSpecMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
int heightSpecMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
resizeWidth = widthSpecMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
resizeHeight = heightSpecMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
desiredAspect = (float) w / (float) h;
int pleft = getPaddingLeft();
int pright = getPaddingRight();
int ptop = getPaddingTop();
int pbottom = getPaddingBottom();
int widthSize;
int heightSize;
if (resizeWidth || resizeHeight) {
/* If we get here, it means we want to resize to match the
drawables aspect ratio, and we have the freedom to change at
least one dimension.
// Get the max possible width given our constraints
widthSize = resolveAdjustedSize(w + pleft + pright,
mMaxWidthL, widthMeasureSpec);
// Get the max possible height given our constraints
heightSize = resolveAdjustedSize(h + ptop + pbottom,
mMaxHeightL, heightMeasureSpec);
if (desiredAspect != 0.0f) {
// See what our actual aspect ratio is
float actualAspect = (float) (widthSize - pleft - pright) /
(heightSize - ptop - pbottom);
if (Math.abs(actualAspect - desiredAspect) > 0.0000001) {
// Try adjusting width to be proportional to height
if (resizeWidth) {
int newWidth = (int) (desiredAspect * (heightSize - ptop - pbottom)) + pleft + pright;
if (newWidth > 0 && widthSize > 0 && newWidth / widthSize > 2)
newWidth = widthSize * 2;
if (/*newWidth <= widthSize &&*/ newWidth > 0) {
widthSize = Math.min(newWidth, mMaxWidthL);
heightSize = (int) ((widthSize - pleft - pright) / desiredAspect) + ptop + pbottom;
// Try adjusting height to be proportional to width
if (resizeHeight) {
int newHeight = (int) ((widthSize - pleft - pright) / desiredAspect) + ptop + pbottom;
if (newHeight > 0 && heightSize > 0 && newHeight / heightSize > 2)
newHeight = heightSize * 2;
if (/* newHeight <= heightSize && */ newHeight > 0) {
heightSize = Math.min(newHeight, mMaxHeightL);
widthSize = (int) (desiredAspect * (heightSize - ptop - pbottom)) + pleft + pright;
} else {
/* We are either don't want to preserve the drawables aspect ratio,
or we are not allowed to change view dimensions. Just measure in
the normal way.
w += pleft + pright;
h += ptop + pbottom;
w = Math.max(w, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
h = Math.max(h, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
widthSize = resolveSize(w, widthMeasureSpec);
heightSize = resolveSize(h, heightMeasureSpec);
//Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG, mDrawableWidth + ":" + mDrawableHeight + " to " + widthSize + ":" + heightSize);
setMeasuredDimension(widthSize, heightSize);
if (relatedView != null) {
//Log.i(Constants.LOGTAG, getTag() + " onMeasure:" + widthSize + ", " + heightSize + " update size of related view!");
relatedView.getLayoutParams().width = widthSize;
relatedView.getLayoutParams().height = heightSize;
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
//Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG, getTag() + " onLayout:" + left + ", " + top + ", " + right + ", " + bottom);
* Experimental. This view will be set to the same size as this image.
public void setRelatedView(View view) {
relatedView = view;
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
//Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG, getTag() + " onSizeChanged:" + w + ", " + h + ", " + oldw + ", " + oldh);
private int resolveAdjustedSize(int desiredSize, int maxSize, int measureSpec) {
int result = desiredSize;
int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);
int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);
switch (specMode) {
case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:
/* Parent says we can be as big as we want. Just don't be larger
than max size imposed on ourselves.
result = Math.min(desiredSize, maxSize);
case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
// Parent says we can be as big as we want, up to specSize.
// Don't be larger than specSize, and don't be larger than
// the max size imposed on ourselves.
result = Math.min(Math.min(desiredSize, specSize), maxSize);
case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
// No choice. Do what we are told.
result = specSize;
return result;